Saturday, April 20, 2013
just a quite note to say that I have to return to the UK because of a family bereavement.
I will continue with my blog when I return in about a month.
Published at 1:01 PM Comments (0)
Monday, April 15, 2013
I find it strange that although I have never meet someone, I can write a blog which experiences spark something in another and then they write a blog about it.
The way that we are all connected and yet it is not always at the forefront of our minds and goes unnoticed.
The situation that has promoted this blog is a blog I wrote for eyeonspain a expat forum as I am a English women living in Spain.
I was writing about the time when we ran a bar here and the toilet habits of some of the locals. Called ‘The two p’s’ Pee and Poo. What it sparked was Sandra writing about her experience of men standing at the road side, happily peeing with there assets visible for all to see. I am very honored that my story can have such an effect on another, that it creates an idea for a blog. Sandra’s blog can be found on eyeonspain ‘To pee or not to pee’.
Strange things happen to me all the time, I guess it is because I am strange. Yet this weirdness can spark an idea and now I have found blogging I have an outlet for the strange and wonderful things that float around in my head.
I only really found out how strange I was when I was about twenty. I was very lucky growing up, people just expected that I was different. What happened when I was twenty was that it was pointed out to me, that not everyone could see and hear the same things I do. You see I have always been able to see spirit people and hear them, not in message form, but just things noises, voices that others don’t. I would talk openly about the people I could see, apart from to my Mum because she could see them too, but it scared her, so I never talked about it to her. I was sure that everyone could see them too, until it was pointed they couldn’t and I may not want to talk about it, because people would think I was slightly mad.

What happened was for years I didn’t talk about it, I wasn’t a confident person, so just kept my mouth shut. Now I am comfortable in my own skin and don’t care what people think about me. What they think of me is more of a reflection of them, than it is of me.
That is why I can now share openly with you, my weirdness. I am happy to be strange and weird in the eyes of some, life would be very boring if we were all the same.
Reading other people’s blogs are proven to give inspiration, how cool is that. It is not a one way street, when I read, listen or see other people it gives me inspiration also.

We are all strange in our own way.
It’s noticeable with some more than others. In the bar we saw many, from peeing in the street, flashing in the toilets, trying to leave without paying (luckily that didn’t happen much). The conversation that consisted of ‘como’ what, tell me again, because they couldn’t understand each other and this could be family members. What chance do we have with the Spanish language if family members don’t understand each other.
I would like to know how you are strange, comment to tell me.
Click the link below to make the money to live the life of your dreams, I did
Published at 10:50 PM Comments (1)
Bucket List
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Bucket list
What is a bucket list ?
A bucket list is a the list of things you want to do before you die.
Writing a bucket list is great fun, I suggest you try it, you can let your imagination run wild. Putting on all things that if money was no object you would do. All the things if you had no fear you would love to do. Mine even includes things I would like to own. A bucket list is a list without restrictions and list without the but how could I do that.

A bucket list is more than just goals it’s an intention that somehow, someway you will achieve the things your hearts desire. Of course not all of us will, but by clearly stating what we really want however mad, we may just do it.
There is a fantastic film starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, watch the clip below.

The Bucket List
It is well worth watching the whole thing, it is very funny and also sad, but it highlights the power of a bucket list.
My bucket list is slightly mad, as am I, here is just some of the things I will do before I die :
* BASE jump (I will be jumping off a large rock into a valley) this may well be the last thing on the list I achieve as it is slightly dangerous !

* See a broadway show and go shopping in New York ( very tame after BASE jumping, but something I really want to do)
* Take my daughters to Disneyland Florida
* Own a purple, funky, soft top VW Beetle, with flowers on it ( never seen one the same as I want)

I told you I can’t find the VW Beetle I really want, if you come across one please forward to me !
* Own my perfect home, here where we live in Spain
* Travel many places, Egypt, Nepal, Venice, explore more of Spain (okay they could all be separate, but I decided to put them all together)

* Also I want my very own crystal singing bowl (not a very big thing to have on a bucket list, but that’s what I want)

