The Comments |
Jay & Lisa
Depends who you are you asking?
The banks will be trying to sell the Sports Zone, They did quote a figure for leasing but it is excessive and who will lease it? if it was the company that where there before then they priced us out of the facility.
The Community could lease it if all owners agreed at an EGM? We could even buy it?
First a study needs to be carried out to check feasability, then a good lease price needs to be agreed with the banks, then we would need a licence for the bar, planning permissions etc then find staff etc, all of this is being considered by the Presidents and Administrators, but these things take time, yes it would be nice to have it up and running as soon as possible but realistically this will take some time and that is assuming owners do not object? some will no doubt as most people want their fees lowered not raised.
I would happlily pay say 10€ month extra but then i live her,e what about owners who can only visit for two weeks? would they be happy to pay 120€ year plus a nominal charge to use facilities? I think not? Realistically costs could be lower if banks agreed to lease for less?
I am sure and would hope that your Presidents will up date you on any progress, and any news on this will be added to our "official site"
If the community wants to take it over at a cost, then it is a possibility? but not today?
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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Thanks for that.
I would hope all owners, whatever their motivation in owning would see that the resort would only be enhanced by the opening of the sports bar again, a gym and as many other facilities as possible.
As you say this all takes time to assess etc but i look forward to reviewing the possibilities
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Nice one Mick,
At least we know the possibilities. The resort definitely would benefit as Paul mentioned. I suppose it would be a nightmare to arrange but if all the owners that wanted to stump up the little bit extra to have the facillities reinstated could have access to the gym areas etc and those that did not have a "membership" could still use them but pay higher rates etc. I'll leave it with the very capable presidents and full time residents to come up with a solution but I as well would be prepared to chip in.
Thanks for the update
Jay & Lisa
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Sooner rather than later would be good before the place falls into disarray and then we will have the cost of repairs
If the place could be ran as a business then the cost would be minimal even make a profit , also a nice job for a full time resident it would be nice to catch the holiday period
This place as got good prospects on many front's and maybe a private buyer could be found
may be tomorrow
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Hi Tom,
The banks have stated that they will only lease it to the community, if we do not take it then they have no plans to either lease/sell or reopen it themselves.
From by point of view, I would like to see it run as a community asset with any profits being feed back into the community for improvements rarher than sub-letting it to a private individual. As Mick has said, we will have to look into the feasability of this fully before coming up with a proposal. But my initial thoughts would be to ;-
1. Determine the full annual leasing/running costs
2. Confirm with Alhama council that we would be granted an alcohol license.
3. Negotiate a 3 or 5 year lease at a reduced rate. If we are to reopen the complex, this will require a capital injection to decorate, furnish, refit etc etc. Unless there was a long lease we may never recover the costs. The old gym would be very expensive to completely refit, the area could be used as a "community hall" for functions and perhaps one of the squash courts converted to a small gym?
4. Establlsh a "commitee" of residents to run the bar etc on a rota basis.
5. Determine the effects on the community fees for achieving the above, and set an EGM to gain the owners approval. The community could only afford to run the complex if it were funded through the community fees. But after the first year any profits could be fed into the reserve fund which would reduce the fees for the coming year.
As I say, just initial thoughts which I'm sure many will be able to pick holes in. But hopefully we will be able to flesh out a proper business plan in the next few weeks.
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Phil I think your proposals sound well thought out. I can see that setting up the gym in the original room would be expensive and running costs also- aircon, lighting staff etc. Often gym's hire their equipment but I doubt its particularly cost effective- though it does mean the equipment can be changed for newer/better periodically rather than having to buy new again and try to ofload the old equipment. But I can see a smaller venue might be more practical and would leave the present gym as a social venue. Infact just being able to open up and maintain the courts initially and progress more slowly with the other area's would be a vast improvement but I know that the area would have to be bringing in money from the beginning so the more thats available the better,
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surely we would have paid staff not a voluntarily rota ,do we need alcohol , so the banks are prepared to leave it rot
if nothing comes of this venture then the banks names or whom ever is over seeing this on there behalf should be made available
to outside business i am sure there would be a lot of interest or even purchased out right i don't think they would turn that down
I would like to see it as a cafe more towards food than alcohol
the gym only need equipment /bar is there ,cooking facilities there,courts up and running no major refit is required maybe we need to get professional advice This message was last edited by tomgeorge on 08/06/2010.
