The Comments |
Is it true that SARC have had such success in solving all purchaser's problems that they are now thinking of advising on the Swine Flue problem.
You know. Don't listen to the doctors, the NHS or the Government, do as SARC top men say and all will be well.
They have pointed out in the past that they are busy saving lives, so perhaps that is why they haven't had the time to post on here.
Much more important things to do.
They saved SADM , didn't they? Oh perhaps not.
Now they will try to save the world.
God, please help us all.
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Hi Chrissie how are you , long time no hear ,any news .How is your case going are you getting anywhere ? MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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You would know all about being lonely FIN - LONELY TOSSER
Just come back from Africa it was great. It knocked the spots off spain. I met lots of people who had chosen not TO go to spain for their holidays, kind of made me smile. I couldnt help joining in and doing my bit to make spain and its corrupt system lose some more brits.
Hope you are well. Chrissie
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Sounds great Chrissie where abouts in Africa did you go .I was supposed to go to Spain for a holiday this weekend but have decided not to bother .It is a shame but I just don't want to go . Spain has lost it for me right now . Tell more about Africa I have only ever beeen to South Africa it was fab . cheers MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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If believing that "FIN - LONELY TOSSER" makes a small mind happy, glad to be of service and proves that me contributing on here has some use, even to those with little brain power.
Keep on putting off Brits going to Spain, perhaps it will then revert to quality and not quantity.
Thinking of corrupt systems, of course nobody can say that about UK, can they. MPs, Ministers, expenses!!!!!
Yet more proof that people wear rose tinted when they go overseas.
Am I well, of course I am, couldn't be better. Thank you for your concern.
PS Have you given it a thought that the financial crisis and exchange rate could be affecting the tourist industry in Spain?
Perhaps not. Take off the rose tinted.
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Went to Cape Verde with my hubby. All inclusive. The hotel was lovely with wall to wall food and drink. It was immaculately clean and the people couldnt have been any nicer. We beached out just about every day, we saw dolphins and we decided to adopt a couple of turtles. They will be released in September and they are going to send us an email and photos of the turtles when they are released around 2.9.09. It was very good value and what made me really happy was the amount of people who had decided to give spain a wide birth. I was secretly rubbing my hands thinking yep that will do nicely. I can totally recommend this holiday if you want to chill. We went on some boat trips and jeep rides and you could also do snorkeling, scuba diving, jet skiing, really all sorts of water sports.
I will sign off for now cos I dont want to go on too much. This channel is not usually brimming with nice stuff.
Take care Chrissie
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Sounds great Chrissie friends of ours bought off plan in Cape Verde last year ,As far I know it is all going well and they are completing this September . They came with us to CB but decided not to buy .Perhaps I should have dug deeper as to why they came to that decision ? Any way we live and learn . It is great you had a good holiday . I might give Cape Verde a try for a holiday this winter .Cheers M
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Africa, Africa, and extension of the Canaries, Cape Verde. A resort Island. They have overcooked the Canaries with All Inclusive which caters for the lower end of market, still, move it on to CV and Lanzarote and GC may be worth visiting again. I do hear and read that many of the AI hotels are closing. Also, some of the remaining are giving the inmates guests, glasses and not plastic beakers!!!
This message was last edited by FriendinNeed on 29/07/2009.
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By a female, no. Tend not to associate with the, now how do I describe without being too offensive?
Let's just say you see many a police docu., on TV where the results of too much drink has an affect on the females. Every town and city has them. Nice young ladies, no, now what are they called?
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Please STOP squabbling ,We have much bigger fish to fry right now and it will do no harm to expose a few dangerous little SJ/HdT loving Minos on the way . I am sure you know who I mean .It is becoming quite clear now how much damage SARC have done.I tried to alert people to this fact all along but no body got it
We could be in the same situation as the purchasers of Martinsa Fedesa if it was not for SARC doing SJ's dirty work .
Think on good people we have been sailed down the river because of the sheer stupidity of SARC .
Where are SARC now ?????????? Surely if they intended only good for all purchasers they would have something to say .They seem to have learned a lot from SJ .If things get too hot keep your head down and say nothing !!!!!!!!!
Regards to all keep up the good fight .
I will never give up until ALL the wrong doers in this are exposed for what they are and justice prevails
IWMFMB. cheers MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 30/07/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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