The Comments |
Last Thursday morning there were three separate groups of potential investors on Site at SADM.
Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia
R4 308 For Rental
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Sorry to be sooooo suspicious Linda but how do you know who they were and if they were investors or not ? and do you mean new investors or existing share holders and investors . They could even have been criminal investigators .Who knows ! anything is possible with SJ and co but new investors seem very unlikely now . regards MM
Nothing surprises me anymore ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif)
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/new_silenced.gif)
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Hi All,
Linda is telling the truth: there were 3 groups of investors visiting SADM last Thursday and there is no need for silly comments.
Tony R17 18
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Remember, Tiger knows. He tells us so and his friends have told him to say.
Anyone here any experience of land an property deals. A favourite in UK is that if you take anyone to view a site or property and you don't wish all to know, you just say investors or arting people visited.
Bet any bid would be 10% max 20% ?
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Tony How do you know who they were , " because Almu told you " They could have been anyone ,just because they were there does not mean they are going to invest . For all you know they could have been investigators ,looking into the allegations ,Some how I don't think Almu would have told you the truth if that was the case .
Nothing surprises me anymore ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif)
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/new_silenced.gif)
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Linda I am surprised by your heading for this regardless of how you know and whether it is true or not. I would have thought that you were more sensible than to make these kind of comments.
If it were true it would be good news for everyone. I dont like this tact that some of you have adopted by trying to suggest that some of us would prefer SADM to fail. That is simply not true and a gross mis-representation of what we want.
However, unless you happened to be there at the same time (which I doubt as all three would not attend together) then you would hve got this as word of mouth from people associated with SADM and quite frankly I would not believe a single word that was told you any of you.
as the first of the spanish banks are starting to admit serious finanacial problems and many others are leasing back branches or merging, the spanish banks are not yet in a position to lend and given spains record of corruption and state of the housing market I cannot see any foreign banks investing either.
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Linda I think IF these were investors it would be good news for everyone .Perhaps Linda could clarify who the "others " are that she thinks would not see this as good news ?
Just because some don't think there is any hope in the current crisisof any one offering finance especially not to SJ/HdT ,it does not mean any news of finance would be bad for some .If they could re finance this would be over a lot sooner for all of us .one way or another no matter what you want .
Nothing surprises me anymore ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif)
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/new_silenced.gif)
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Mystic Mug,
If Linda Needham says that there were three seperate groups of potential investors on site last Thursday then you can take that as being FACT which is a lot more than the garbage generally posted on this forum. I know Linda and her husband David well having stayed with them at their lovely home near Jumilla on more than one occasion. Anything that happens at SADM and Linda is one of the first to know. So i suggest in future you pay a little more respect with what she has to say.
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So, just because you know Linda and have stayed at her house, which you find "lovely" you believe that Linda should be trusted by all?
Linda may be a very genuine person and we have no reason to doubt. But if someone came on here and said how good and true SJ were and that the directors had lovely houses, which no doubt they have, should all believe what that person says.
Be real. Just because you know and like someone means nothing to anyone say.
Because SARC say how nice their frien Almu is, should all believe what SARC says?
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FIN, I think the point Taxiparrots is making is that - knowing Linda in person - we are confident that she is telling the truth. She lives quite close to SADM and has a car, which we don't, so is in a better position to be aware of what is going on than we are, especially as she knows so many local people. When you know somebody personally, you can judge what they are saying better than if you don't know them. There are many people posting on here who know Linda and David, apart from Taxiparrots and us. I haven't a clue who you are and may have even met you, but how do I know when you call yourself "FIN"? You aren't the only one who prefers to be anonymous, so I won't accuse you of having something to hide, but surely you can see that we are more likely to trust somebody we know? Of course, knowing people doesn't necessarily mean that you trust them regardless, and equally there are people who are anonymous but whom you may believe because you have read many of their posts and they seem to be saying sensible things.
As for Almu, never having met her, I am not in a position to comment.
PS We can confirm that Linda is as lovely as her house, also very genuine and honest! ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif)
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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"knowing Linda in person - we are confident that she is telling the truth."
I am not doubting that, but telling the truth doesn't mean it is fact.
If I tell you that black is white and you say on here black is white, you are telling the truth as told to you, although it is not fact.
