The Comments |
Hi all,
We have just been updated by our solicitors.
As it stood, we were waiting to hear if we had been reclassified as "priviledged" creditors.
The court has come back with a "No", we will only been classified as "normal".
I understand that now we have to wait to the end and see what is left in the pot!!!!
does anyone know when this is likely to be? or is there others out there like us?
as for that company that sent out info, on transferring our deposits etc- i cannot even access their website and we now just want out of this mess.
is there any hope?
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This is the worst news we could have. I emailed our solicitor on Wednesday but no reply yet.
But I guess the result wll be the same for all.
A sad day indeed.
Anybody got any further info.
Dave & Tina
R110 644
This message was last edited by DaveMorr on 11/07/2009.
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Last update we had from solicitor was that because of number of cases etc judge was going to hear them all as one and his ruling would then apply to all, if true looks like once again we have been let down by Spain.
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You claim to have been let down by Spain. Is that the entire Country and population you refer to?
Don't you give a thought that it may be the developer that has let you down and that the Judge is just following the Law of the Land?
If you consider that "once again" you have been let down by Spain, why did you risk your money in such a Country without safeguarding it?
Must the Country, Spain, be held responsible for the poor business management of some companies and also the inability of purchases to protect their money.
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Hi Fin.
Long time no speak.
You got it right this time Fin.
Now Retired and have our money back in FULL via our bank guarantee. Bob and Pauline.
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It is not Spain or the people of Spain that have let us down , just the crooks SJ ,the sad thing is they really don't give a flying fu ## about any of us .Sad but true .SJ are complete Basta###.
FIN has a funny way of putting things but I wish we had all listened to him sooner He was spot on all along .
Tony , Brianmags , SARC etc should be ashamed of themselves . As brash and to the point as FIN has been , he has unfortunately for us been correct about SJ et al all along .Whether you care to admit it or not it is factoid as the tweenagers would say " pure factoid "
It is very easy to shoot the messenger however both myself and Fin only ever set out to get to and expose the truth.To uncover the facts and get to the heart of the matter .
Unfortunately the true facts of the matter are all too clear now . SJ, Almu , the lawyers affiliated to SJ ,the town hall officials and all involved in SADM were a bunch of crooks.
I feel I must include SARC in this scenario in so much as they were a bunch of idiots (a couple of misguided fools) however they are still guilty of ignorance and ignorance is no defence in law . If you give advice make sure it is based on fact , truth and not a bunch of lies and misguided ,misinterpreted information .
(I have said before on many occasions that SARC may have a legal case to answer ? ) After reading everything they ever posted on here from the beginning , I truly believe they have a lot to answer for !
However does any of this implicate the whole of Spain and it's people . I think not , like most honest people they are appalled at the injustice and expect their courts to act swiftly . Although I feel many Spanish people will be thinking the same as we would if it happened in the UK " let the buyer beware " this is a basic principle of law which we should all have payed much more attention to. Sorry ! 
We have all been fooled but who is to blame ? 
I can not see further than the end of my own nose .
Was I a blind fool ? !!!!!!!
Answers on a post card please MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 14/07/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I guess somebody has to stick up for Arlene and it might as well be me. I agree with the sentiments and feel we have been let down by not only SJ but the beurocratic and justice system of dare i say it SPAIN. I for one when looking at holiday destinations refuse to consider, here i go again SPAIN. Call it what you like and attack me at your leisure but that is the way i feel. Spain as a country relies very heavilly on tourism and foreign properety investors and seems to me to be biting the hand that feeds it.
This is my personal and possibly ill informed opinion but it is still mine, and attack me and ridicule me as much as you like but you will not change it.
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Hi Ken.
Yes you are feeling bad and we all understand, as many people without bank guarantees are feeling the same. If of course a building company in the U.K. went into administration or bankruptcy before completing the properties they were building, whether or not fraud or bad management or the recession was to blame, a lot of people would lose their deposits or any monies they had paid. Many companies go into liquidation and the law or the country cannot do anything about it as far as people losing their money goes but you would not blame the U.K. If it was fraud the law can put them away but they cannot get your money back.
