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Has anybody else noticed that the pools have no signage up indicating their depth?
I have told Polaris but have heard nothing back. Surely there must be legal implications to this especially if someone drowns.
_______________________ Graham, Michelle, Reece & Bethany
Jardine 4
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Not sure that this is a requirement in Spain. As a swimming teacher I have taught my children to check pool depths at home by signs and abroad by water clarity, colour and to look for wide steps gently going down, then to 'iceskate' till the water reaches their neck and take a marker from poolside - anything beyond that is a no go!
Not only are there no depth markings but there weren't any lifesaving aids either when we were there in August, have any been added?
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Hi Graham
Totally agree with you on depth markings this is a must. I personally had a accident in the pool
by jumping into pool and guess what it was the shallow end. Ended up coming off the plane in a wheelchair
off work for 7 weeks with a badly damaged foot been onto PW as yey no reply the more residents that complain
the better cause someone is not going to be as lucky.
Derek jardin 13
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Surely most people would check which is the deep end first? Just seems common sense. Parents would check first before children go in. Don't think you should push responsibility onto Polaris - otherwise we will all finish up paying for a lifeguard at each pool!
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Feel strongly about this passing the buck. Remember all the other resorts you have been to that say no jumping no diving ? I'm sure you have been to these places and remember .
That should be enough - maybe we have to have a sign but I don't want that
One of the attractions of Spain that there is no big brother telling you what you can and can't do.
I don't want Spain to become like England where you can claim if the government or whoever didn't think for you! But at the end of the day it is your own fault!l
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Well i'm very sorry i posted a warning obviously you don't need one just hope for your sake and your family
you don't have an ( ACCIDENT). Not on this site for blame games surely living on a PW resort there should
be some safety measures in place. Anywhere i swam in the world there was always markings on pool and for the record
i have not been to any other PW resorts.
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I checked there was water in the pool before diving in then jumped out almost as quickly, then went back in again and did 1 whole length, should deffo be a large neon temperature guage, could have got out unable to father any more bin lids
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