My list isn’t huge and the reason I have not experienced these things or own these things, is that old devil called money. Now is money really a devil when it can provide you with all the experiences you want in your life. Money is only the vehicle for feeding your family and having the life experiences you desire in your life. I have found a way that I can create the income to complete my first bucket list and move on to bucket list number two.
If you want to tick off your bucket list and finance is the reason you haven’t click the link below and find out how you could transform your life.
Opportunity to create the finances to complete your bucket list, click me
Please share your bucket list with me and share this blog if you have enjoyed it.
Published at 8:10 PM Comments (0)
Margaret Thatcher love or loath
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Margaret Thatcher love or loath
13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013
Today the Iron Lady pasted away.
Margaret Thatcher was the longest serving Prime Minister in Britain 1979 – 1990.
More importantly the first Female Prime Minister.
She started her political career as a MP (member of Parliament) in Finchley 1959.
She then was appointed Secretary of State for Education and Science by Edward Heath in 1970. Becoming the Leader of the Opposition in 1975 and finally Prime Minister in 1979.
Margaret Thatcher in the 1980′s
As a Female growing up in Britain I found her inspiring, she showed young women that we could be in charge. In charge not only of our own lives but look she was running a country. She taught us to believe in ourselves and that we could achieve anything.
It is unimaginable to think what hurdles Maggie over came to get where she wanted, in a very male dominated World, in a very male dominated business. My view is that politics is business.
Margaret Thatcher was a trail blazer, a real champion of women and I thank her for that. I am sure that without her leadership I would not be the woman I am today.
Yes, she made some very difficult decisions but she had to, the country was a mess before she took over, with the three day week for example.
Margaret Thatcher had balls, when the people of the Falkland Islands said they wanted to stay British, she went to war for them. I hate war and would rather we lived in a World without it, however she fought for what she believed in and the people that she rightly felt where British.
People never like tax any tax is bad and yes the council tax wasn’t her finest hour, with regard to popular opinion, however I truly believe that she followed her heart and was trying to put the Great back into Great Britain.
She had been ill since 2012 when she had an operation to remove a growth from her bladder and pasted away this morning at 12.52 in The Ritz Hotel, London from a stroke.
There will be NO state Funeral but a service in St Paul’s Cathedral. My personal view is that she should be given a state Funeral, for heavens sake she was the first female Prime Minister and the longest serving Prime Minister, does that not warrant a state funeral.
I don’t think is it is important if you agreed with her politics or not. The things I have read on Face book this afternoon is just shocking, people having no respect for the bereaved and in turn themselves. No matter how someone was or what age they were, when someone passes it is hard for the family and people who can not respect that, in my view have no respect for themselves. Think about how you would feel if someone on the day of your Mothers death plastered all over the Internet ‘Ding Dong the witch is dead’. Really is disgraceful look at yourself in the mirror and ask how you would feel if that was about your Mother !
My heart goes out to her children Mark and Carol at this sad time. For family and friends no matter how old or how ill someone is, the pain is the same and I for one send you my sympathizes.
Published at 12:33 AM Comments (0)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
What does freedom look like ?
For me freedom means having time to spend with my family and friends.
Not having to worry about how to pay the bills.
Being able to express myself in the way that feels comfortable to me.
I have found those things with Empower Network. After just three weeks using this amazing system I am 100% confident that this is the answer for me. This can give me the Freedom I have always dreamed about.
Why after such a short period of time in a new venture would I be so sure ?
Have I already made enough money to have the Freedom to live the standard of life I want ?

The short answer is no, but I will. Because the system is laid out. It is simple to do, do what the people who are making the money do. They have drawn out a map and all I have to do is follow it. I am following the map they have drawn and already I am getting leads(emails). My following has grown to more than 500 people, from all around the world, reading my blogs every week.
One of the great things is that I can provide for my family when I want to. Yes it does involve effort on my part, no one is going to hand me a blank cheque for nothing. It is not a lottery win.

Freedom to do work when I want
Take today for example I was up early, only because I was awake. So I posted a blog and did a small amount of promoting. A friend stayed with us last night, so when he got up I stopped made him a cup of tea and had a chat. Mid morning I replied to some emails, then we drove to the beach for lunch just the four of us. We had a great lunch over looking the sea, sun nicely warming us, glass of wine in my hand, my daughters and husband around the table with me. What could be better.
On the way home stopped to do a bit of shopping. Back home an email out and a message from a friend, who needed a hand.
Mysty (our youngest) and I jumped in the car and went to the rescue. My friend lives up the road from us, she had had 1/2 tone of gravel delivered but unfortunately Fransico had dumped it out side her gates, which open outwards and she could not get out. She passed us the shovel through the hole in the fence. Mysty and I managed to move it after a while, just enough so the gates could open. Orange juice with her and then home. Chat with the Mother in Law on Skype and now a little blog and tv time with my girls.
I have Freedom
A typical working weekend in my World. This is a far cry from six months ago when we were working 18 hours a day running a bar, with loads of work and struggling to make ends meet.
I am so very happy with my life and I am delighted to have the opportunity to create financial freedom for myself and my family.
Empower Network ticks all my boxes.
1) Time with my Family and Friends
2) The Opportunity to create the financial independence I want.
3) Self expression, I blog and share what I am thinking about and hope people enjoy them.
Find out more about Empower Network and see if it can offer you the things you want from your life click the link below, enter your email address, watch the video and decide for yourself.
Published at 1:45 PM Comments (0)
Pro's and Con's of Living in Spain
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Pro’s and Con’s of Living in Spain
Living in Spain

