Increase in Community Charges

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11 Mar 2009 12:00 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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From AEA

Dear Mr. Alinek:


On behalf of the Administrator Mrs. Sandra Rodriguez Jackson, please not the the rates as per community fees has gone up, because of the difference in the first quarter 2009. This is the annual adjustment after having incorporated or added the rest of the community buildings.


However, considering that a new budget will be approved by the owners on the coming AGM, we hope that this will bring the fees a bit down.    









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11 Mar 2009 3:24 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks for that.  It's good that you emailed and posted this as I, for one, would not have known and would have transferred the usual amount to AEA in April! 

I have emailed Melissa for an up-to-date account and hopefully will hear soon.  Although she didn't respond to me in January when we sent the first quarter's payment!!


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21 Mar 2009 10:55 AM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Um.  Now that the final phases (top blocks) have habitation licenses, RyF will start to pay community fees for those units.

With all units now being subject to community fees and with our low occupancy and useage (e.g. low use of lifts) surely we could  expect fees to go down significantly, not upwards.   Can anyone explain why fees should increase when inflation rates are low and Spainish unemployment is rising?

I'd like to get sight of next years proposed budget BEFORE the EMG and examine it.   As an ex-Fiance person (qualified Accountant) I know how easily these situations can get screwed up.  Will write to our Community Secretary. 

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