The Comments |
Rob and Joanne you own and operate this company so why are you posting for your recommending your own company when you don´t have a property at Corvera
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Roy, Once again thanks for your forum attention. It would have seemed turnbell was a Corvera owner that was recommending a good outlet. Great to have someone on the front line watching our backs.
Kind regards
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I notice the thread has been removed but I would like to add that on Condado, where they operate a property management business, I hear good things about their services
Just a shame they promoted themselves in this way
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Tongue firmly in Cheek
RH and Roy (or does the RH stand for R-- H-----) Forgive me if I am wrong but amongst other things Roy sells packages as well and I dont think he has a property on Corvera. If TURNBULL had put their furniture company name on (like roy does) would it have been left on. seems to be abit of 1 rule for 1 here. Could someone explain this.
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RH is actually a gentleman called Ron, well known to people on this forum, who´s property I actually checked last week, a Menta, and to correct you I do not actually sell furniture and all advice provided is free including the IKEA cataloogues etc and directions to places like Hnos Garcia, and Leroy Merlin
Let´s be honest it would be pretty stupid having an account RH, a bit like putting your name and comonay address on the bottom of a posting recomending your own services
I do have SmartShop which is a service where we charge a daily rate to take people to local shops and it does not rely on commission as my income comes form sngging inspections
I actually never need to post promoting my own services as enough people do that for me without me having to ask amd the problem was postomg saying I recomend their services pretending to be a customer
Please see my other post where I did say that I has heard good things about their serrvices on Condado
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Hi Roy, Sorry that my initials RH has caused you some embarrassment. I didn't even think the RH would be associated with you, as you always use your full name. I can’t believe where some of these comments are coming from, it would seem some of the forum members need to get a life..
RON (alias RH)
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Thank you Ron, no problem at all, I have a thick skin
For the people not enjoying the UK weather today onsite was 25 degrees and VERY WARM for this time of year
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Please remember Ron I know where you live and can see the UK weather report
On Saturday and Sunday people were swimming in the sea at The Mar Menor, on Friday in one of the pools onsite
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Lets finally clear this up then.
Roy you are not Ron. Correct ? (sorry Ron, but you must admit it is a bit of a coincidence)
You dont mind Turnbull running a property management business and indeed you will promote it, because you dont do property management, but you do mind them trying to organise peoples furniture, because you do do that. Correct ?
However you only charge a daily fee for doing it. Correct ? (so you still charge so why is that not advertising your services???)
You havnt had ANY commission from the places you have taken people to. Correct ?
And also you dont advertise your services even though you go on virtually every thread and put your contacts on the bottom of each one. If Turnbull had gone on saying they did furniture it would have been edited off. So as I said before, one rule for one etc etc
If you really do, only run smartshop out of the goodness of your heart, just do a posting on EOS with all the places you recommend and the directions to get there. That would be the honest thing to do, rather than trying to dress the current system as a free service.
Finally. You dont have a property on Corvera either. Correct
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Here we go again but as my old Mum used to say son while people are having a go at you they are leaving some other poor soul alone
Just before I go off to site and help some more people, sorry make some more money from my legal Spanish business, I would love to respond
I do not own property, and I have never claimed to own property on Corvera, I am a service supplier and by the way did not and have never made any comment about service providers on this site
People use me because the quality of my service and I do get customers a pack with all local information, details of local offers, a local IKEA catalogue etc and off they go, on their own shopping, no fee at all
If they want my time to go around yes I charge, no secret here I RUN A BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY
Spanhod I have been on this forum for 5 years and made nerly 1000 posts and have articles published goinfg back 4 years and frankly I cannot see what the relvancy on your comment is apart from a pointless wind up.
If the information that I provide is not of use to anybody, the guides ect then people would not use me as they vote with their feet and yes as i have always said yes the forum brings me business, because of peoples recomendations
As people say please get alife you get very boring when you have little to contribute
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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come on Roy, i thought you had thick skin.
As i have pointed out to you on numerous occasions nobody on here doubts the fact that you provide a professional service, however as stated below you do seem over keen to make a comment on almost every thread, and you have also on many occasions past comment on issues that have no relevance to you, especially considering that you have not bought at Corvera. So sometimes it does smack of self-promotion/ advertising and i guess it also seems a little cynical for you to then point the finger at others who are attempting to do the same thing. Still its nice that finally you have actually said you are on here for the cash and not as a public service!
i also think it is a very valid point that someone who clearly is on here for financial gain should not claim to be impartial and unbiased. You have commented on some very important issues on here and it has been blatantly obvious that you have erred on the side of positivity for all things Calidona.
anyway im off to go and get a life, thanks for the impartial unbiased advice, do i owe you anything for that?
p.s if anyone wants to trade any Asian bond options please send me a P.M i am here to help!
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Hi Roy
This one for you
When you have upped and left , moved onto another Site and Forum spreading your help and veiws Peolpe that have to stay and deal with perhaps the Financial side as well as probally the emotional side and say where is Roy now ?????
If you had said from the beginning " I RUN A BUSINESSS TO MAKE MONEY " but along the way I will with my expierance help in local and Spanish knowledge people might have warmed to you.
But and its a big but you didnt , it was obvious from the begining you were on in this case Calidona"s side, If you had said that from the start you may have been judged differently
Nobody grudges you a living ,good luck to you, but please dont take people for idiots, A lot of people have visited Corvera and seen inside the Villa"s and Apartments some with equal expertise and a few with more then you and I
This is an issue you cant win , you are going to upset somebody if you stray from what you do ie. snagging
Let me give an example, You stated a few weeks back how you was in the Tin hut at Corvera sorry Coffee shop and you overheard and listened to a grop of maybe non-puchasers with their Lawyer and how you overheard all the questions and listened for 40 minutes etc etc and this was the classic line " Dont worry your secrets are safe with me I wont publish them "
The people that attended had a good laugh at that one ,What makes you think you are that important ? In fact they had seen you outside and again in the Coffee shop with your wife and 2 gentlemen of Dutch or maybe Belgium Nationals.
The Lawyer nodded and said carry on the real meeting was inside with the Reps of Calidona and anything we say is heresay anyway ,
My point isnt that a bit rude of you ? was it a snagging chat ? For somebody who was supposedly having his own conversation you sure knew everything about the other peoples chat , 40 minutes you listened !
Suffice to say you made two of the Ladys in the group very stressed, the younger one who organised the meeting burst into tears after your comment on EOS and the Older one who is a pensioner frault with worry about your comments
Roy please carry on some of your comments are helpfull, but you need to bee aware you cross the line sometimes in my veiw
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I understand that there have been some purchasers extremely stressed by negative comments made by certain posters on this forum, what about their feelings - I suppose they don't count as they are being stupid enough to complete.
In my opinion, Roy is just making people aware of others who are posting and who, perhaps, are not being as open and honest as they should be. It is down to the individual to choose whether or not they read and inwardly digest his comments. If these companies have happy Clients I am sure they will come forward in their defence.
I regularly speak to RH, Ron, and Roy Howitt and can vouch that they are definately not the same person.
I await the fallout 
This message was last edited by Anita on 17/11/2009. This message was last edited by Anita on 17/11/2009.
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I think you are abit confused now as well. according to RH, he is Ron but he is not Roy. So when you have been speaking to Ron and RH were they ever together at the same time? If they wernt, and you have only ever seen them at seperate times, did you ever suspect anything such as why one of them was wearing a balaclava when it was 35 degrees celcius.
The plot thickens.
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