So i am sorry ken but you are wrong blaming Spain. It is not Spain that is the sh....t, it is San Jose that is the sh....t, but we all need someone or something to take our frustration out on and in your case it is Spain, but that does not make it right. You know what i mean ken.
Cheers. Bob.
Now Retired and have our money back in FULL via our bank guarantee. Bob and Pauline.
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Hi Kayem,
Well said ! You are entitled to your opinion and no one should attack you for it . There are many times I feel the same about the Spanish system and bubble over with anger.
Spain is not doing it's self any favours regards foreign investors or tourists but surely we can not blame the Spanish people. We can however be raging mad with the Spanish system .There are good and bad in the people of every nation.
I fear the most lasting damage to Spain will be caused by a lack of trust many now have in the Spanish system.For many people that trust may well have been broken forever whether deciding to "choose Spain!" as a tourist or as an investor in property or business . Many I know are even boycotting Spanish produce like wine etc .I even have one friend mixed up in this who switched from Scottish Power as they are owned by Iberdrola a Spanish company .The anger is there but where should we be directing it . I am just not sure as it makes not one bit of difference to SJ if we are angry or not .No one seems to care that millions have been stolen from innocent people ,mad some days there is steam coming out of my ears . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Someon says their comments are their "personal and possibly ill informed opinion", which they are entitled to.
They go on to say that "ridicule me as much as you like". No need, you do that for yourself. If Spanish and Spanish people are so bad, why risk your money there and with them?
Do you believe that the laws and legal processes in all Countries are as in UK?
I agree that some holiday home wouldbe purchaser may be put off considering Spain, but for tourism, if it wasn't for the exchange rate, bet Spain would be as busy as ever.
Don't agree that the lack of trust will last forever. Not too many years ago Spain was nothing like it is today. The man ruled, but people forget.
Boycotting Spanish produce. Well, not for me, I still enjoy the Country, the wines, etc., etc.,
Remember, at one time people were against German manufacturers. Do you think MB, Audi, VW suffer now?
People forget.
The friend who switched electricity providers. If the Spanish owned was 20% cheaper, what would happen?
Regarding developers. Despite the crash, many still go on the trips to view and buy, and on new developments.
In addition to forgetting, some will never learn.
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Hawkings , I am baffled that you say in your post that you can see how "any one without a BG " is worried and angry etc .
I am extremely worried and angry . I have a valid BG. If the BG law was enforceable in Spanish Law more than just the handful of us who have one would have been paid back by now ???
Fin I am afraid your argument is seriously flawed when Spain can not or refuses to enforce it's own laws with out making people jump through hoops , wait years and suffer years of expensive court action ?????
I am also finding it hard to have any sympathy for the Spanish property industry ,after well and truly robbing the British and other EU clients as well as their own fellow country men (At least Dick Turpin wore a mask ).They are swiftly moving on to pastures new or should I say "green".
The agent I bought from ( who was atrocious in every aspect ) is busy marketing to the still naive and ill informed Russian market .This is a shrewd move as the language barrier means that the trouble we have all had does not translate well and they can once again pull the wool over the purchasers eyes while promising the earth ,offering very dodgy legal advice , bad BGs etc etc etc . Did they learn nothing or are they just void of all moral conscience ?
I am sorry but this has annoyed me soooooooo much that I have arranged with some of my colleagues who are working in Russia to get something into the Russian press to let people know the real situation and the companies to avoid . With a strong suggestion to invest in Greece ,Croatia,Bulgaria ,Scotland ,The Lake District , " Any where but Spain !!!!!!!!!!! "
Oooohhh !!!!!!!! perhaps I am completely mistaken and every thing is going to be just fine .
Where are SARC when you need some positivity and a good laugh ??????? I am sure they think the Russian buyers thing is positive sign .Is it ??????? ( It was all lost in translation ! Tony thought it was a Russian bank stepping in to save SADM when all along all SJ were trying to say was that they were hedging all their bets on attracting lots of Russian buyers . Pleeeeease !
Earth or Mars / Human or Dancers ?
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 15/07/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi Magicmeg.
