Bars on windows did not get raised at the AGM. Hopefully it will get discussed today see below, if not I can raise with Gerardo when I am out in July.
Not sure this is the right thread but I will give some detail on the AGM.
After over 5 hours we had to finish the meeting at 1600.
Unfortunately time was wasted by people discussing minor amounts (3000 euros for AGM, EGM) in the accounts, rather than looking at how we could lower the big ticket items like cleaning, gardening, maintenance costs etc. (50k euros plus)
For example the 3k for AGM, EGM, this cost covers the renting of the room about 200 euros, printing and posting meeting notices and sending out any minutes, over 1000 euros for posting to all the countries of owners (legal requirement) and the cost of a tranlator on the day and translating the documents afterwards.
When I pointed out we are talking about less than 5 euros per apartment per annum for total meeting costs the person that raised the point gave in.
These things have to be put in perspective in a budget of 1,000,000 euros per annum. As we have a potential short fall in our budget we discussed raising the budget. It was agreed that we will leave it the same at present and try to trim costs.
Sandra from AEA has done a good job in getting quotes and talking to exisiting suppliers to lower their costs. This will be discussed at the management team meeting which takes place today.
A number of us are part of the management team and work with Gerardo and AEA on a about a monthly basis, I am unable to attend todays meeting but other members of the team will be there.
We also discussed debt and how these people are being pursued via the legal process.