The Comments |
Absolutely no reason why we should not believe every word of this report what a relief to know everything is going to be just fine .
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 09/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Tonymal ! with all due respect I think you are pi#ing against the wind !!!!!! and Good luck with your mad cap agreement but I am still saying "no deal " MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi All,
I tend to find that those who resort to using "colourfull" language to try to make their case usually have no substance or logic to support it.
I suggest that after all of this time, waiting 2- 3 ish weeks to be able to read the proposed settlement documents would be sensible.
I have noticed that there are those who trumpet loudly anything that they think is negative abot SADM and try so hard to be negative,deride or hide anything that is positive.
Well we shall all soon have a chance to make our own thoughts on the matters known and can vote on the agreement accordingly. So please read the SARC report and make up your own mind.
The SARC January update report has been loaded up onto the SARC website, on the newsletter page.
There is information on the proposed settlement agreement, the actions of the shepherd and the response to it etc.
Tony R17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 10/01/2010.
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Lets all ignore the good advise of the independant lawyer on EOS and listen to Tony who speaks on behalf of and gives out information from those who have cheated us .Yes that sounds like a good plan !!! MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 10/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi All,
It is a shame that it is not clear to some that SARC is independant of HdT and works on behalf of its purchaser membership . We communicate with HdT, who have our money and we seek a positive resolution to the current situation that we are all in. It is very sad that some would prefer for HdT to go down & for those of us without BG's to end up with nothing. SARC speaks for itself and not for HdT and wiegh up & check the content each report before sending them out.
I have had legal advice from my Spanish solicitor/barrister and he does not favour HdT be liquidated and believes that a settlement agreement is the best option. Obviously, he and we all need to know what is in it and what it means to each of us. It is when we have the document and have possibly attended a proposed meeting in the UK/Eire that we can wiegh up the probabilties of outcomes and what is the best choice to make.
Common sense helps me to the conclusion that the chaos of liquidating a company during an economic down turn is to be avoided. I have sought advice on this from a chartered accountant and he told me that the one thing to avoid is liquidation as getting anything back is very unlikely. It may be that some will suggest throwing money into legal action and trawling through the courts trying to seek recompense. I would urge that people avoid doing that, please look at the newspapaer article that we have on the SARC site and the story of a person who did that and the time and money it cost her.
I truly wish you all well and hope that when we soon have the opportunity to get ourselves out of this mess, that we do. Then those who want their money and those who want their property will have achieved their goals and not lost all.
Tony R 17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 10/01/2010.
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 10/01/2010. This message was last edited by TonyMal on 10/01/2010.
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" I have sought advice on this from a chartered accountant and he told me that the one thing to avoid is liquidation" So he's a genius then .
Did you happen to mention the history , track record ,criminal cases pending and the appalling way they have treated those on other developments .Not to mention the many years old and continuing campaign against this company by one of the most powerful ecological protection groups in Spain .No I didn't think so . Good luck Tony you are going to need it .MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi All,
It is a shame that it is not clear to some that SARC is independant of HdT, is made up of purchasers and works on behalf of its purchaser membership . We communicate with HdT, who have our money and we seek a positive resolution to the current situation that we are all in. It is very sad that some would prefer for HdT to go down & for those of us without BG's to end up with nothing. SARC speaks for itself and not for HdT and wiegh up & check the content each report before sending them out.
I have had legal advice from my Spanish solicitor/barrister and he does not favour HdT be liquidated and believes that a settlement agreement is the best option. Obviously, he and we all need to know what is in it and what it means to each of us. It is when we have the document and have possibly attended a proposed meeting in the UK/Eire that we can wiegh up the probabilties of outcomes and what is the best choice to make.
Common sense helps me to the conclusion that the chaos of liquidating a company during an economic down turn is to be avoided. I have sought advice on this from a chartered accountant and he told me that the one thing to avoid is liquidation as getting anything back is very unlikely. It may be that some will suggest throwing money into legal action and trawling through the courts trying to seek recompense. I would urge that people avoid doing that, please look at the newspapaer article that we have on the SARC site and the story of a person who did that and the time and money it cost her.
