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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
22 Aug 2013 6:26 PM by jacq1 Star rating in N.Ireland/Roda. 35 forum posts Send private message

I too have recently returned from Roda phase 2 and am delighted with the armbands idea.  What a simple idea but quite effective.

Great to see it being enforced. In phase 2 the pools are checked every day at different times. This really needs to be done on all phases, although I still saw the pool being used by non residents when they knew Gregorio was at lunch or finished for the day. The minute they saw him appear at one end they took off at the other! But it really has cut down on this abuse.

Can I also praise the gardeners and the gardening comittee for the work & thought that has gone in to upgrading the beds. Well done you all deserve a pat on the back.  The stoning & cactus beds are really good.


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22 Aug 2013 7:42 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Jacq - the gardens have taken a lot of thought, time and effort from the gardening committee.

Finally they are starting to look ok - although we are still getting complaints from a number of Spanish owners who think too much has been spent on one pool area and not on another (unfair in their eyes), not enough colour and that the stone are ridiculous and attrocious. They're far better to me than that disgusting, solid brown soil!


This message was last edited by pommers on 22/08/2013.

Cheers Pommers

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22 Aug 2013 9:23 PM by jacq1 Star rating in N.Ireland/Roda. 35 forum posts Send private message

How could you not like the gardens. My mother, friend and myself (all gardening fanatics) thought they were great.

There is lots of colour in the pom pom flowers, some changing from red to orange to yellow, others from pink to lilac to white. Actually around our pool there is now a lot more colour and no long grass growing in the rock hard clay which was inpossible to weed. Believe meI tried!

The stoned ground is a great idea. Not only does it add colour but helps to keep the water in the ground instead of evaporating, which in turn saves us all money.

It is very true 'You can't please everyone'


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23 Aug 2013 8:46 AM by shannon Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

As was just said "It is very true 'You can't please everyone'".

I know quite a lot of Phase 3 apartment owners who are not pleased with their surrounding gardens. I understand that P1 and P2 are established mature gardens. Phases1, 2 and 4 are ablaze with plants and foliage but when passing them and the wilderness that was to be P5, the gardens along both sides of Avenida Golf eg deteriorate markedly.

We at the back end of Roda, seem to be at the back of the queue when it comes to improving the appearance of the gardens. I wonder why?






This message was last edited by shannon on 23/08/2013.

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23 Aug 2013 11:50 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Frank - are you talking Entidad or Community Gardens?

We were talking Community gardens so if you have a problem then you need to contact your Community president. I also look after and apartment on Phase 3B and the gardens round the pool there are starting to look much better at last. But you are right, it does take a number of years for them to mature and it is only really in the last 12-18 months that Phase 2 has finally started to look better

I suspect however, you are talking about the Entidad gardens on the perimeter of the resort. In which case you need to complain to the Entidad Present and also to Resortalia.

But you aren't alone in the problems with the perimeter. Just take a second look at Phase 2. The land that was handed over to the Entidad from the Ayuntamiento looked awful to start with - huge blocks of concrete everywhere. The P12 committee nagged at Resortalia and the Entidad to get something done about this - so they planted trees in amongst the concrete! A lot of which are now dying due to lack of water.

To be fair to the new President of the Entidad, he is trying to improve things but he only has so much money to play with. And I think the problem lies with the gardeners as they do seem to run out of steam when they get past the rear entrance to the resort.


This message was last edited by pommers on 23/08/2013.

Cheers Pommers

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23 Aug 2013 12:31 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

We would add our support to the wristbands scheme.  We have just returned from 10 days at Roda and the wristband policeman was doing a very good job.  As Celtic says, he seemed to have some sort of list which we presumed detailed who was, and who was not entitled to use the pool.  Those who weren't wearing them were spoken to, and generally they then disappeared into their apartments and returned wearing wristbands.  Job done, simple.

