The Comments |
To those that have already completed on Corvera and may also have a property on Roda or have had the opportunity to view property on Roda, how would they compare the finish of their properties on Corvera. I know when we paid our deposite that we were told that the developer would learn from experiences on Roda and promised that Covera would be even better. Since then I know we have had a recession and hope that this has not tempted the developer to make short cuts. I know much has been said about other facilities but would appreciate if this thread is kept solely to the quality and finish of the properties
_______________________ paulineh
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Hi paulineh ,
Good evening
In my humble veiw Corvera has put Quantity over Quality I would struggle to give it a 2 star
The Apartments are of poor quality all over , the list is endless on the Apartments we saw,
Even the Show Villa was dirty , cheap MDF skirting was falling off, it was damp ,musty , outside looked like it hadnt been cleaned in over a Month( remember this is the SHOW home) The pool had paper in it and was a slight brown colour , the Terrace we think had Never been cleaned, The shingle outside had been washed or blown away and you could see the start of rising damp all outside taps looked like they were fitted by a five year old
They new we were coming ( 6 couples) but didnt even open up the Villa , or check the Apartments/ villa we had come to see
One of our party had no Bath fitted and only part of a Kitchen, and the rest of the Bathrooms , you needed to be thin and long or short and fat,because none of them were standard sizes, One had obviously had storm damage but was not told and the`place can best be descibed as a mess, damp on the walls all MDF taken off and the 2 bathrooms still had the gunge and crap and basically you would not want to step inside them
I think you no by now my comments on Corvera ,Roda is much better, We too was told Corvera was going to be much better " the rustic feel " The only thing rustic is the smells
Even with whats said above, they are not as bad as the basic design faults we found,they are scary to say the least ,
I am sorry if this report is not to your taste but just telling you how we saw it,,,,, Yes we did take lots of photos
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Hi Jored; No disrespect, but I feel that it would be more representative to get an objective opinion of someone who has actually completed. This might better reflect the state of the accomodations at hand over to the customer.
This message was last edited by cazbaz on 31/10/2009.
_______________________ Carole
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Hi cazbaz .
Good Afternoon,
Point taken , but why would you want to complete on a sub-standard Home
At point of handover crap is still crap.
Surely dealing with it before you hand over any more money ,is better then handing over and getting nothing done after
I have a place also on RODA and that wont be " finished " for years , so tell me why would any sane person complete on Corvera ?
Nobody wanted Calidona too fail ,least of all me, but fail they have, in a massive way,
I dont think anybody who has completed can in their hearts ,say they are happy and I mean real people that have completed, not some 1 post Calidona stooge person.
Have you a place on their or are you waiting to complete ?
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I must be insane and very unhappy - not much hope for me really 
I know icspain has made a number of visits since completing on his property, therefore he will have seen progress first hand for himself. I would be interested in what his personal view is of the overall development...
This message was last edited by Anita on 31/10/2009. This message was last edited by Anita on 31/10/2009.
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You Anita from day one, long long ago have been blinded, of your 390 posts you wont have anything to say bad about Corvera
It was your dream - mine also
It was your lifestyle -mine also
Its not wrong to be constructive Anita, if fact your attitude plays into the hands of Calidona . Ask anybody on Roda what they feel Most , 90% of the answers are "the best un-finished Resort in Murcia"
All this late surge of Facilitys on Corvera are because thay know it should have been finished long ago,
What makes you think Corvera will be any different from Roda ?
You are right . we should be very unhappy . You are right , we are insane for handing over our hard earned money to a Company that has broken every promise it ever made to all its purchasers,
Anita , I hope you get what you are looking for , but i fear it will be a long and painfull wait
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As I have stated before
Corvera properties have been basically thrown up in the shortest possible time scale therefore it is cert there are flaws with the quality, I stated the last time I was over in Murcia I visited the site and checked for myself the workmanship which has a lot to be desired
In one block the lift lobby had about four different levels (which one was correct is anyones guess)
As I have also stated before there are an awful lot of people wearing those glasses again (the main one steveandjane) who once the novelty of owning a place in the sun wears off are going to be thinking OMG what have I done
If you go on MGP website they are basically trying to give Corvera properties away to no avail
But everyone to there own 
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Come on Corvera owners - there are meant to be 100 of you who have completed!!!! Lets hear your objective opinions on the build qualitiy at hand over. It is fair to say that we have heard from the two most extreme viewpoints - lets hear the rest please. If things are good why aren't you shouting about it ?- this silence leads us to wonder that Jored's viewpoint might not be so extremist after all!
This message was last edited by cazbaz on 31/10/2009. This message was last edited by cazbaz on 31/10/2009.
_______________________ Carole
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I haven't contributed to this forum for some time (too much ranting), but having already completed, I thought I would share my experience and view. After the long wait, Corvera certainly rushed to complete our appartment, which was probably delivered about two months too early. When we completed (end July), the builders' clean had not been done, part of the kitchen hadn't been fitted, and no one had done a proper quality control, so the hatch, for instance, was badly scratched. As we're all too aware, customer service (or communication in general) is not Calidona's forte, and our complaints were met with a pleasant shrug. However, we had someone locally handling the snagging for us, and even if it has been slow, all is now in order (incl Corvera replacing the hatch of their own volition, when the resurfacing didn't look too good). The appartment is finished, furnished, utilities connected and looking good. Was the three month wait and level of customer service good? No. Was it a disaster? Absolutely not. In fact, I think its probably about average for developments in Spain (and many other countries).