People may get information from a good source. Doesn't mean they are getting fact.
Remember the time when the developer told all that approval was iminent and work would start on time in a couple of weeks?
There were those who posted such on here. It doesn't make them liars, just they hadn't been given facts or truth.
"She lives quite close to SADM and has a car"
Does that mean she gets invited to every business, finance, legal meeting on the site and is invited to take part in discussions.
Be real.
"especially as she knows so many local people"
Hasn't proved of much help over the last couple of years though. Didn't they or anyone check with the Council.
Just listening to local gossip isn't really a good guarantee to risk your money on.
"I haven't a clue who you are and may have even met you"
"so I won't accuse you of having something to hide,"
If you want to, no problem
"but surely you can see that we are more likely to trust somebody we know"
Agree, but what information are they being fed and what local gossip is being listened to.
Remember, despite what anyone has said in the past, it is now known that the problems on the developemnt have existed for years, although nobody would have believed it listening to the information given out by the developer. The information was always positive, why shouldn't it be, if they had mentioned 2 years ago that there were problems, they would have had difficulty getting people to pay deposits.
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Dear Taxiparrot and Suemac ,
I must say this is all getting very silly .
Firstly no one is saying that Linda is telling lies ,no one is saying she does not trust who ever told her this ,no one is saying she is not a lovely person ,I am sure she is and I have welcomed her in put many times as she is in the area and has posted lots of good information in the past .
The only point some of us are trying to make is that obviously Linda passed on this info in good faith but where did it come from ? Only an example but did it come from the son/daughter of her friend who works on SADM and if so how did they come by the information that theses visitors were investors (did Someone at SJ tell them that they were investors ? if so the info came from SJ not Linda's source ) This is only one example and I don't know where the info came from and whether or not it is reliable ,of course Linda is reliable but she is not the source ! Unless Linda drove up to SADM in her car and marched up to them and demanded to know who they were or new them personally and recognised them as bankers or investors then Linda is not the source .
All I am trying to say is if we had not been so trusting of things told to us over the years by SJ and there sources then we may not be where we all are now .
I in know way am trying to dis credit Linda but only tried to ascertain if the source of the information was reliable I already know Linda is reliable and would not give false info knowingly .I hope this clears things up because but without knowing who Linda's source was we are all just playing a silly game of Chinese whispers and many are now sitting at home thinking things are looking up when it may not be . I will now put my soap box away I envy many of you your optimism but I can only see more disappointment where HdT are concerned Regards MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 4/21/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif)
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/new_silenced.gif)
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I agree. Linda no-one was disputing your integrity just querying your source. perhaps you couldenlighten us as this would be most intrestng, welcome and good news to all if it were true
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To For sole attention of Linda Needham
Like me you are slagged off yet again ,as I have now decided to do.
As a great friend of mine used to say
"Tell em nowt make em buy a programme"
Those of you who know me know how to contact me
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Dave If you had read the postings you would see no one was slagging Linda off .
As for your Sloane property deal no one is slagging that off either just trying to get more info from you on how it is a good deal for purchasers who have lost their deposit .I got the info from you by PM but really need you to clarify before I would commit to a trip to Spain .You do not have to breach forum rules on advertising ,you only have to explain how deals like this work giving no company names .Your explanation both on the forum and by PM just doesn't make sense when you do the figures . Regards MM
Nothing surprises me anymore ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif)
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! ![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/new_silenced.gif)
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the post was from Linda rather than dave. I didnt even bother reading your postings Linda. that is no disrespect to you but never again would I ever consider purchasing in Spain!!
I think probably most people think the same and cynicism is directed at this rather than you personally. Again there was no cynacism pointed at Linda personally but her source (of which we still no nothing of)
I am sure however that if linda Needham is confident of her facts then she will post her source very soon and put everyone's mind at rest.
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MM, regarding the alleged slagging off aimed at Linda. I have said before that there are a few who whilst they can read the wrods, cannot understand the sentence or interpretation of the words.
"To For sole attention of Linda Needham"
If you do not know how to send a PM, just ask and many will help you.
Really silly to mark "for sole attention" in a response on an open forum read by many. Sorry, but I forgot to close my eyes when reading it.
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