Hi all
Been looking through the belegal website about Corvera and there is an article relating to Ms De Castro, I believe - which seems to indicate that she is not all that EOS touts her to be. In fact, if you go to the belegal website (sorry, i'm new and can't put the link in) you can read up on this by going to: antonio flores blog - or search for ambulance chasers/antonio flores blog on the belegal site
the article seems suggest that Ms De Castro - if it does indeed refer to her - is guilty of misconduct. Ouch! Has Ms De Castro responded to Mr Flores on this point yet?
It's very hard to know who to trust when you are looking for legal representation and if a trusted source like Eye On Spain is pushing the services of a lawyer who has behaved in such a way - obviously a rebuttal will be forthcoming soon, I'm guessing - where does this leave the consumer? Or is belgal the one who is misrepresenting the facts to grab clients?
I would be interested to know the truth about this case.