As has previously been said, the scheme needs to be enforced regularly to be effective, if that happens eventually the message will get out: no wristband - no pool.  Or in other words, no fees, no pool.  What better way to get debtors to bring fees up to date?  As for renters taking offence, if it is explained to them at the outset that this system applies, they know what to expect.  I don't think it will put anyone off booking a holiday and ultimately everyone benefits from more money being paid into community coffers.

Gardens also a vast improvement.  The grass was taking a serious amount of wear and tear while we were there, but it is standing up well and although some of the planting opposite our apartment hasn't survived sadly (remnants from previous years' attempts) we were delighted with how our phase (P12) is looking.

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23 Aug 2013 6:34 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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It is certainly heartening to hear some good reports both re the wristbands, as has been said it is a no brainer for those of us that pay our fees and should be monitored resort wide, as well as good vibes on the Communal gardens in P12 phase 2. Those on the ground have indeed worked very hard nagging and pushing the gardeners, who are now doing an excellent job, as always there is more to do and after the dry and busy summer, more work will continue but balancing expenditure with collecting fees is paramount and we continue to seek value for money for all as well as making our Community as attractive as possible for visitors, as indeed are other Communities.


You are quite right shannon, the resort is let down both by the development land still owned by Calidona or associated companies, this being the hotel and commercial centre site as well as what is known as Phase 5 and 4B both inside the perimeter road.

All land outside this road is either owned by all the owners through the Entidad but pommers is slightly incorrect, much of this is still owned by the Ayuntamiento who thought years ago it would be a good idea to retain some land for San Javier

They now have no money to do much with it so the Entidad Board took a decision on behalf of all owners to attempt to make some improvements but with a limited budget, work to tidy up and plant has started but there are vast areas to maintain and whilst the developer himself is now a major debtor to both the Entidad and many Communities this will exacerbate the problem.

Bear in mind also, that villa owners have now been told they must all maintain their own frontages, some of whom do not. this can look untidy as perviously the Entidad paid for this, i.e all of us.

IF you are referring to the communal gardens within the perimeter road then you do need to consult with your Community President or make representation at your AGM

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24 Aug 2013 3:14 PM by jacq1 Star rating in N.Ireland/Roda. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Hugh_man

Am I right in thinking that villa owners do not pay either Entidad or Community fees?  If not, could they not start paying and then their front gardens could be looked after and they could get armbands for their nearest pool  thus reducing the costs for everybody?

Also, since the developer is such a large debtor can he not be chased for this debt through the courts as ordinary owners would be or is there some sort of restrictions?

Would certainly help the coffers if they came good.


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24 Aug 2013 5:22 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Villa owners are expected to pay Entidad fees but NOT Community fees they do not have the same restrictions as Communities or same bye laws.

Initially front gardens were to be cared for by the Entidad budget in order to keep them all reasonably uniform and tidy, that proved to be too expensive plus it meant everyone was contributing so it was decided to ask them to maintain their own gardens, which many do and very nicely.

Sadly though a few cannot be bothered.

As has been previuosly discussed on here, Villas were expected to put in their own pools and are not supposed to use Community pools as they do not contribute even though many were told by sales people they could.

This discussion will never be adequately answered.

Re Calidona/Roda

The words, blood and stone spring to mind but P12 are certainly attempting to use the very slow Spanish legal process to chase their debt as we do with all debtors, I cannot answer for other Communities, the Entidad board were reluctant seemingly to chase the debt at the last AGM possibly as it may have forced bankruptcy of the developer but this stance may have changed, check with Resortalia.

You are quite correct though the less Roda and other debtors contribute the more the rest of us must pay to keep our investment in good order, unfair but sadly realistic.

It was suggested some time ago by the Entidad board that debtors could have TV reception cut off but sadly this does not appear to have happened for some reason.

Until enough owners air these opinions either in person or by proxy at AGMs or lobby their Community Presidents or Entidad Board members it is difficult to change the current mindset that exists.


