No, I have not been successful in contacting my manager. However, when I made my first posting, I had already retrieved my keys as someone in our manzana kindly gave me a contact number for a cleaner who had been left holding them, along with those of everyone else who had placed their properties in this person's care!
If you have already posted and/or sent me a private message under a different name, then you already have this number, so I hope you are passing it on to everyone who contacts you. If not, then please send me a private message and I will give you the number. It would be a shame if everyone had to pay a locksmith to break in (E185), as I did, when their keys are readily available for collection.
If anyone else is in the same position that I was in, then please send me a private message and I will give you a number so that you can retrieve your keys and make alternative arrangements of your own choice.