The end result is fine, and I have no particular issues with quality. In addition, the site is looking better all the time. The appartment is exactly what I was expecting and in line with the price I paid, which at the time, was in line with the market conditions. Of course, the market conditions are radically different than when I bought (and of course, anyone living in the UK has had a double-whammy due to a weak sterling), but that's life. And incidently, not the fault of Calidona. Given the state of the Spanish property market, I consider Corvera buyers are relatively lucky (read the horror stories out there and make an objective comparison). From a financial point-of-view, I certainly would not have made this purchase if I knew then what I know now. But I didn't, and I will now need at least 10 years, I'm guessing, to really assess how good or bad the move has been, in pure financial terms. But in the meantime, I intend to join the Anita's and Steve and Jane's of this world, thank my lucky stars we are relatively unscathed and get on and ENJOY it.
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Exxcellent reply - nice to hear an honest and objective opinion. Whilst I agree that everybody is entitled to their viewpoint (Jored/Anita!) I feel that a community forum like this is for everyone whatever their stance. It is refreshing to hear the unbiased and constructive opinions of a 'middleman' - (Thedts hope you don't mind me calling you that).
This message was last edited by cazbaz on 01/11/2009.
_______________________ Carole
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jored thank you for your observations. As for Anita I am sure that icspain can and will respond should they want to. I specifically requested that this thread relate to the quality and finish of the apartments, villas etc and not the rest of the developement. if you are one of those that have completed I would appreciate your opinions both good and bad.
_______________________ paulineh
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Hi anita
Just catching up on the thread so here we go.
From my initial posting after spending 4 weeks on the resort when completion took place and snagging was basically completed within that period , the quality has been as expected. I do feel fortunate that I was an early one to complete as snagging was completed quickly before any back log built up. having said that just before I left in August I noticed a problem with some plumbing. Photographed it and emailed the photo to customer services. the problem was fixed in time for my latest visit.
I still struggle to see why people try to draw a direct comparison to roda. One is largely townhouse driven the other apartment, different specifications were also laid down, the overall density of build is completely different. The garden areas at Corvera stand out, the course has greened up and pleased they are not opening all the course in November as some holes do need more time to settle and establish themselves.
I have critised Corvera in the past for delays and I am disappointed that the clubhouse will not be open when the course opens and to be honest do not see the club house opening until May/June time.
ps - Just booked my Summer flights for next year when the course will be open, clubhouse will be open and the quality of the overall development will be there to enjoy.
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just 't back from our second visit quality of our place is ok most snagging carried out to our satisfaction. golf course is looking great as are all the grounds and pools. club house looking good . also continue to meet very nice people.Why are some people so negative' I know a lot of people are having a hard time but we have to stick with it and ENJOY. Istil do not work for the builders
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Hi Icspain,
I thought that the whole course was going to be opened in a weeks time?
Which holes won't be usable and why is this? Calidona have not mentioned this in their news updates?
Cheers - Russ
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I was told that it will be the front nine opened initially. Looking at the 18th for instance they are still building a bridge and the fairway just needs a little more time to bed down. I would much rather they wait and get it right rather then rush to open holes that will then need to be repaired in a few months time. I only asked the question about whether the course was going to fully open after I looked at a few holes, believe me though I don't think it will be long before the whole course opens but a few weeks would be beneficial.
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It would appear that this thread has run it's course. For those brave few that did contribute thank you very much. It is concerning that so few people that have completed chose not to post for what ever reason. Is the build quality so poor that there is so little to boast about. I think the lack of responce will do little to bolster peoples confidence in completing. Neither will MDF skirting boards, water damage etc
_______________________ paulineh
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To be honest - I like probably many others have given up trying to write positives on these forums as it generally attracts a barrage of negativity from the 'non-completers'. We have completed and are on the whole satisfied with the build of our apartment. Yes we have had snags, yes it took constant nagging of the builder to rectify and yes the skirting boards are MDF. Can't understand why everyone is getting hung up on MDF - I have another 4 properties in the UK and all have MDF skirting boards.
We were initially dissapointed with the finish of the apartment when first viewed, mainly due to the fact that the builders make no attemp to clean up or wipe paint, plaster or tile grout off the surfaces. Do as we did - complain to the builder and they duly come back and rectify (it takes a few visits to the office so be prepared to be patient!!!). All the apartments, however appear to be finished to specification - we saw the show apartment before we completed and that had MDF skirting so we were expecting it in ours. We have now added our furniture, lights, mirrors etc and it makes a real difference to the look & feel of the apartment. As in the UK, when you buy a new home there is always a feeling of dissapointment when you see it empty in comparison to the showhome
Finally, I have stayed many times on Roda and think the quality of the materials used is superior to Corvera but when weighing up which development to spend my hard earnt cash on I went for Corvera mainly for the feeling of space and views from the apartments (particulary the 1st or 2nd Floor Tilo which has 3 patios), rather than the type of skirting board. After all if you don't like MDF then you can change this at any stage!! - but the location is there to stay......
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I am a finishing foreman for a private property developer in and around knightsbridge.
The last property we compleated went on the market for £30,0000 10 beds 10 baths and that had mdf skirtings?
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Must admit, I don't see why MDF skirting boards should be getting so much stick. Once they are fixed & painted they could be made from brass for what it matters and do the same job as non MDF skirting boards
I also think that there is sometimes some confusion between build quality and snagging as I always view build quality as things that you couldn't put right yourself (i.e. poorly fitted windows, poor drainage, water ingress, electrical issues etc) and snagging as things you could easily do yourself (i.e. chipped tile, sticking door, loose kitchen cupboard handle, grout on tiles etc)
If the build quality is good then things will be fine (usually).
I appreciate it may be frustrating having to natter customer services to complete your snagging but for an easy stress free life you can just buy a cheap toolkit, mop, bucket and scraper, and do it youself in a day or so whilst whistling 'Viva Espana'. I appreciate you shouldn't have to but it is quicker and can be much easier in the long run.
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