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Hi alm,
I saw the rumour on the general forum and rang the company I purchased through Holaspain who are in le Zenia and they had spoken to SJ yesterday and said they have heard nothing and are sure that if something like that had of happened they would of heard of it. Brianmags has done a news search and found that the mayor etc in another part of Spain were arrested and that was it. I am going to relax and wait until monday and then find out by ringing a few people including journalists. I will post what I find out.
All the best
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Hi Alantracy,
i looked on the Spanish news website in the location you mentioned and found nada. There was mention about amonut of rain, water, sports centre on the Oriuela page but not a thing about SJ. If it was true it would be big news and mentioned big time, much more news worthy than the amount of rain. i think it looks like a rumour.
All the best
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No smoke without fire, and not yet certain of any arrests, but have been informed that allegedly, it is over missing or whereabouts of bank accounts where deposits were held.
In the link kindly given below, the headline is:
"Eight hundred shareholders in San Jose accuses the president of concealing information" This message was last edited by alm on 6/21/2008.
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I think we need to wait until monday as I think we may be getting misinformation in error but we can all check on monday.
Try to have a good wekend
Where is it on the page? i have it up and it is in Spanish ( i can read a bit ) and i can not see it one the page at all) top left, right bottom? I can not find it.
Tony This message was last edited by TonyMal on 6/21/2008.
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TonyMal, as you seem to believe it is only you that knows all, and media reports and other people's informants just can't be right if you don't know about it, I have tried to delete my comments but failed. Therefore, anyone reading, please ignore my comments and only listen to what " the main man" says.
Wait until Monday, it is obviously not important enough to find out today or tomorrow.
You may be getting incorrect information, but can the media be 100% wrong?
Should anyone else gather information, don't post hear unless " the main man" has confirmed if correct.
TonyMal, were you one of the people 3, 4 or 5 months ago, who rubbished me when I tried to raise awareness?
PS. Sorry for mailing this on here, I just thought it may be of interest.
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Grow up! if what is being said is correct you should be able to tell me where it is on that website. This is not the time for petty comments or childish behaviour all I have asked is where is it? i can read Spanish and I can not find it and if it is there i would like to read it. So when you have stoppoed and held your breathe for a minute try giving help in finding it on the page. Or do I have to wait until Monday.
i am sure every one else would like to know where it is so that they can check it out also.
Thank for your help
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Hi Guys,
not to sure about the story but may have been mixed up from this
Ex-Mayor and five others arrested in council corruption probe
The former mayor of Los Alcázares (Murcia), Juan Escudero (PSOE), and five others were arrested yesterday charged with misappropriating public funds and money laundering. Also arrested were municipal architect, Mariano Ayuso, his brother, Juan Ignacio Ayuso, Town Hall secretary, Diego Sánchez, as well as local property magnate, Valero Garcerán and his son, Francisco Javier.
The town's current socialist mayoress, María Encarnación Gil, spent the day helping police conduct a search of the council building that resulted in the seizure of nine large cardboard boxes containing documentation and computer files.
Mr Escudero, who has been expelled from the PSOE following his arrest yesterday, resigned as mayor before the regional and municipal elections last May - citing personal reasons - after evidence emerged linking his administration to Juan Antonio Roca, the former town planning advisor to Marbella council and one of the main suspects in the 'Malaya' corruption case.
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Alm, Grow up!   
Temper, temper. Sure you got that right?
Just thought that as you were one of the leaders of the gang, you would try Google yourself, before questioning others.
"if what is being said is correct you should be able to tell me where it is on that website." Try Google, I just thought with your contacts, you were in the know.
Have you tried the link alantracey kindly gave?
"This is not the time for petty comments or childish behaviour all I have asked is where is it?" Why not try searching before commenting. Get the brain to work before the mouth (fingers in this instance)
"i can read Spanish and I can not find it and if it is there i would like to read it. " Stop being self opinionated. try the link given for starters, unless you doubt that?
"Or do I have to wait until Monday." If you are too lazy to start at the link, wait until Monday if you wish.
"i am sure every one else would like to know where it is so that they can check it out also." For God's sake, start at the link alantracey have given. Is it only your own words you read?
brianmaggs, the link has sod all to do with that. Why not try reading it first, then searching and make contact with your insider contacts.
They will be awake, it is the longest day, mine were anyway.
This message was last edited by alm on 6/21/2008.This message was last edited by alm on 6/21/2008.
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Dear ALM,
thanks for all the abuse.
Please put up or shut up.
I have been to said web site and NADA nothing zilch about the accusations you have made please I made a polite responce and got abuse.
if it is there cut and paste it as that is what you are know for lets us all see your masterly skills or are you just full of it
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So where is it then?
La guerra de la basura en la que está inmersa Orihuela tiene una de sus principales ramificaciones colaterales en la instalación en el término municipal, y más en concreto en la pedanía de Torremendo, de la planta de tratamiento de residuos y el... [+ info]
La Pistola y La Ermita son el mismo lugar. Así lo afirman los vecinos que se han criado en este secarral situado a caballo entre las provincias de Murcia y Alicante, una vaguada atravesada por una rambla que está acunada por dos sierras, la del... [+ info]
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Llueven más de cien litros en cuarenta minutos
La empresa encargada de la red de saneamiento Aquagest registró más de 120 litros por metro cuadrado (11/06/08)
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Huelguistas increpan a trabajadores de Disfrimur
No han podido evitar que trabajaran debido a que contaban con una escolta de la Guardia Civil (10/06/08)
3 de 3
Festival taurino para recaudar fondos en Orihuela
Los maestros y sus respectivas cuadrillas de picadores sin caballos y subalternos de postín se dieron (09/06/08)
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I wish I have never posted now!! This is from my link previously:
East hundred shareholders of the Group of San Jose and Investment Projects Urbanisticos SA claimed last April further information on decisions taken by the board of directors. Los implicados, ante la negativa de la cúpula de la firma inmobiliaria, valoran solicitar la información a través del Juzgado de Lo Mercantil en Alicante ante el «hurto» de información con el que se ven agraviados. The involved, given the refusal of the dome of the real estate firm, valued seek information through the courts in Alicante The Mercantile to the 'theft' of information with which they are injured.