As current President of P12, I am extremely happy to hear and consider all owners views and opinions when they are practical either via our dedicated Community website by registering at which carries notes on all meetings, newsletters and updates as well as including a sadly underused Forum

or via email on


best wishes


Chris P

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30 Aug 2013 1:40 AM by Donnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

The thought of individual pools being open to anyone anywhere on Roda fills me with horror. I still haven't recovered from the sight of Mr Phase 1 and family, complete with bikes and family effects, descending on our pool before our Communidad had been formed. Also I have a big enough problem dealing with some of the loud apartment renters who have access to our communal pool without importing them from other phases. Holiday renters who take over the pool with their ball games while others are attempting to swim seem to be a permanent feature particularly during the summer months. As for villas having access to the pool? God forbid. Some of the villas have eight or ten people renting at a time. Multiply that by eight villas or so and your pool is dominated by villa renters. I am afraid I am with Debbie on this one.

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04 Sep 2013 9:47 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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I really have no strong opinion on this, but fail to understand why Mr Phase 1 and family would want to travel halfway round the resort to use a pool that is not too dissimilar to the one near his apartment unless he is visiting friends.

The summer months will always be a nightmare at Roda as they are in any coastal community, the pools and gardens are not designed to cope with a full house in July and August, thats why I m happy in the UK.

Now however is bliss as the schools have gone back and peace and relative quiet have returned and you can even swim lengths without being bombed by exuberant holiday makers.


I have noticed though one townhouse community constructing a six foot high fence and gate around their pools to keep non community owners out, some of whom were never provided with pools as a matter of interest.

As someone said, it does not promote a community spirit in the resort but you can see some selfish logic.

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07 Sep 2013 11:32 AM by thomas88 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

I'm VP on P19 where the community decided to erect fences & gates to the 2 pools. This had nothing to do with community spirit but down to constant abuse from other communities/villas over a number of years. I would expect any owner would want to protect their investment & enjoy their own holidays in peace. The whole problem which has resulted in wristbands etc is due to the developer miss leading buyers in the belief they would all have their own pool. I feel sorry for those in this position but cannot see any prospects of this changing while the developer remains in debt. In addition I would suggest anyone who is considering suing them should think very carefully & only after researching their company accounts as you can't take what's not there. I'm all for the development & future progress of the resort but this can only happen if ALL owners maintain their fees and respect their communities & surrounding areas.

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07 Sep 2013 12:05 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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I certainly agree, many of the problems have been caused by design and developer and you are correct will not be able to be changed, so fully understand where you are coming from.

I would not be surprised to see other Communities follow suit in the future, if it was practical, we have discused it on P12.

 I hope your keys do not get passed on and copied which dubious owners/tenants or even agents may well do as some appear to do with wristbands.

Many debtors still wait for Security to pass by before jumping into pools without wristbands.

Perhaps no solution is perfect.

Sueing, as you rightly say is not an option, somehow the resort needs a new face and management company to control the good assets such as the golf course and possibly develop and sell other areas if financially viable, but this only happens when Roda/Calidona either walk or are forced away.


I do wish though that Roda was run by a Man Communidad made up of Presidents and/or VPs of the Communities rather than an Entidad Board which consits of 3 debtors and a number of no shows at most meetings.

Would you be willing to put yourself forward to replace them next year? We certainly need some changes and Communities working together both for their own good as well as the good of the whole resort would be a start.

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08 Sep 2013 4:29 PM by thomas88 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

I visit 2-3 times per year with family & would certainly consider if AGMs fitted with these times as feel any contribution from abroad would be watered down. Face to face is the only way and ideally regular visits to fully understand the needs & workings of the resort is crucial to being a productive board member. The Entidad board should only include fully paid up members. Javier our P19 President is now as you will know the Entidad President, so would hope we start to see some changes soon. I'm more than happy to engage with anyone that wishes to make the resort a better place with ideas to develop rather than continual moans & groans. We've all voiced our fair share of these so let's have some positive replies on moving the resort forward.

