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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
06 Jul 2014 5:08 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

You might not be allowed to stop entry in a Spanish golf resort - but how do they manage to do it at Hacienda Riquelme then?

If your're not an owner then you are not allowed to enter without filling in a form to give your car reg and the reason for their visit. There is only one entrance there too so that stops the "pass throughs".

Any vehicle not registered at Roda needs to be stopped and asked to provide details of the reason for their visit.
And pedestrians with towels and chairs under their arms need to be asked the reason why they are coming in.
I don't have a problem if they are going to the bar or the gym but they need to provide a purpose.

Vans do get stopped and checked at HR but I've NEVER seen a car asked to open their boot.

I've never seen ANY vehicle checked at Roda!

Sorry Roy - you don't live on Roda and don't have to put up with the faeces in the pool from the "invaders" - or clear them out for that matter. Nor the drunken louts who have no respect for rules and throw glass bottles around the pools so that folk can stand on them later and cut their feet.

Nor the owners that are non-resident who give wristbands to their family who live locally so that they can come and use the pools for free when their own house or apartment doesn't have those facilities.

Sore point Roy - come and live on Roda and then tell me you're happy to put up with the abuse.


This message was last edited by pommers on 06/07/2014.

Cheers Pommers

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06 Jul 2014 6:03 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

I don't think anyone has suggested stopping people from going to the gym, bar or shop (or golf course for that matter) because as we know, these businesses could not survive on the income from residents, owners and holidaymakers on Roda alone.  Surely what we're trying to prevent is people setting up camp for the day around a community pool, free of charge.  If someone walks through the gate wearing swimming trunks, my bet would be that they were going to the pool.

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06 Jul 2014 6:54 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Pommers you have taken my comments the wrong way and on Corvera we hae similar problems but I am haooy to challenge anybody that I believe is not an owner and we have a mobile patrol that can be called to eject them, trust me I spend half my week dealing with this problem

Lets be honest somebody coming in has no access to toilet facilities

I go onto HR regularly along with other Polaris sites and if you say I am going to golf or the bar etc they record the registration and just let you in, as I say I go in weekly, they cannot legally stop you entering

So simply n RODA they drive uo and say I am going to the bar, they are in, they are not going too say I am off to use a pool and yes if they are carrying chairs it is a clue but  security cann normally not be bothered

I am sorry but a property I am asuming only gets a certain number of arm bands so if they guve them to other people to use they really are not breaking any rules and they are paying like everybody for people to use the pools

Many phases on Corvera are starting to introduce arm bands that immediatley show if you are authorised and not giving these to owners because some Sppanish renters do invite large family groups in, last weekend a ground of 20

Owners need to feel that they can challenge people and as importantly have support form secuorty to police this

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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06 Jul 2014 8:01 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 forum posts Send private message

On La Torre i think they take on 2 extra security guards on to patrol the pools more in the summer weeks,  to stop freeloaders coming on to the resort and  the non payers of community fees  from useing pools no upto date wrist band, no pool. At one you would have family loads of people coming from Roldan etc coming in to the resort for a day out.

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07 Jul 2014 8:51 AM by thomas88 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

Pommers has it spot on and appreciate his support and recognition there is a problem that others prefer to ignore. We either have a security company that does what it's employers want or we change companies, simple. We don't wish to stop honest law abiding people who may work or wish to golf or shop but everyone can be challenged on entrance.

I certainly don't spend holiday or business time at Roda purely looking for those that shouldn't be there; isn't that what we pay security for. If they can't cope then change them.

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08 Jul 2014 12:37 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Family over there at the moment have been in contact with resortilia security coming round 1 a day asking what looks like non locals who are wearing bands. Ignoring or having conversation with non wearing arm bands Spanish speakers then not telling them to leave pool area. What is the point the security have to be more active and be seen to be doing there jobs. 



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08 Jul 2014 12:38 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Family over there at the moment have been in contact with resortilia security coming round 1 a day asking what looks like non locals who are wearing bands. Ignoring or having conversation with non wearing arm bands Spanish speakers then not telling them to leave pool area. What is the point the security have to be more active and be seen to be doing there jobs. 



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08 Jul 2014 12:39 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Family over there at the moment have been in contact with resortilia security coming round 1 a day asking what looks like non locals who are wearing bands. Ignoring or having conversation with non wearing arm bands Spanish speakers then not telling them to leave pool area. What is the point the security have to be more active and be seen to be doing there jobs. 


body p


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08 Jul 2014 12:39 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Family over there at the moment have been in contact with resortilia security coming round 1 a day asking what looks like non locals who are wearing bands. Ignoring or having conversation with non wearing arm bands Spanish speakers then not telling them to leave pool area. What is the point the security have to be more active and be seen to be doing there jobs. 


body p


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08 Jul 2014 12:49 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Sorry about multable posts not used to this 


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08 Jul 2014 8:38 AM by thomas88 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message


It's important you also bring this to the attention of the owner of your property (if not your own) and Resortalia.

Please call them on 968 10 47 10 asking for Sergio.

Have a good holiday.

