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Hi - have a look at this - hopefully a bit of good news for everyone (and something else more interesting to talk about) -
If this does happen, plus the already upward trend in tourist numbers to the region and the new airport opening, plus the subsidies that they have received / or have been made available; might it then be possible for Calidona to make a commitment to provide the facilities that they advertised? Sorry to re-iterate a point that has been made time and time again but what more do they want?
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Russ W,
It depends on commercial success of the park. If it's a sensation then, IMO, we will get the facilities. If it's true...
I remember when Disney chose Paris as the site for EuroDisney - many people said that it should have been in sunny Spain. Looks like Universal Studios have more sense. Lets also hope they build in Murcia.
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If it is true then it shows that a major consortium / business is prepared to take a risk on a major facility. In addition, it takes approx 2 years to build a hotel from start to finish, so I hope that Calidona would not wait to see if this is successful first - look how long Eurodisney / Disneyland Paris took to establish itself.
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Russ W,
While I sympathise with your view about the hotel I believe the world has changed ( for better for worse make your own minds up). The banks are not lending as easily. People and companies are becoming more risk averse - belts are being tightened in households, governments and companies even when we have record low interest rates. Hence, I believe, they will wait for it to be a success. I would much rather see a viable hotel then one where it has to close down within a year.
I might be wrong but we shall see.
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However if you look at the example of Roda (not unreasonable to do so), Calidona stated in several of their own newsletters and other press releases that the hotel would be started in 2006 (before credit crises) to be completed in 2008. They received a contractual payment from the De Vere group and also funds were available through local grants - we are talking millions of euros here.
Meanwhile any poor sod trying to advertise their apartment using the De Vere logo is acting illegally - I have confirmation of this from a De Vere employee. Is it fair to sell apartments and villas using this brand and then not deliver?
Furthermore please don't forget that Calidona have plans to expand to a further 2 resorts. Unless they get their act together who on earth is going to buy from them again? They aren't being risk averse IMO but actually killing their future business, the complete opposite.
In the meatime customers are fed a news item that informs them of the decision to delay a decison about whether to build a hotel on Roda - no mention of Corvera.
Do me a favour and stop apologising for them.
This message was last edited by Russ W on 19/11/2009.
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Do me a favour and stop apologising for them.
Lol, just because I may have a different opinion to your own does not mean I am in bed with DeVere or Calidona. Just to reiterate, I think they have cocked it up big time with regards to their promises. But we are where we are. I don't think they will build, IMO, until they see some success out of this theme park. That is my opinion - not fact. Who knows what will happen.
I am not sure what you wanted to hear. You posted on this forum expecting some sort of reply. I gave one, which, it seems, do not agree with your own. In which case I apologise. Next time I'll make sure I shall only reply when I agree with your own views. There, does that make you happier?
Have fun.
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I apologise if I offended you with the last remark, it's a fact that we all deserve better than this and I feel angry when people suggest or imply that we can't blame Calidona for not providing what was promised. However I feel that I misinterpreted you.
I'm also sorry that it was the only point that you picked up on and was a throw away comment that on reflection I should not have included.
Do you really think that it is in Calidona's best interests to prolong this mess? Has anyone actually questioned the relationship between them and De Vere? Apart from the original sales literature, I haven't seen anything at all to suggest that this hotel will go ahead.
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Longer this mess goes on more chance they will be taken to court ,sued and lose. Ideally they should return a portion of the money, however, a compromise solution, IMO, would be for Calidona to put say 10% of the value of the flat/villa etc...into an escrow account. If and when the facilities are built the money would be released. In the meantime, it would be earning interest for the owners, also it may persuade most people from not completing to complete and dissuade some people from persuing Calidona in the courts. Might possibly have a time limit. Legally, AFAIK, Calidona don't have to do this.
I am afraid I have no idea what the relationship is between DeVere and Calidona. But I am hoping that both parties are still committed to Corvera. I know one thing, many companies are being very cautious and if DeVere say no I don't think there is much Calidona can do about it.
Also, IMO, If the theme park really takes off then a 50 room hotel might not be large enough might have to have a Holiday Inn 
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Hi Mmepani,
I agree with your points (didn't think that would happen 2 posts ago!) - the longer any dispute goes on the less likely Calidona is going to win and in the process it will not exactly cover itself in glory or good PR.
Your compromise is a really good suggestion however ......
It wouldn't be so bad if Calidona were showing definite strides towards providing decent facilities instead of opening a half complete golf course, with a tin shack shop / restaurant etc.
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dont know if the theme park is correct or not there have been rumours of a theme park in many areas of spain for years one thing is for sure murcia has the land and would appear to be getting there with the infastructure .
regarding the hotels on both corvera and roda under marias posting "15 years to claim against developer "( sorry not sure how to post link ) it would appear that if you are happy to complete ONCE ALL THE FACALATIES ARE IN PLACE then this is another option for people , perhaps then calidona would be more inclined to get on with the facalaties if they knew they had customers at the end of the build rarther than goodness knows how many litigation cases pending on both developments , from calidonas point of view they would save a fortune on legal fees and the adverse publicity these would generate for both developments . it would appear that they are not selling units in any volume on either resort and there cash cannot last indefinatly . what happens on corvera if it progresses the same way as roda ie domestic units built but no support facalaties at least roda has the local shops / restaurants etc ... what will corvera have ..??
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Dont hold your breath for this theme park. Nobody in thier right mind would invest in something like that in the present climate. Disney went to Benidorm and Murcia 5 years ago and nothing happened. Terramitica could be snapped up for peanuts if a theme park developer wanted it but nobody has. Sorry
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That's a pretty old rumour now - apparently they bought some land in the area - however I think if this were true then estate agents and developers would be shouting this from the rooftops.
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