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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
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18 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by sdboyle Star rating in Lancashire. 13 forum posts Send private message

sdboyle´s avatar


my wife & I are buying a Tulipan apartment via Amba Sun International and we're being represented by Spanish lawyers PSI based in Torreviejo.

I'm not a property expert nor a legal expert, but as part of my job I deal with contracts & negotiations so have some experience even if it is slightly different. So when we received the contract from San Jose I was quite surprised as it seems to me to be lacking in detail, almost totally in their favour and, from my limited research on the internet, is short of almost any protection for us as the purchasor.

I've written to our lawyer in Spain to raise our concerns but I wondered what other people's experiences are on this board? For example, have you included clauses regarding completion of the communal areas; facilities such as the golf course; homeowner discounts etc etc? And what about the detailed spec of the property you are buying - have you a detailed list attached to the contract e.g. covering bathrooom fittings, kitchen fittings etc.?

Best wishes

Stephen & Susan Boyle

R10   193

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18 Feb 2007 10:20 PM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message

I too have bought through ambasun and use psi

You are absolutely right in that the contract says nothing about internal fittings only about the exterior and wall coverings

If you are worried contact Pilar at ambasun and ask her to get you a bank guarantee it will take a month or so but that coveres all the money you have paid



Great Auntie Linda


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25 Feb 2007 12:29 PM by sdboyle Star rating in Lancashire. 13 forum posts Send private message

sdboyle´s avatar

Thanks for the advice.

we'll do what you suggest & contact Pilar.

We're just concerned as we've read so many stories on the internet of people buying properties in Spain which are classed as 'finished' but are far from it . From such things as not getting a bathroom suite because it wasn't listed specifically in the contract, to being surrounded by a building site with incomplete ameneties making the property almost unusable.

Are we asking too much to have such prerequisites put into the contract?

....and by the way,  thanks to everyone who is posting pictures of the development - its much appreciated.

S & S R10 193

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25 Feb 2007 3:50 PM by kevin l Star rating. 133 forum posts Send private message

As far as I am aware light fittings are not included bur all other fittings are I have seen finished propertys from Sj and they are good  so do not worry to much the only thing that I was surprised at was the light fittngs down to the lamp holder not being supplied


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26 Feb 2007 7:54 AM by roysrellies Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

Hi Kevin. In all the show houses in Jumilla there are notices on all the fittings such as mirrrors in the bathroom etc and shower doors saying that they are not included.

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26 Feb 2007 9:50 AM by kevin l Star rating. 133 forum posts Send private message

Yes sorry should of said that I was refering to things suchas the bathroom suite  etc



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