David G

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08 Jul 2014 12:19 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Roy - you said

I am sorry but a property I am asuming only gets a certain number of arm bands so if they guve them to other people to use they really are not breaking any rules and they are paying like everybody for people to use the pools

Well yes actually -  they are breaking the rules. Guests can only use the pool when the owner is present. You can't just give them out and tell people to come and use the pool when you're not there. As you've politely noted, they need to have access to toilet facilities.

We had 2 lovely ladies arrive by car with their beach chairs and towels and spend the afternoon round the pool. And then head back home to San Javier. She said her sister owned the apartment and had given her permisssion to use the pool whenevere she liked.

We all need to report any abuse to Resortalia -

This is Sergio's email address but also copy

Complain about the pools and/or security. It's the only way we will get anything done

This message was last edited by pommers on 08/07/2014.

Cheers Pommers

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08 Jul 2014 3:10 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Security personnel have been employed to do extra work in the summer to patrol Community pools, I'm sorry but I am not sure whether they are employed during the week or just weekends on your Community your Presidentvwill know.

But guess what, you as an owner pay both for Security and for the Administrator who is supposed to ensure all  resort contractors do the job to the best of their ability. Even if it is not always perfect.


Whilst it it is fine to let others know on here, the only way changes will come about is when enough Owners let the Administrator and the Community President of any concerns or problems they have, it is only then that most will hear of what is going wrong, no one can keep an eye on everything all the time and Owners need to take some responsibility for their Resort and Community, report antisocial behaviour, non wearing of wristbands and any other breach of the rules to Security and Resortalia, let them deal with it.

teething problems will always exist, owner feedback is useful and necessary.


At some stage in the near future we will have a new Entidad website which will hopefully carry more information and will also have access for owners to make enquiries but probably no open forum, until then all owners need to direct queries to Resortalia

0034 968104710 as David said.


Vigilant Roda Security 0034 968173698


everyone should keep all of these contacts.


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08 Jul 2014 3:22 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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when reporting any issues re Security etc. to Resortalia

Please be as specific as possible about breaches of rules, exact location and Community, times, etc. etc.

There is a daily Security Report sent to and read by all Community Presidents who do take up problems with the Administrator.

We on P12 P5 P6&P8 Communities working together have now asked for reports from Security patrols for pools and we have insisted wearing of wristbands is compulsory not just pointing to an apartment and saying I'm staying up there.

perhaps more owners should encourage their Presidents to also set the correct guidelines and have zero tolerance until it becomes the accepted norm.



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08 Jul 2014 4:58 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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I am sorry Pommers but the statement below cannot be true, it cannot controlled and it would mean that for every owner that rented out a property, the guests would not be able to use the pool, because the owners would not be present

You either have a system which is armbands and policed or nothing, but again leep it simple, it works, but you cannot apply a stupid rule where they can see somebody with an armband on, by the way are you the owner, or are you renting or are you a friend of the onwers just using the wrist band, ridiculous

Well yes actually -  they are breaking the rules. Guests can only use the pool when the owner is present. You can't just give them out and tell people to come and use the pool when you're not there. As you've politely noted, they need to have access to toilet facilities

As I said in my last email I applaud any actions to throw out the abusers, I regularly challenger people on Corvera, I call security, even the Police on occasions but everbody has to report and act

It is key to catch and embarass the persistent offenders, becauuse that is what it will be like the quote of the ladies who claimed to have permission and for people tio act immediately, not just sit and watch people, call the security number and yes zero tolerence is thge only way

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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08 Jul 2014 5:37 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

As it was me who reopened this can of worms........I've just emailed Resortalia.  It has rightly been pointed out that this forum has its uses but Resortalia are the ones who need to know what's going on and when.  I would just add, although we approached people who were wearing the wrong armbands, I don't think that's necessarily a good idea and it's much better to get security to do it.

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08 Jul 2014 9:50 PM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hi all did report this to Resortalia said they would look into it. But don't think a visit once a day will make any difference. 


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13 Jul 2014 12:07 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

Apologies Roy - I shouldn't have said "owner" - it should have been a more generic "Resident" - so this includes tenants in properties (either short or long term rentals).

On Roda, pool users also have to present a card as well as the bands - and this is working well. Or at least it is on our phase where the vast majority of the patrols are done by our own Community Manager so he knows which apartments are officially occupied and which aren't. And he is able to discriminate and ask people to leave if he thinks they aren't actually staying in the apartment.

Cheers Pommers

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13 Jul 2014 12:37 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hi ,

        Can you tell me what Comunity Manager is please ? Just thought it was security doing the rounds. If other communities  have other arrangements can you let us know. We are owners not out as much as we would like but would like to keep up to date on what  is happening.



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13 Jul 2014 4:29 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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On all communities, except P12, the Pool Patrols are provided by Vigilant - the security company.

Community P12 (Phase 2 apartments) employs it's own Community Manager - Gregorio.
We are the only community with our own Manager as far as I am aware.
He is responsible for all the maintenance and cleaning of the communal areas in P12.
Part of his duties are to patrol the pools in the summer as well.

Hope this answers your question.

Cheers Pommers

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