From Actin's President: "I would like to say a huge thank you to Kristy Hodges for helping us beyond our expectations for the rescued puppies and other pups still waiting to be rescued".
The ACTIN Pounds for Puppies Fundraiser was an amazing success!

"It started out as a small idea, a response to a plea from ACTIN to help with food for several litters of puppies. I thought about it and knew from other ‘markets’ I’d seen on Facebook that it was possible to use it to raise money. Had no idea how to make it happen, so did a bit of research and then went for it!
I had some things I could donate and thought I’d ask other people and see if we could raise £300. The event was set up on Facebook and messages sent to everyone I could think of explaining that I’d be running a holistic charity sale to save some puppies and asked if they could possibly donate something. I figured if 20% of those asked responded, it would be fantastic.
Donations started to flood in. Crystals started dropping through the door that people had sent, pieces of jewellery and even envelopes with money in them! 95% of the people asked were kind enough to respond and donate an item. Many of them donated quite a few items! Suddenly, it wasn’t just going to be a few things popped on Facebook, it was gearing up to be a mahoooosive sale with over 100 items!
My lovely partner, Lee, suggested that I should turn the sale event into an auction, but with a full time job and working weekends, I didn’t think I could cope with the admin. Sooooo many people from around the world sent messages asking if the sale could be turned into an auction, to make it fair for those in different time zones. So at the last minute, the event changed from a straight sale to an auction, which lasted for four days. Sleep is overrated anyways
And what great fun and a huge success it was! I’ve had many messages from people saying they had a lot of fun and got great enjoyment out of being part of something that connected us all across the globe ~ a love for beautiful, spiritual things and a deep appreciation for charity workers and all that they do to save, rescue, care for, love, heal and re-home dogs.
It was a real roller coaster ride for me personally. At the start of the auction week, we lost our beautiful cat, Sparkle, out of the blue. It was a real low point. Then the auction launched on the Thursday and within 2 hours had raised over £800!! What a great high! I then woke up on the Friday morning with a pounding headache, head full of cold and feeling awful! My body telling me to slow down it seems, so the weekend was spent in pyjamas, wrapped up in duvets and doing absolutely nothing! Definitely felt low! The auction then ended with a crescendo of bidding and laughter on the Monday as people chatted and tried to out bid each other. What a rush.
It was amazing to watch as certain items resonated with exactly the right people. You guys probably couldn’t experience or feel that, but as the person watching it all going on and communicating with all of the donators and bidders ~ I KNOW there was a bigger hand in this, a bigger reason that it all came together at the perfect time and flowed so easily (because lets face it, I’m not the most technical person!!).
Whether its been to show people how to use social media as a power for good, whether its to join us all together in a common cause or whether it’s to simply help puppies that have spaces booked in someone’s heart and home….. it was wonderful to see.
The auction raised just over £2400 in the end! That is absolutely incredible!!!!
The money we have collectively raised will go towards helping these puppies get to Dogwatch UK, whom have offered to find either foster or forever homes for them.

Tootsie, Jim, Jeff, 2 of the cocker cross pups and the beautiful pups that were left in a box ..see the photos of the abandoned pups left in a box here .. all still need their forever home.

Charles, the Cocker Spaniel, left Spain to travel to Dogwatch UK yesterday and his transport fees will come out of the auction money. The money will also cover things such as any puppy kennel fees, food, inoculations, health checks, passports, flea & worming treatments. One of the puppies, Lucy, will be coming to a home in the Midlands here in UK. Softie that I am, I fell in love with little puppy, Lara, and she’ll travel over with her sister, Lucy, to join our family.
I just want to say an absolutely MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who took part in this event. It was deeply touching to see just how many people, from all walks of life and from various countries around the world, pulled together and became part of something bigger. Whether you shared the event, just popped in to say hello, told a friend about it, donated items or bid on anything…… this was a collective gathering of awesome people and we made it happen together.
So thank you……. I might not thank anyone when Lara chews my first shoe….but ya know
With much love and gratitude to you
Krissy XXX"
So many puppies shown above desperately need homes. If you are interested in adopting a dog contact Actin via the Facebook page, Adopt a Spanish a Rescue Dog (make sure to mark any message ADOPTION ENQUIRY).
Click Here to go to the ACTIN Website.