Dont be baffled, people with a BG are getting paid out and it may seem like a few at the moment because and i say it once again, the courts are clogged up. A friend of mine has just had their contract cancelled by the court after approx. 11 months and are now going to the bank to be paid out but may have to take the bank to court for their money if they refuse to pay up. Yes it sometimes can be a long and drawn out process but people ARE and WILL get paid out eventually. How do you know there are only a few people getting paid out at the moment? Not everyone who gets paid out on their BG have bought at SADM, people all over Spain are probably getting their money back from other failed developements and remember there must be a lot of them who have never posted on this site and never will, but have their money back, so it is silly to knock the bank guarantee and say only a few are benefiting, you dont know that.
Also, if you think the legal system in the u.k. is quick, easy, straightforward and uncomplicated, then you obviously have not been involved with it.
Now Retired and have our money back in FULL via our bank guarantee. Bob and Pauline.
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Hi Bob I really hope you are right but the more time passes the less hopeful I am . The banks are trying to squirm out of their responsibility and I am angry at having to take them to court to get paid .We were told that the BGs were for exactly this situation yet now we find we are paying out more to take the banks to court .
If when buying our properties we were told the BGs protected our deposit and staged payments but to enforce it we would have to start taking banks through the Spanish court system how many of us would have parted with our cash .I would have ran a mile .A BG should do what it says without lengthy and expensive legal action .This along with the length of time it is taking is what I am mad about.
I have had lots of dealings with the legal system in the UK and know it can also be slow but to me the BG issue is clear cut and the governing body the bank of Spain or who ever should instruct them to stop forcing people to go to court and get on with paying out .It is a disgraceful situation and should not be allowed to continue. If this happens the courts would be freed up to get on with dealing with the administration of the builders and concentrate on trying to salvage something for those without BGs before SJ hide the lot .
As for your point about a builder going bust in the UK I have bought new builds in the UK and the deposit is modest with the balance being due on the day you get your keys after snagging so if the builder goes bust you only stand to lose a very small deposit .For example I bought a house at £32,000 in the 80s ,the deposit was £200 a friend of mine bought a new build last year at £250,000 the deposit was £2000 so it is not comparable to the Spanish system .
Is it just me or is the Spanish system just one big mess . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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"I am afraid your argument is seriously flawed when Spain can not or refuses to enforce it's own laws with out making people jump through hoops , wait years and suffer years of expensive court action ?????"
Not flawed. That has always been the way in Spain and no doubt it will take decades to arrive at what Brits consider and efficient legal system.
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Ask SARC they know what is really going on but are too cowardly to come on the forum and admit they were wrong !!!!!
Many with BGs are getting or already have their money back .
Many with BGs are very close to getting their money back .
SJ are still squirming about trying to hide money away before those without BGs can get anything back.
Financing is not going to happen as no one wants to finance a bunch of crooks .
Good news the petition is getting noticed and will shortly be getting a much higher political profile thanks to Susan's hard work .Please visit the web site, register your complaint and make any small donation to running costs or offer any help that you can . It is worth while .
Good news EU action may well be taken in the form of removing EU funding, investment and aid to Spain.
Indifferent news is - there is talk of the EU funding which is being withdrawn from Spain, being put into a fund to compensate the victims of property abuses . Bad news pigs may fly .
Bad news / it looks like SADM is dead in the water and El Pinet is in one hell of a state .yes ! more lies " We will finish El Pinet very soon "
Same old news , it looks like we are all F@@k@d .
What ever we all do or get at the end of this is irrelevant as it has already F@@k@d up our life expectancy due to the total stress levels we have all suffered .
A toast to all those who have suffered this injustice " may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows your dead "
Cheers SJ thanks for all you have done for us , your customer service and concern is truly astounding !!!!!!!!!!
A toast to SJ " may you be in hell half an hour before the good Lord knows your dead "
A toast to 5 yrs of hell ! The word of the Lord " To those who deny the innocent justice . I am the way the truth and the light .The innocent will be granted justice through me .
" may God forgive them for they know not what they do "
Rant over . I am now calm . MM 
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 21/07/2009. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 22/07/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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