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This came in my emails 4 hours ago anyone else got it I do recognise a few email addresses
Estimado cliente:
Nos complace anunciarle que los esfuerzos realizados conjuntamente con los administradores concursales para resolver la situación actual de Santa Ana del Monte van a posibilitar que nuestra propuesta de Convenio o Acuerdo de Conciliación pueda ser presentada próximamente.
Al objeto de enviarle importante información al respecto y asegurarnos de su buena recepción, le rogamos que nos confirme a la mayor brevedad tanto su dirección de correo postal como su número de teléfono.
Quedamos a su entera disposición para cualquier aclaración que estime usted oportuna agradeciéndole de antemano su inestimable colaboración.
Herrada del Tollo, S.L.
Dear client,
Firstly we would like to apologise for not being in a position to contact you sooner, but during the past year Herrada del Tollo, S.L. and the Court Administrators have been working together in order to resolve the current situation at Santa Ana del Monte.
As the Administration process is soon to come to an end, we will shortly be sending you important information regarding our proposed Settlement Agreement.
In order to ensure that you receive a copy of our letter it is imperative that we have your correct contact details and would therefore be most grateful if you will kindly confirm your full postal address and telephone number at your very earliest convenience.
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
Kind Regards,
Herrada del Tollo, S.L.
Great Auntie Linda
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We have not had this email however I will re-iterate that the current stage has not been finalised, as we are STILL waiting for the judge to stamp our contract (as are many others). HdT CANNOT proceed to the next stage until this is completed.

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Hi not one to go on this Forum before but do keep an eye on content. I can confirm I got the same email today (in the spam folder) Not sure what it means in the scheme of this drawn out process but at least some contact at last.
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I wouldn't get too excited it is nothing new, their admin is crap, considering I have resolved my contract and still got the bumf AND the 1st direct contact since the Administration process began
This message was last edited by auntielinda on 22/12/2009.
Great Auntie Linda
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Whats happening!
We haven't recieved this email & I've been in direct dialogue with PSi (as you know) over our pruchase?
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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Hi Nigel
Don't panic this email didn't come from PSI it came direct from San Jose. They are trying to contact all purchasers to make their so called "great" offer. You would have thought that they know we no longer` have a contract with them as our contract was cancelled to enable us to execute our bank guarantee.
How's the house purchase going? we are waiting to add your property details to the Rental page on our website.
Anyway Best Wishes to you, Jo and the family for Christmas and the New Year.
Dave & Linda
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Were nearly through all the purchase " to & fro complications" god this has taken a long time!
We were due to complete tomorrow 23rd Dec, but we havent had the official bank paperwork through, so its looking like January 2010 when Spain wakes up in the New Yr. 
WOW dont they all know how to charge those fees! Some of it has caught me on the hop but I will fill you in on the gory detail when we see you.
Get advertising for a long term tenant for me.
All the best to you & Linda , Merry Christmas & a prosperous New Year!
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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Any chance you could forward me a copy of this email & I will ask PSi for some advice. 
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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Hi all, our new contract is about to go through 'yet again', to Playa Golf ... second attempt... should have been concluded last Friday but this time it's San Jose pushing, Lawyer's on holidays since last week, and the Spanish Bank asking for extra paperwork at the 11 3/4 hour (daft red-tape)... still it's nearly 2010 and the nightmare should soon be over!
We hope everone's wishes come true and you all have your money back as soon as possible or some bricks and a front door if you dont.

Sally and Martin
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Nigel your post has got me a bit worried not sure why you think the HdT agreement would affect you if as you previously said you have swapped your original deposit to a different property ?
"Were nearly through all the purchase " to & fro complications" god this has taken a long time! No shit Sherlock !
We were due to complete tomorrow 23rd Dec, but we haven't had the official bank paperwork through, so its looking like January 2010 when Spain wakes up in the New Yr. Fingers and everything else crossed that all is in order .Quite often it is the bank that first notice that things are not as they seem !
WOW don't they all know how to charge those fees! Some of it has caught me on the hop but I will fill you in on the gory detail when we see you.Surprise surprise !!!
Get advertising for a long term tenant for me. Dream on ! Not a dogs chance in hell hope you are not relying on this !!!!!!
All the best to you & Linda , Merry Christmas & a prosperous New Year! " Good luck Nigel hope you don't regret refusing the sound advice you were given months ago !
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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keep up the struggle dont let the bxxxxds win.
lets hope all the con artists and liers have a crap XMAS
Feliz Navidad to all the nice people on this forum
_______________________ Paul & Debbie
Row 15 No 32
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Hi Nigel , Merry Christmas , neanderthal like as ever I see ! There is no need for me to defend my position as time will tell !
The last place I want to be is in your face !!!!!!!!!! or in your place for that matter ! Good Luck . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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We've not visited this forum in a while (knowing that the legal process would grind on very slowly) so only just come across this thread regarding the emails sent out by the company.
We haven't received an email although I have had correspondence in the past regarding the claim.
Anyone else in the same boat and is there anything we should do?
Best wishes
S & S
R10 193
_______________________ S & S
R10 193
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Hi each, I thought I would use this Heading as I want to wish everyone absolutely the very best of luck in the future for whichever route you are attempting to get some satisfactory result from this dreadful episode in our lives.
Martin and I completed on an exchange property today and however delighted we are to be finished with this nightmare, we want to say a big thank you to the Forum. It may get a little out of hand sometimes, but heaven knows, its not surprising with what this Company have done to everyone (us included). There was never a sense of isolation once I found this EOS, whether we agreed with all comments or not, it became the only 'free' avenue to information that could be pursued or ignored. It was invaluable and we've cybered with some fabulous people who we are hoping to catch up with personally and eventually. Thanks for all the personal PM's.
Take care and keep focused.
Sally and Martin
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Thank you Chrissie. I mean this sincerely, that I hope you get a good result whichever way you are dealing with matters. You deserve it as your a fighter too!
Take care and dig deep. I'll probably always follow what's happening and Im still checking emails to see if its gone pear shape even tonight!.. even asked my lawyer to photograph the set of keys I distrust SJ so much!.. ... just keep battling on Chrissie. One day we all may get a chance to say hello.. just not on SADM.
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