The Comments |
I will second that ! Hope everyone has the best year ever . Here's to 2010 . A toast ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows your dead 
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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¡Feliz año!
We went to the campo with some Spanish friends today. Their country pile is close to SADM and I had my camera with me, so I have posted a photo that I took there, though sadly there was no sign of the shepherd and his sheep.... 
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Hi Sue sounds like you had a lot of fun in the campo .The photograph is beautiful . It is a shame to think what should have been .
It wont happen now so we should all make the most of what we have and of what we love .
The term you used to describe your friends place " country pile " intrigued me .I kind of knew what you were trying to describe but then thought some more and came to the conclusion that my "country pile " may not be the same as yours . It is one of those terms that can mean different things to different folk
So I.did some research and am now befuddled .What do others think this means ? and Sue can you describe and let us know if we are all thinking along the same lines or if we are way off the mark .Thanks for sharing .
All the best for 2010 hope it is everything you ever wished for. Cheers MM
Ps What a shame you did not see or meet the Shepherd 
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 04/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I thought the word 'pile' might be what you have when a developer fails to complete your house. You're left with a pile of !*&%. 
Happy New Year to all..... and hopefully good riddence to SJ (HDT or whatever other name they care to make up this year).
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I was using the expression "country pile" in the way English Royalty might use it when referring to one of their country estates! However I was also being slightly ironic...
Our friends' family share a two-roomed property between Jumilla and SADM, which is very nice, though not somewhere you would actually live. When Juana Maria said we were going to the "campo" we had no idea what to expect, but it does have a few more facilities than SADM does at the moment, so we were quite impressed! I was "relieved" to find that they had a bathroom, with running water and electricity, as well as a living area. The men were all outside crowded round the barbeque - just like any British family during the summer months, the difference being it was January and it wasn´t raining!
Hope that makes it clear enough for everybody.
Best wishes to you all for 2010. We might not have the property we envisaged, but we are happy living here in Jumilla and know that (even if we don´t get our money back) we are luckier than many people.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Sue, good answer but in no way what I expected from one who has advised others on how to retire the ole way !!!!! I find this part of your reply particularly disturbing " Our friends' family share a two-roomed property between Jumilla and SADM, which is very nice, though not somewhere you would actually live." this comment does little to enlighten or inform and gives no in site at all .
In fact it comes across as a little is derogatory , implying the people concerned have a lifestyle the rest of us would not choose ! .
Why is the way they live not acceptable to you ?
Is it just the simplicities and lack of amenities of a rural lifestyle that make it " not somewhere you would actually live" ? ( Try the highlands and Islands of Scotland !!!! )
If this is your opinion , I will not be inviting you to my "country pile " in case it is judged on your terms !
The mind now boggles " country pile " What does this mean ? All opinions welcome .
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I am not an estate agent, nor would I wish to be one. I wasn´t aiming to give you a complete description, and though I have photos of the property it didn´t seem necessary to post them. After all, as far as I know, my friends aren´t trying to sell their place! I meant to put a quick post on the forum, not write a blog to enlighten or inform, however I now seem to be in the position of trying to defend myself.
There was no way the remark was meant to be derogatory: for goodness sake, I am talking about friends of mine! I have lived in the countryside myself in the past and am used to lack of facilities. My friends don´t actually live there, but even if they did I wouldn´t make derogatory comments about them. Their property isn´t being used by them as a home, and so doesn´t have certain facilities - how about if I say it is their equivalent of owning a beach hut? Would that get my point across better, or am I going to be castigated for making comments about people who live in beach huts? I was just trying to say it wasn´t a large country estate......
We had a lovely day in the countryside with wonderful Spanish friends, so please don`t try and ruin this experience by insulting me. I have said in the past on this forum that I don´t judge people by what job they do, or how much money they have, or what sort of property they live in. Hopefully people who know me won´t judge me as harshly as you seem to do.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Hi Sue, I think anyone with an ounce of sense would know what you meant. Nothing at all wrong with what you said in my opinion, so dont think you need to defend yourself. Glad you had a nice time, shame someone was out to cause a row over nothing.
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Hi Malc and Sue . I think it is me who has been misunderstood . I did not mean to offend anyone regards this matter but only to allow a free and open discussion around the term "country pile " as Malc points out "anyone with an ounce of sense " would know what Sue meant by using this term . Obviously not !
It would make for a far better discussion if you denied your persecution complex and allowed others to express their opinions without feeling they are part of some inappropriate and ill conceived argument .
Why not let others have their say ? what is the general interpretation of " a country pile " ?
Sue now tells us that " Their property isn´t being used by them as a home, and so doesn´t have certain facilities - how about if I say it is their equivalent of owning a beach hut " and " I was just trying to say it wasn´t a large country estate...... "
What is a "country pile " and what do people think of when someone uses this term ?
A dictionary definition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Country pile, a stately home or large country house *
So sorry but I am sick to the back teeth of total crap being posted on EOS . Sue and Malc , I think it is you who have completely missed the point here !!!!! MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 05/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Happy New Year Sue. I also knew what you had intended to portray. I agree with Malc and Linda, you should not feel the need to to defend yourself.
MM "So sorry but I am sick to the back teeth of total crap being posted on EOS" .
Maybe you should read some of the stuff you write then. This last one being an absolute classic.
Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia
R4 308 For Rental
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Well said Linda, Sue you dont need to defend yourself, Shame seems some people like to cause a row over nothing, but then i suppose thats been the case on here for a long time, funny how its the same few tho. I think best thing is to ignore her.
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Seems one of those conversations that seems to surface due to sheer frustration at having no other development to report on... Nice to hear of things from Spain and everyone should focus on san jose etc.
Linda I havent seen you on for a while and know you were involved in initial (if not later) meetings with Tony etc with san jose. You have a level head and a close eye on Jumilla. What is your view on the current events? Do you still think people may get their house? Your full integration in the language and culture of your neighbours should give you an excellent insight. I would be interested in your view point
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Apologies to all especially Sue and Malc .Joannie is right it is just frustration.Not making excuses but I had the day from hell yesterday .So sorry all .
Feeling much better now I had the best news ever today .Looks like this nightmare will very soon be over for me and no one will have to listen to my frustrated rants anymore . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi Chrissie I will MM
Just a shame everyone missed my point about the Shepherd story The point is that HdT /SJ must have known about this supreme court case and kept it quiet even in the meetings with their SARC pals .Even Sue who lives in the the area and is hanging out with locals in the campo hears nothing about it . Did the crooks arrange the silence ? Just goes to show the lengths they will go to to deceive .I find it amazing this was not mentioned at all before now as SJ/HdT most certainly new about it . Must be giving Tony something to think about as his friends have obviously been holding out on him or have they ? MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 06/01/2010. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 06/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I cannot answer for SJ/HdT, however I do know that the Ayuntamiento in Jumilla had not been informed about this case, which is why my local sources also knew nothing. The Alcalde has made a legal challenge to the ruling on the basis that he should have been given the opportunity to be represented. This has been published in local and regional papers, and Paco also spoke on local radio about it though we missed that.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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