The Comments |
All the promises. All the delays. All the lies. The letters saying sorry for the delays. All the photos showing work done they sent me, It went on and on and on.
I visited the site three times before they went into insolvancy. I was on holiday nearby so we popped in. They made it all look good, a few properties showhomes and nothing else but tumble weeds and dust.
But it was all to late the deposite was already paid. Good luck to everyone who was sucked in with this scam, I hope You all get something back, fingers crossed leggs crossed everything crossed. Why are these people not in PRISON. The only winners are the LAWYERS "I want to be a lawyer ha ha ha ha ".
GOOD LUCK we all need it lets hope all these horrible people have a long and peaceful life "hahahahahahahahahah"
_______________________ Paul & Debbie
Row 15 No 32
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sorry for the bitter rant, But does anyone know how my profile picture was deleted ?????????? just uploaded it again do i need to change my password ????
_______________________ Paul & Debbie
Row 15 No 32
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Hi Blaggy,
As annoying as the whole mess is, perhaps you are venting your anger in the wrong direction. If it was not for the banks removing the line of credit for the buid there would not of been a problem.
Yes we can rant about scam etc but does that stand up to scruttiny ? I am afraid that it does not. The legal process for the biuld has been followed correctly and the development is legal.
All the best
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I am afraid I disagree with you as to the legal process being followed correctly, else we would all have our bank guarantees as required by Spanish Law and promised to me several times by SJ both verbally and in writing.
The law states that our deposit monies are to be placed in a seperate account in order to protect the purchasers. It is not meant to be withdrawn and moved from one company account to the other.
Had SJ complied with Spanish Law we would not be in the position that we find ourselves in now .Therefore your posting itself does not stand up to scrutiny as it is not factual
This message was last edited by arlene2804 on 17/05/2009.
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Tony you really do ask for abuse in the utter crap that you post. san jose are far from legal.
land values were fraudulent to alter asset balances within the company
the presidents brother and him swapped monies between themselves to expropriate thousands
Herrada del Tollo loaned our monies away to their other companies just before declaring voluntary administration
They falsified their accounts for the last two ears to all shareholder. the report submitted to them varied drastically to that submitted to the official fiscal authorities
The president stole money from the football club and are being effectively sued for fraud and theft for a million pounds
The whole thing is a mess and the developers are crooks. A bit like yourself
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I can,t even be bothered to reply to Tony any more he is barking mad ! All I can say is TOSH TOSH and more TOSH . We will see Tony !!!!!
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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"perhaps you are venting your anger in the wrong direction. If it was not for the banks removing the line of credit for the buid there would not of been a problem."   
Sorry in advance, but only a complete and utter idiot could make such a statement.
Naughty banks, protecting investors and shareholders interests.
If it wasn't for the banks doing they job, it is possible there wouldn't be funds to pay your salary, let alone allow a developer/constructor who mis-manage to proceed.  
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Well thank you for replying. But what ever anger I may vent I still have many letters and e-mails, photos sent to me by S.J showing and telling me about delays and apologies for delay after delay. Even after months and then years of contracts, promises and deadlines being missed. Even getting my solicitor involved 3 years ago to recover the deposit, all i got was lies lies and more lies. A total disregard to any law and to me as a customer. If anybody wants to stick up for this company you must either be working for them or just stupid. You need a good lawyer been there done that did not get nothing. After visiting the site at SANTA ANA 3 times and witnessing the pathetic attemps for it to look like a busy building site. " WELL AND TRULY TAKEN IN"
_______________________ Paul & Debbie
Row 15 No 32
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Baggy you are so honest and straightforward. I never posted before because in the vacuum we have been in for the last year the site has descended into farcical squabbling. You however seem to be realistic about the mistakes we all made. I dont know if we will ever see a cent of our money but its good to know there are other normal people in the same boat as us.
_______________________ Terri and Jack
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Luskies. Keep at it, pester, pester, pester and if you still haven't got anywhere, pester again. It is worth it in the long run. Remember, some have had their BGs honoured already. Don't give up.
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Its been almost 6 months since I posted or logged on as I was getting more and more depressed and convinced of the Con we had all been led into. I also got to the point where I couldnt bear reading anything that had Tony's name attached and the utter rubbish he wrote.. so I opted out for a while. Nothing has changed, they still lie, they are still walking the streets as free people, they are still taking a salary from our deposits as are the Administrators. Lawyer's have nothing to up-date us with and have no serious answers or even glimmers of hope to offer us and have our money in their accounts. I wish I had never heard of Spain or had a dream some 5 odd years ago.
There some great people on this Forum that became as close as 'cyber' will allow. If you're still logged on I'd love to hear from you.
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Hi Sal, Good to know your still around! i haven`t posted much of late but still log on, just in case there is any news, but get fed up with some of the drivel that gets posted! Cheers Joanniemac
PS I`ve sent you a PM This message was last edited by joanniemac on 01/08/2009.
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Hi Sal good to know you are still around although every time someone opts out for a while I hope it is because they have got thier money back .We still live in hope but you are right it is all just too depressing for words to explain . The crooks will get what they deserve in the end ,Keep your chin up MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi sal,
Wonderful to hear from you again thought since you appeared to be sorted we would'nt be hearing from you again, did you decide Fortuna was not for you. Like yourself don't log on much only this message flagged up with your name on my email would not have logged on today. Same old as is on this forum nothing changes eh!.