I truly wish you all well and hope that when we soon have the opportunity to get ourselves out of this mess, that we do. Then those who want their money and those who want their property will have achieved their goals and not lost all.
Tony R 17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 10/01/2010.
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Back to your old tricks Tony always got to have the last word 
" I have sought advice on this from a chartered accountant and he told me that the one thing to avoid is liquidation" So he's a genius then .
Did you happen to mention the history , track record ,criminal cases pending and the appalling way they have treated those on other developments .Not to mention the many years old and continuing campaign against this company by one of the most powerful ecological protection groups in Spain .No I didn't think so . Good luck Tony you are going to need it .MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi All,
I have had to post this again as MM keeps on trying to hide a sensible post with a derogatory one. She goes on about an ecology group campaiging against the company etc, all of which is a distraction and is the aim of her posts.
It is a shame that it is not clear to some that SARC is independant of HdT and works on behalf of its purchaser membership . We communicate with HdT, who have our money and we seek a positive resolution to the current situation that we are all in. It is very sad that some would prefer for HdT to go down & for those of us without BG's to end up with nothing. SARC speaks for itself and not for HdT and wiegh up & check the content each report before sending them out.
I have had legal advice from my Spanish solicitor/barrister and he does not favour HdT be liquidated and believes that a settlement agreement is the best option. Obviously, he and we all need to know what is in it and what it means to each of us. It is when we have the document and have possibly attended a proposed meeting in the UK/Eire that we can wiegh up the probabilties of outcomes and what is the best choice to make.
Common sense helps me to the conclusion that the chaos of liquidating a company during an economic down turn is to be avoided. I have sought advice on this from a chartered accountant and he told me that the one thing to avoid is liquidation as getting anything back is very unlikely. It may be that some will suggest throwing money into legal action and trawling through the courts trying to seek recompense. I would urge that people avoid doing that, please look at the newspapaer article that we have on the SARC site and the story of a person who did that and the time and money it cost her.
I truly wish you all well and hope that when we soon have the opportunity to get ourselves out of this mess, that we do. Then those who want their money and those who want their property will have achieved their goals and not lost all.
Tony R 17 18
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Sorry had to post this again as Tony keeps on trying to hide a truthful ,sensible post with a save SJ/HdT from liquidation ignoring their track record post . I go on about the ecological groups campaign because it is true .Ask those on El Pinet .Who's backing the Shepherd Tony ?
Tony I agree it is better in this current economic climate that companies are saved and allowed to trade on but not this one and not at any cost .It would be a disservice to honest purchasers , creditors and anyone unfortunate to do business with them past ,present and future .Would you advise friends or family to trade with or purchase from this company .I wouldn't .Sometimes Tony it is simply just not all about you and what you want .
" I have sought advice on this from a chartered accountant and he told me that the one thing to avoid is liquidation" So he's a genius then .
Did you happen to mention the history , track record ,criminal cases pending and the appalling way they have treated those on other developments .Not to mention the many years old and continuing campaign against this company by one of the most powerful ecological protection groups in Spain .No I didn't think so . Good luck Tony you are going to need it .MM
And your answer to this post is Tony ?
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 10/01/2010. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 10/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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No Answer Tony why ????? perhaps you do not have an answer or you have to speak to SJ before you can comment !!!!!! you are a disgrace !!!! and have sold us all down the river ! shame on you Tony !
Tony you urge people to stay away from lawyers and expensive and unnecessary legal action .Very soon I will prove you wrong and thus prove that the legal advice you received was way off the mark .Good luck to you Tony and to anyone else foolish enough to believe what you say ,They like you deserve everything they get . Which is most probably nothing ! Enjoy !!!!!!
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 16/01/2010.
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 16/01/2010.
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 16/01/2010. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 16/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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