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Did I say "voluntarily rota"?, yes of course the people would get paid. From the people I have spoken to there are not many interested in working full time, after all most residents have other things to do, but a number would be happy to do 1 day a week/fortnight. If we are to maximise the profit that goes back to the community then we need to run it as a community rather than get in outside staff.
When the sports facility was open i went in to see the girl on the counter, "first person she had seen in three days", why? because the bar was shut! Like it or not, it's the bar selling drinks ( plus Tea, Coffee, Cakes, Tapa etc ) that would bring the customers in. I don't see this a being a "boozer" but as a community meeting area, if we undercut the clover ( which wouldn't be hard ) people will use it. Might even streach to putting on english footer 
The facility was gutted by Polaris, getting it up and running again will cost, as I have said, we will need to determine the exact cost, but it won't be free,
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Hi Phil
I think that is one of the most sensible, and positive proposal I heard since the AGM. That main hall (old gym area) would be ideal for any small function, it is made for it, opening out to the garden, and its own kitchen and bar area, patio, and children area. Yes I would like to see a small gym kept somewhere, even if we would have to be "cosy" in one of the squash courts!
Can you see a problem with Alhama council granting an alcohol license? Otherwise no alcohol at function would be a no no.
I think it is a brilliant idea for us to have our own social club, like you say Phil the revenue from the 1st year to be ploughed back into the reserve funds which means it becomes less and less supported by the owners.
It would open up that side of the Condado, and with the new club house being built now on the other side there will be more chooses !!
Put it to a vote and I am sure you will find a good response, with the reduction of our community charge in the next coming months why not put it to use!
You have my vote
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Also, the work needn't be for just the owners that are residents , I certainly wouldn't have a problem helping out for a when I was out there! Obviously owners would have to organise but helping in kitchen, bar, cleaning, raffles etc etc its endless if its done right there shouldn't be a problem.
This message was last edited by scapa on 08/06/2010.
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Ptan, excellent plan. I will never use the sports facilities or gym, however the two positives here are that the whole place could generate a profit for the community and we will have another place to drink, other than the Clover.
I would imagine bar prices could easily undercut those charged at the Clover... This may make the clover pay attention and either cut prices or stat doing other things to entise customers!
I spend a fortune on booze, and would be happy knowing every pint I consume is helping lower my community charge and helping maintain additional facilities on the resort!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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It's a fantastic plan and like Darren I probably won't use the facilities but would most certainly use the bar.
If we could get this sorted it would give the resort and the people in it a huge lift
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As somebody has already said, the most sensible and positive suggestion to be put forward regarding a possible use of the old sports area yet. You have our vote, although I'm sure there will be many obstacles to overcome along the way!
Jim and Betty
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hi all,
Some of these ideas are great, would get our vote and best of all encourage our own resort folk to use in house facilities instead of having to venture down to Camposol for a game of footy or two? shhhhhh the more facilities the better, after all were not exactly flushed with places to go and things to do! especially in the lower gardens area.
pete n ange
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Great idea Phil and i'm sure you're encouraged by the response from everybody. Over the last 18 months we've all been calling for an extra privately owned bar in the al kazar to compete with the clover which polaris wouldn't allow and this is our opportunity, the old manzano was not welcoming and we all know about herbert, a community bar would be great, more welcoming, better prices. Other ideas could be that instead of the gym in the old supermarket could be snooker, pool, table tennis etc, items that once installed would not cost the earth to maintain. We have 3 daughters and their partners and we would definitely use the facilities. Oh and i'm all for getting the football put on in here, the atmosphere would be great. Fingers crossed the community can make something of this area.
Chris and Tracey.
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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forget about the sports ,turn it into a bingo hall /dont tell me someone would not jump at a full time job
most do about anything already .
This message was last edited by tomgeorge on 08/06/2010. This message was last edited by tomgeorge on 08/06/2010.
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We could rent out the space previously was the gym or even a squash court .
Lesley can have her aerobics classes and I am sure there are other entrepreneurs out there who could provide services such as a bingo hall, spanish lessons, table top sales etc.
As for fitting the old bar out if it is like England the brewery would pay towards it if you guarantee to take a regular supply of drink.
By the way I'm not volunteering for the other side of the bar but will swell the coffers from this side!
Barry & Sue
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Count me in as a supporter!! will be interesting what rent the banks come up with though...... It has got to be worth calling an EGM and many can have their say via e-mail if they are unable to attend any such meeting....... what is there to lose really??
If it doesn't appear viable then nothing is lost but everything to gain if it is.....
This message was last edited by smivs on 08/06/2010.
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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