Hi JA....Good post, who knows what sites there are and what info do we have on each?
When you think about administration of large companies, the ones that usually trade on are ones that have some assett stripping carried out, they become slimmer and less rigid and hopefully financially healthier. The big decisions would be.....do you lose the bigger sites or the smaller sites, which ones give bigger returns etc.
I dont know enough about the locations, the number of customers and the like on SJ's and HdT's sites, the people in Spain have given the clues though. Any local information forthcoming please???
Heres a clue....San Jose administration...my thoughts recently on a section of this administration is.
Easiest to sell?....Albatera, no building, parcel of land....disposable or tradeable assetts
Easiest to complete?....El Pinet....good location,minimal infrastructure requirements (no golf course) least amount of issues (environmental lobbiers, licences etc), easiest to attract customers and probably enough potential deposit movement from the likes of Albatera to complete quickly.
Who can fill in the rest of the San Jose Admin?
San Jose administration may prove the easiest to work through at first glance..
H d T Administration
Hard to sell?.......Santa Anna.....large site, dwindling custom, lots of infrastructure, many arguments and delays, requires substantial finance package.
Easy to sell.......Anyone fill in the blanks on this for HdT?
Maybe the San jose side will be easy to trade on, maybe H d T will be sacrificed to keep the San Jose side afloat...who knows.