For many people, Living in Spain, this is a dream come true, for others the dream turns into a nightmare.We have lived here in rural Spain for five years and have had many ups and downs.So many people move to Spain without doing the research needed, we know of two families who live in our village, that wish they didn’t live here. The trap that often people fall into is they view a house in the summer, think that the weather is going to be hot and sunny all year round, which on the coast it normally is, but here in the mountains it is not. The temperature changing dramatically it can be very cold and some years very snowy.

The main problem people face is they like a house, buy it, move in. After a while they find it very isolating, they don’t speak Spanish, they end up socializing with other expats that in England they wouldn’t socialize with and they miss friends, family and everything English. Then they try to sell the house they paid way too much money for to return to the UK or move to the coast, where they can get England in the sun. I can’t image how that must feel, to be trapped in a place you no longer want to live.
For us and many like us, we came with our eyes wide open. We did the research, my husband had a job offer, so financial we would be fine and we pretty much knew what we would have to do. However best laid plans and all that, the job fell through, but not until after we had moved here with our two young daughters. We had already began to integrate with the Spanish community and were working hard at the language, both are key to successfully Living in Spain. We didn’t want to go back to the UK, but needed work, an income. Jobs here are in short supply and for expats that’s Spanish isn’t good they are nonexistent.
Fate was to hand us an opportunity. Spanish friends of ours had a bar they were handing back to the town hall and suggested we tender for it. Well, we had never considered running a bar here but it would give us work and improve our Spanish. So we asked the town hall and after almost six months the tenders came out and we were given a choice of two bars, our friends and the swimming pool bar. The swimming pool bar was a better rent, had outside space and a pool, so would be better for the girls. We won the tender, mainly because no one else wanted it. Now we had work !

A lot of expats fall at the work hurdle, they become builders for other expats, when in the UK they were something totally different. That worked well for a lot of them in years gone by, but now with prices rising, expats going back to the UK and cash just not being around, this spells disaster for many.
We had the bar for almost four years, it was the longest anyone had managed to keep it open in its thirty year history, I am very proud of that. Our Spanish improved and now although not perfect is at a reasonable level. We are now totally integrated into the community and known by almost all.
We closed the bar, not because we didn’t have customers, we did, but because our customer base went from spending €50 twice a week to €10 once a week. Here people are losing their jobs or taking pay cuts, they just don’t have the money they used to. We looked at it and we were working all the hours god sent and making no money and in danger of losing money. The final straw came when the bar was broken in to. Our cue to leave.
We love our adopted home town and have no plans to leave. Our daughters are doing well in school and speak both languages fluently. We have friends, good friends both English and Spanish here. We only socialize with people we like and have things in common with, not just anyone and we are happy.
Since closing the bar money has been tight, but now we have found a way to make a good income, working from home, when we want too and that is through blogging. It is just great, we write about what ever takes our fancy and are free to do what we want to. Unlike the bar where we were tied even if we had no customers we had to be there.
For us this is a way to have total financial freedom, we aren’t there yet, but have only been blogging for less than a month and like any business it take a little time. But we are on the road, click the link below to see if the road could be for you also.
For us living in Spain although hard work has been an amazing experience and we wouldn’t change it for the world.
If you are looking to move to Spain, I suggest you really do your homework. Look at lots of different places, find out about the weather and the people. Think about the fact you will be leaving family and friends behind and even though the say they will come out, know that life gets in the way sometime, so they may not be able to keep that promise, how would you feel then ? Can you get back to the UK when you want to or need to ?
If you need to earn money know that in Spain right now traditional jobs are like hens teeth, nonexistent, so find an alternative.
Living in Spain is amazing, but don’t expect it all be a walk in the park. Like most things in life you get out of it what you put in, so be prepared to work at it. Learn the language, it goes a long way, you don’t have to be fluent, but you do need to try. Get involved it the community, find a way, most village and towns have community groups and activities going on, join. Yes at first it will be hard but I promise you it will make all the difference. Bear in mind that lots of expats have been before you and left, so the locals are weary you might do the same. Prove to them you are staying, by getting totally involved.
Good luck and enjoy the ride it is a scary amazing adventure, but well worth it, if you put the effort in.
Published at 9:44 AM Comments (8)
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