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27 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by graham204 Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

graham204´s avatar


Has anyone used amigosautos.co.uk for car hire? We normally book through doyouspain.com but seem more expensive than usual.


Carol Anne & Graham


Graham & Carolanne

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27 Feb 2009 10:15 PM by Dave & Carol Star rating in Stockport & Penthou.... 112 forum posts Send private message

Hi Carol Anne & Graham

We always use doyouspain too, I've just booked our car today through them, they were 4 euros cheaper than amigoautos.  Not much in it really. 

Do Amigoautos have an office in the airport arrivals hall?  I recall using a different company on one of our first trips out 18 months or so ago and we had to get on a minibus to take us to the car hire office as they were not based in the arrivals hall...not sure if this was amigoautos,  cant remember!......

Dave & Carol


  Dave & Carol    

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28 Feb 2009 8:39 AM by graham204 Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

graham204´s avatar

I am not sure about the booking office location.  I will just book with doyoupsian as normal. It is easier just to go with what you know and much less hassle.

Thanks for helping me make my mind up

Carol Anne


Graham & Carolanne

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28 Feb 2009 8:48 PM by morgan7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

The last four occasions I have used amigo autos when travelling to murcia airport, Yes they do have an office there, They are as good as any other firm really, they charge far too much for a compulsary full tank of fuel that you have to take back empty and try to get extras from you for windscreen and tyre cover, This is becoming more and more common in much of europe, bit of a con but what can you do. Doyouspain very much the same.

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