Back home now gave up on living in Spain and despite what we all said about Tony looks likes he's been proven right, judge ruled us as ordinary creditors and any monies we do receive will be in % of what we left as deposits and over a period of time; we have been well and truly S-----d. No word of the money SJ transferred so much for consumer protection laws could go on and on but whats the point.
Any further action will require more money in solicitors fees to appeal, so it look like it's lose lose situation, saying that Tony and his band have not posted with an I told you so which is unusual but then maybe there is no need maybe he got his reward/ deposit back from Almudena.
Lovely to have you back even for a while.
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I don.t think Tony was right Arlene or that he should be on here gloating he ruined the only chance we had .I have copied this from the general forum .It regards another administration but clearly demonstrates what we could and should have done if it was not for Tony and SJ s manipulation of SARC .
You can contact Aifos directly for them to let you know how to register in the creditor´s list, but that, of course cannot assure a fair position in the list.
Of course, my advise is to have some legal help so that counting with enforeceable Law, Case Law and other types of precedents you can have a preferent treatment within the creditor´s list.
The Martinsa-Fadesa case tells how consumers can make an impact and drive some forces to their rights. There is enough legal coverage to have off-plan purchasers in Aifos being treated as first in the list to be paid.

Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
maria said
''There is enough legal coverage to have off-plan purchasers in Aifos being treated as first in the list to be paid.''
Maria, what do you mean by "legal coverage" ? Why would off-plan purchasers have preference over other creditors, such as trade creditors, people who sold Aifos land, employees, banks that loaned them money, contractors, govt taxes owed, etc? All of these will be rightfully owed money, so I wonder how one gets to be first in the list to be paid.
Thanks for your input.
I think maria is refering to this below in her blog. I don't think we can get to optomistic, but at least it shows that for some people justice is possible.
Out of an agreement performed by now by the 54,7% of creditors, Martinsa Fadesa will give money back to those owners who were not given a Bank Guarantee for the return of money paid according to Law 57/68 and houses are not going to be built.
The refund limit is 400.000 € , just one refund is possible per person and it is obligatory that the house was being bought by an individual ( not a company).
The clause of the creditor´s agreement has already been accpeted by these banks: Caja Madrid, Banco Popular, La Caixa, Caixa Galicia, Bancaja y Caixa Catalunya.
Do Yo still think Tony was right all along .I know he was not and done all of us harm !!!!!!!!!!! I said so all along . It cuold not be done individually but could have as a group if everyone agreed and took the same action !!!!! This Is why SJ were so anxious to show the judge that as many off plan purchasers wanted to continue .We have all been conned and Tony helped !!!!! MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 01/08/2009. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 01/08/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Believe me I am no fan of Tony and his gang I don't mean he was right to be in cahoots with SJ only that he was correct in his telling us the outcome ie: no preferential creditior status no money to be found a long wait for any sort of payout/crumbs from SJ. Almost like SJ knew the outcome from the start before it even went before the judge.
I also believe that we didn't help ourselves we spent more time bickering and talking c--p about Tony when we should have been trying to rally support from MP/ MEP and anyone else who would listen also we should have been lobbying the the Spanish Government to use their influence about the case. we can't blame Tony that he dangled the carrot and we followed it. When he made his stupid inane comments we should have ignored his postings and not have been distracted from the main issue.
We should have been supporting each other instead of slanging of anyone who didn't agree with a particular issue all it did was drive people away from the forum because they where afraid to voice an opinion in case they came in for abuse.
If the judge took on board what SJ was telling him that most wanted their houses then all of our solicitors/ barristers were not doing their job. personally I think this is just a stalling exercise as if we want to pursue further we have to appeal which means more money for solicitors and more time for SJ to carry on with it's business.
No point talking about what other companies are doing with their clients it's what SJ has done and continues to do to us and i don't believe that we can expect justice from the Spanish judicial system. The whole system is flawed and corrupt.
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People did, and still are lobbying their MEPs. I've slated them and told them as much for their lightweight representation of this issue, which in every which way is a human rights issue. This was the last response I received. Nothing new, but it's still in the pot. If you still have a legal representative, keep emailing them. Even if it becomes a pain everytime they see your name.
Thank you for your further email. Following my last email to you the Labour group in the European Parliament successfully forced a vote on the full text of the Auken report in the full plenary of the European Parliament. The final report as adopted can be found at It was backed by all Members of the Parliament except those from Spain.
The report includes a call on the European Commission to take direct action to force a solution to these cases and has raised the debate from one of local government responsibility in Spain to a national issue. As explained previously, property is not an area that European countries have agreed to give legislative responsibility for to the EU, so our position remains one of influence but not direct power to legislate.
This report is strongly worded, and the success of the Labour group, led by Michael Cashman, in bringing this report forward and in preventing the Spanish Members from weakening it means the Parliament is able to exert the strongest influence possible. We will continue to follow up with the Spanish authorities, the Commission and others until the matter is resolved.
Your sincerely
pp Rachael Tatlock
Arlene McCarthy
Member of the European Parliament
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