The Comments |
The SARC October report has gone out to its members and will loaded onto the SARC website shortly.
The Town Hall issue is addressed & the subsequent CBN article collaborates the report & the legal opinion that we sought..
"Dear Tony;
I have check the document from the Town hall, this document is a legal report but it is not a administrative disposition.
I think that the Town hall is chasing the legal administrator to go ahead with the project.
I suppose that the legal administrator will present a writing to the Town hall against this report.
Nevertheless, the last word in that case will come from the Judge.
The judge could paralyze the acts of the Town hall.
HdT is preparing a settlement agreement to send out to creditors/purcahsers . The report has more detail.
We want a positive out come for ALL
Tony R17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 24/10/2009.
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An Executive employed by Walt Disney has been in touch and asked for your contact details as they specialise in making fantasy films. Is it OK to forward your details?  
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Hi All,
Please use either the link in an earlier post or the SARC link at the top right hand corner of the thread listing.
All the best
Tony R17 18
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An Executive employed by Walt Disney has been in touch and asked for your contact details as they specialise in making fantasy films. Is it OK to forward your details?  
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Hi All,
Please use either the link in an earlier post or the SARC link at the top right hand corner of the thread listing.
All the best
Tony R17 18
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An Executive employed by Walt Disney has been in touch and asked for your contact details as they specialise in making fantasy films. Is it OK to forward your details?  
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Hi All,
There appears to be an irritant that does not want you to be able to read the report.
Please ignore the sillyness.
If you wish to access the report please scroll down to the posting with the link or use the link on the top right hand of the thread list.
Tony R17 18
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Hi All,
Why does Fin keep on posting crass remarks but not give a realisitc alternative to the settlement agreement?
He/She does not appear to be very happy that we have a chance to get out of this mess with a positive outcome & is frantically trying to control all the threads and stamp out any postings/information.
Please scroll down posts to find link to the report or use the link on the top right corner of the thread listing page.
Tony R17 18
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Tony why don't you just be honest about what you are really doing .Which is to influence the out come of the creditors meeting .For those that do not know this is not a meeting as such but a court hearing where by SJ/HdT need at least 50% of those who are owed money ,that is purchasers , suppliers etc to agree to new terms In other words ,to agree that they are prepared to wait even longer for the money owed enabling SJ/HdT to trade on ,come out of Administration and basically make there own decisions .Going on the past record of this company will we ever see anything ,Our Houses ,Our Money .I just don't 'think we will ever see anything if this is allowed to happen .May well be a waste of time anyway as I don't think 50% of creditors will be prepared to sign the agreement
.I am also wondering about the legality of this ie SJ/HdT pre empting this before hand and offering to pay notary fees etc Does the court know about this ?? (are they also going to pay the notary fees for those who which to say they do not agree ??? Tony can you answer this please )
This amounts to nothing less than blackmail ie sign the agreement or get nothing how low can this company go ????
.Can any of the legals on the forum comment on this .Until I can get my own legal advice on Monday . Thanks
Tony and Brian I think you are out of your depth .You are being used by SJ/HdT as they think you ,your website and this forum are outwith the jurisdiction of the Spanish courts .Think on !!!!!
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Are you off your trolley? You keep on mixing up SJ & HdT and are posting rather daft stuff.
Why do you not read the CBN? It even says in this Friday edition that HdT are going to put a settlement agreement to us. But no you throw daft red herrings about trying to confuse people.
So for once and for all put up or shut up. What out come do you want for purchasers and how do you want to achieve it?
Tony R17 18
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Louise Cecilia, how can you expect them to understand what their leaders at the developers have instructed?
They can write a sensible contribution themselves, let alone understand such a document.
Now they claim it is a mess, despite the document being such a wonderful opportunity.
Still wondering what will happen if purchasers were made to honour their contract, in the event of a miracle, would the developer say to their supporters, don't worry, if you can't raise the balance or you can't afford to buy as you lost your job. You helped us when we needed you, so now p**s off.
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Hi All,
Note the continued crass remarks being made by FIn, who is not a purchasers & Cl who has a BG ( according to her when she posted as MM/JA) .So what is there gave spreading rumour & trying to dominiate every thread & prevent you from being able to communicate with one and other without fear of a nasty snide remark.
Still they do not give an alternative to a settlement agreement.
What out come do they want and how do they aim to get it?
Tony R17 18
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I am concerned that as demonstrated on the threads the SADM village idiot has contibuted to, how can I say this without offending?
He cannot string two words together gramatically, then asks us to view a report, which it is obvious, are not his words.
So, the question has to be asked. Who are puppeteers and do they provide in written form.
I have been asked to come clean and now is the time for others.
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Surely the mere fact HdT are offering to pay purchasers Notary costs should be ringing alarm bells. I would presume most of us have given our Lawyers POA to act on our behalf through this concurso, so why would we use a Notary in our own country? Would our Lawyers not be best placed to register our votes and to advise on the best course of action to protect one`s hard earned cash? Or am I missing the point? Cheers Joanniemac
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Exactly Joannie and worse than that SJ/HdT will be paying the notaries fees so in whose interest will these notaries be working for . Far better sticking with our own lawyers not a notary paid for by the developer .No thanks .
To be honest the whole report should set alarm bells ringing not just that they have offered to pay for notaries . Beggars believe that some can be so stupid after all that has happened have they learned nothing .
This message was last edited by LOUISE CECILIA on 25/10/2009.
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Same as (indipendant ) lawyers then 
If someone were to rob your house and you knew who it was, would you ask them the best way which the police could catch them and prove it?
Just a simple thought, as if someone took my money and didn't give me what was promised, I don't think that I would be taking their advice on how to safeguard it !!!  
Would anyone be stupid enought ?
This message was last edited by FriendinNeed on 26/10/2009.
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Can i just get this straight are you saying that san jose/hdt are willing to pay for a notary if we agree to their plan, why would anyone not want to get their own lawyer to look at this and act on it rather than blindly trust san jose/dht. I thought it was always best to get truly independent advice, how can this be good advice when SJ/HDT are paying for it.
I know who i trust, if this is the case i would be very concerned that we could be misled without proper legal representation. One more thing to say to tony and brian, can you say without a doubt that you think Santa Anna will go ahead and have the golf courses hotels and club house as promised, or will they just make a start and the bugger off leaving it incomplete.
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