Asturias, N332 Punta Prima, Costa Blanca

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Calas del Pinar forum threads
The Comments
15 Jan 2007 12:00 AM by calypso Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

We have just discovered this forum as we were on the point of packing up all ideas of  our dream house in CDP.  We bought a house in phase 1 in October 2005 with a projected completion date of October 2006, which of course like Christmas has been and gone.  Our agents were Ambasun and we have experienced exactly the same problems as many other contributors to this forum of no information, misinformation and virtually no help from agents, builders or solicitors. Having read all the messages of so many people in the same boat as we are it is comforting to know that we are not the only ones who are totally frustrated by the whole business. We have been so cheered up by such a lot of positive feedback from members that we are now determined to carry on to the bitter end. Some of the threads are extremely interesting to us and we intend to follow them up by direct contact very soon.

Mavis and Bill from Brighouse   Plot 54 phase 1.




This message was last edited by calypso on 1/20/2007.

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18 Jan 2007 5:01 PM by clarke Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Just to say a quick hello and Thank God we found this forum. We too have been worried about the lack of goings on at Calas Del Pinar and are relieved to know we aren't the only ones. I feel much more reassured now and hopefully can start getting excited again.Oh by the way we are Mandy and Will at No57 R5 Phase 7,the kettle will always be on!!

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27 Jan 2007 8:55 PM by Glynnev Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Echoing the sentiments below. We also bought in phase 1 through Ambasun who have been as usful as a chocolate Fireguard in the spanish summer! The whole business has had us worried for some time but it looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am seeing lots of 2008 dates at the moment. Does anyone have a fix on when Phase 1 will be complete? Glynn & Louise from Leicestershire. Plot 16 Phase 1.

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30 Jan 2007 7:21 PM by joiner3020 Star rating in derby uk. 15 forum posts Send private message

we are plot 52 phase 7 and have been told october for a completion date my name is stewart if you hear anymore please let us know

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22 Feb 2007 11:13 AM by gracie Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi all!


We are buying at La Tierca Real - Peinsa site - exactly the same problems as you!!

No licence etc etc........




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03 Mar 2007 2:55 PM by Casa Roda Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

We have purchased at Piensa's Senoria De Roda, we suffered alot of nightmare scenarios and similar scaremongering. We completed in February 2006, 9 months later than expected. You will find alot more issues arising after completion, ie snagging, living on a building site, no first licence of occupation, no building licence and other issues certainly of Security. 12 months since completing the area is still not finished but everybody who stays there at the moment are very postive and love the area. If you are able to put up with the problems for the next few years you will thinking what all the worry was about. 


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04 Mar 2007 11:24 AM by Pauldavidhudson Star rating. 59 forum posts Send private message

This will not be the case at Calas del Pinar regarding the licenses, in fact this is the very reason for the big delay here, the fact that the authorities are clamping down on devlopments where building licenses haven't been granted. Until 75% of the infrastructure is complete Peinsa are not allowed to build, and only when 75% has been reached will a building license be granted. As frustarting as it is, I'd rather it be this way round than have a house where licenses are being applied for retrospectively - because the licenses can and are being refused even when the properties are built. Now that would be a nightmare!

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