Tras un requerimiento ante el notario de Orihuela Antonio Artero, el presidente del grupo inmobiliario, José Rodríguez, denegó la petición del grupo de accionistas de recibir más documentación, ya que «no era competencia de la junta general de socios», afirmaron. After an injunction before the notary Orihuela Antonio Artero, president of real estate group, Jose Rodriguez, denied the request by the group of shareholders to receive further documentation, because "it was not within the competence of the general meeting of partners," he says. Ante la negativa de Rodríguez, los dueños capitalistas han decidido obligar a la junta directiva a que explique cuál es la situación del concurso de acreedores de la firma oriolana. Faced with the refusal of Rodriguez, the capitalist owners have decided to force the board to explain the situation of arrangement with creditors of the signing Oriolano.
No obstante, ahora sale a la palestra las mercantiles Imperium Urbanitas SA e Inversol Grupo Inmobiliario, dos firmas que por el momento no se incluyen en esa suspensión de pagos. However, now comes to the fore the commercial Imperium urbanites SA and Inversol Real Estate Group, two firms that for the moment are not part of that suspension of payments. En la presentación de concurso de acreedores, término que suple desde el 1 de enero del 2008 a la situación de suspensión de pagos que se realizó en el Juzgado de Lo Mercantil el pasado 9 de mayo, sólo se incluía a las empresas San José y Herrada de Tollos, que son las dos que más activos tienen en su poder. In presenting an arrangement with creditors, a term that supplies from January 1, 2008 to the suspension of payments situation that took place in The Commercial Court last May 9, only included companies and San Jose Herrada Toll, which are the two that are most active in their possession. Por este motivo las cuatro empresas que forman el grupo están ahora en cuestión. That is why the four companies that make up the group are now in question.
Los accionistas denuncian que el presidente de las citadas mercantiles y del Grupo San José se negaba a dar a conocer las operaciones practicadas en la gestión social por el consejo de administración. The shareholders claim that the president of the aforementioned group of commercial and San Jose refused to publicise the operations conducted in social management by the board of directors. Además, los denunciantes y dueños de la sociedad anónima exclaman que «desconocemos qué se hace con los fondos económicos que forman el capital social». In addition, complainants and owners of the corporation exclaim that "do not know what was done with the funds that form the economic capital. Este grupo de inversores está en la misma sintonía que los ejecutivos que dimitieron el pasado 18 febrero al no estar de acuerdo con la gestión social del grupo inmobiliario. This group of investors is on the same line that executives who resigned last February 18 by not agree with the management of social housing group.
Como informó La Verdad el pasado domingo, seis cargos directivos dejaron sus puestos al no estar de acuerdo con el mando de los directivos. As reported by The Truth on Sunday, six managers left their posts by not agree with the command of directors. Varios de los ex ejecutivos del grupo inmobiliario aseguraron a este medio que en febrero del presente año las deudas estaban saldadas, por lo que no se explican cómo se ha podido generar una deuda de 30 millones de euros en menos de tres meses. Several former executives of the group's property assured this means that in February this year the debts were settled, so do not explain how it was possible to generate a debt of 30 billion euros in less than three months.
Para revelar toda la amalgama de datos técnicos que exigen los accionistas se va a presentar una demanda judicial ante el desarrollo de los últimos episodios protagonizados por la constructora de Orihuela. To reveal any amalgam of technical data that require shareholders will file a lawsuit before the development of the latest episodes feature the construction of Orihuela. El bufete Iovis Abogados va a presentar una exigencia legal hoy mismo en el Juzgado de lo Mercantil de Alicante, en representación del medio centenar de socios que aúnan una gran parte del capital social de San José Inversiones. The firm Iovis Lawyers will file a legal requirement today in the Juzgado de lo Mercantil de Alicante, representing the fifty members who join a large portion of the share capital of San Jose Investment. Además no se descarta emprender más acciones legales si la cúpula del Grupo no aporta la documentación requerida. In addition does not rule undertake further legal action if the dome of the Group does not provide the required documentation.
Los implicados critican «una falta de transparencia e información». The critics involved "a lack of transparency and disclosure". Entre las peticiones se exigen detalles de proyectos estrelles como Dolores Golf o Jumilla Golf. Among the requests are required details of projects stars like Dolores Jumilla Golf or Golf. Por tanto, una gran representación de la constructora aboga porque la dirección aporte mayor información. Therefore, a large representation of construction calls for greater input address information. En cualquier caso, el grupo está formado por 860 accionistas cuya media de aportación es de 30.000 euros. In any case, the group consists of 860 shareholders whose average contribution is 30,000 euros.
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Hi Alantracy,
thank you for posting it and it is not your fault that it degenerated. I appreciate your input I have been reading the Spanish site and found nothing and i know that it is possible to miss things others may spot.
many thanks
Tony R17 18
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