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09 Sep 2013 12:31 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Thomas


I had not realised Javier C was your President, I do not know him well, but I believe he is trying to make changes in a board that was not particularly well run by his predecessor, it must be difficult for him to work on a board with a number of debtors and a number of no shows. Hopefully this will change in 2014 when all original members have to stand for relection, as long as suitable replacement members can be found.

As long as he is President at least your Community does have some representation and input and I would hope you are kept in touch with Entidad matters, unlike many other Communities who are mostly in the dark. Communication at Roda has never been great, hence forums like this one.

Best of luck with your project, hope it works for you.

PS would love you to suggest a meeting of Presidents and VPs at some stage as a productive way to discuss the needs of Communities with a focus on the whole resort.


Best wishes


Chris P

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09 Sep 2013 7:58 AM by thomas88 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

Hi Chris,

I also hope to hear more about the resort also but let's see!

A meeting as suggested makes ideal sense although some are also on the board. I think the first issue to resolve must be to have new board members voted on who are paid up & comitted to the post.

If okay with you could you confirm a private email address for any future and specific points.



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06 Jul 2014 9:03 AM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

Just to bring an older topic back into the frame, we recently returned from our latest trip to Roda when the new wristbands had become available. Round our pool it seemed a bit hit and miss: although more people seemed to have got the idea that the wristbands are a good idea, not everyone was wearing one and of those that weren't, not all were asked to get one or leave.  On one occasion a group of young Spanish people settled around our pool, looking embarrassed/guilty, but proudly sporting their green wristbands - problem was - this year's are yellow!  One or two of us pointed that out to them and they eventually left, laughing at us.  On our last night we were at the main entrance and another group of young Spanish people wearing their swimming gear and carrying towels under their arms, walked straight past security and got into the car that had just pulled up to drive them away.

I think this scheme is simple but with the potential to greatly improve each phase that operates it, by getting more owners to pay their fees and ensuring only those who are entitled to use our very costly facilities, can do so.  However, it needs all owners to support it and for security to be properly enforced if it is to work to its full potential.   If that happens, surely the outcome will be that more money will be paid into the community coffers, which can then either be spent on improvements, or maybe even one day.... a reduction in community fees!

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06 Jul 2014 10:39 AM by thomas88 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

I agree that any improvement must be welcomed but without security enforcing the resort rules the 'non residents' will continue to abuse owners pools and amenities. The main gate has barriers and registration ID but allow anyone entrance which defeats the object. They rarely raise from their chair or open the window to see who's enteriing the resort but we pay them a considerable amount of money for the pleasure. People on foot are never challenged so why do we have security? Barriers shouldn't be opended unless the car reg is registered and those not must have specific rental details/booking forms with owners contact details. All those on foot should also be asked for ID or owner info or refused entry. Only then we will see an improvement for all and appreciate the fees we pay.

Dave G


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06 Jul 2014 11:35 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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I am sure many owners feel exactly the same way as previous posters.


I would urge as many of you as possible to let your Community President, The Entidad Board and most importantly the resort Administrator, Resortalia how you feel about the things you are paying for.

Changes will only come about through strength of opinion and sadly AGM s are not well attended


These people are there to represent all owners and need to understand how owners see things

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06 Jul 2014 4:51 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

You cannot refuse entry to anybody that wishes to enter a golf resort either on foot or in a vechicle because the perimiter road around the resort, is a PUBLIC road, it has to be under the local regulations and this is the same as Cirvera, La Manga, La Torre and everywhere

The Police patrol these roads and you can be stopped and prosecuted for any motoring offence including speeding or drink driving and on La Manga specifically I have seen the Police setup check points

Somebody entering the resort simply has to say that they are going to the bar, gym or shop, and you can be asked to open your boot on exit but not forced

I know that in the early days RODA was sold as a secure gated community, you are not allowed to do this in a Spanish golf resort



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