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30 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by alex and lesley Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi There

We are planning to be over with our two teenage sons and we are wondering what things there are for teenagers to do on CDA or surrounding area. They are both keen footballers and we noticed on our last visit over the football parks taking shape. Does anyone know if there is a cost for using the pitches and if so who / where do you pay. Perhaps other kids might fancy getting together for a kick about.

Alex and Lesley

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30 Jan 2010 9:26 AM by annemariep Star rating. 82 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alex and Lesley

Don't know about the status of the football pitch sorry, we have 11 year old twin girls and they are obviously into different things.  There's a large 10 pin bowling alley literally 10 mins from PW just off the Murcia motorway.  Good facilities, 10 lanes (I think), bar, and plenty of games like air hockey, table football, pool etc.   If you're interested let me know and I will send you directions (can't think what the turn-off from the motorway is right now but I will find out to let you know).

There's META horse riding just along the road for El Palmar, again only 10 mins from PW.  Really friendly and speak excellent English.  A lot of English children go there, although I think the majority are girls.

Another thing to try is the Bahia sailing club in the Port.  They have various water sports including kayaking (is that the right spelling!) and windsurfing.  Great just to go along and have a look.  The clubhouse is at the end of the Bahia marina.  Again, if you don't know where this is let me know and I will give you directions - it's not the main marina in the Port.   It's obviously a lot busier in the summer but I know they are still sailing at the moment as we went down last weekend and sat having a drink overlooking the marina and there were a group of English boys just bringing their boat in after sailing.

They can catch up on watching all the main matches at Kennellys at Camposol (I think they have 4 screens showing the main matches on Saturdays) and they can pop next door to Camposol computers if they want to have an hour or so surfing the net.

If they are into swimming the nearest indoor municiple pool I believe is Totana (it's the one we've been to when it's too cold to go into the outdoor pools).  It's very clean and modern.  They don't really encourage play, more serious swimming.  Everyone has to wear a swim hat (you can buy from the vending machine at the pool) and you must wear flipflops or equivalent to getting into the water.

Hope this helps, if I can think of anything else I will let you know.  You didn't say when you are coming or how old the boys are - if it's in the warmer months there's obviously more to do just like in England

Anne Marie
(Los Naranjos)


"2bed Ground Floor Penthouse apartment to rent"

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30 Jan 2010 5:53 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alex & Lesley,

I have one teenage son, he is sitting next to me giving some input.  The football pitches are open, they were free when we were last over, but can't guarantee that hasn't changed.  There were often groups of kids playing when we were there.

As well as the football there are tennis and squash courts, and paddle tennis, but these are now being charged at a fairly high rate.

Good luck


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30 Jan 2010 11:35 PM by alex and lesley Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Folks

Thanks for the replies. We have a friend who is going over shortly will ask her to find out more about footy pitches etc. Just dont want two nagging teenagers moaning they are bored all day lol.

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31 Jan 2010 5:58 AM by WanderingWoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message

Hi Anne Marie

How big is the pool in Totana? Where is it located?





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31 Jan 2010 6:15 PM by annemariep Star rating. 82 forum posts Send private message

Hi Louise

The pool at Totana is quite big, in fact there are two.  The largest of the two has been laned off when we have used it so that people can swim without being disturbed.  The other pool is smaller and not as deep - families with children normally use this one.

Go on the main road into Totana over the bridge past the train station on your left.  Turn right at the roundabout and continue going for a little while, not sure if you go over one or two roundabouts.  Keep going until you see the building over on your left.  You can't turn directly to it, you have to go past a little and come back on yourself.  You shouldn't be able to miss it, it's a large modern building.  We didn't know where we were going first time we went and we found it without any problem.

Hope this helps.

Anne Marie


"2bed Ground Floor Penthouse apartment to rent"

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