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As anyone got any ideas or methods how you can prevent locking yourself out on your balcony by closing the patio doors inadvertently ??? and how you can ensure people don't walk into the doors by mistake.
It hasn't happened yet but its only a matter of time i feel!!!
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John, how about unlocking and slightly opening both doors? That way, if you inadvertently close one and the lock catches, the other will be open! Obviously, you'll have to rememer to lock both when you secure the place. Or put a door stop or something in place to stop you closing the door fully.
Re walking into the doors - glasses maybe??????
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When we had glass balcony doors in Dubai Neale's mum walked into them and hurt herself so he stuck a NUFC magpies sticker on them - classy! In Chicago with same set up Neale's dad locked himself out there whilst we were out for over 4 hours! Good job he had a book and didn't need the loo!
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Jan... ..good one. I do wear then now but its not me I am worried about. We have some friends going to stay and i want to make sure they don't lock themselves out or the children knock themselves out an they sue me!!
Caroline...trouble with Neale's NUFC stickers is that they won't stay up.. ...just like NUFC.
Anybody worked out a way to switch the aircon off automatically when the patio doors are openned??
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Re seeing the glass in the patio doors....
We bought some small coloured, jelly-type, tranclucent , light reflective stick on circles. about 1/2 inch in size. Get them from h'ware shops eg leroy Merlin/Carrefour etc.
We arranged them in a simple horizontal pattern across both windows. Easily seen.
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Was thinking of doing the same next time we are out, Dennis walked into our doors last week and thought he had broke his hand, that's what he gets for cleaning them so good, I must admit I found it really funny as he left his head mark and hand mark on the glass and I had to go out of the room as I couldn't help laughing.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
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Nothing to do with patio doors (well unless you leave them open with the air con on and no one in the room!!), but in response to JC1's question in a post here, see this link.
A member, Markfish, has posted this link about a device that sends a signal to your a/c, like your remote, that will switch off the aircon if no one in the room!! Check it out - think it's well worth the money!!
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Hi all,
Has anyone tried the Ecosense product in DV yet?!!? We are over in May and would like to bring one with us to fit in time for the summer rentals.
I have found the copy of my air conditioning manual and it says are units are made by 'Thane', which isn't on the Ecosense list of compatable units. I am going to ring Ecosense to see if they think it will work. I guess as long as you can return it , it shouldn't matter. Just wondered if anyone had already given theirs a try?
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Hi All,
I have phoned Ecosense this afternoon and they are confident that it will work with our air conditioning units at DV. The device works with all Chinese manufactured air conditioning units and he informed me that 'Thane' used to be a Chinese run company, so it should be OK.
However, I have been assured that if I get to DV and it doesn't work I can send it back for a full refund when I return home. I have ordered mine today, as I don't see what I've got to lose by taking it with me and bringing it back if it doesn't work!
I have been told by ordering today I should get it in 3 days time. Beware the £9 postage charge though, which comes as a bit of a shock when you get to checkout stage... Having said that I think I would rather pay £58 for the Ecosense device than be stung with a huge electricity bill during the summer months.
I will get my 'technical assistant' (my husband) to fit it when we are out at DV in May and I'll let you all know!!
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