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The Comments
28 Nov 2013 12:50 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Hi, has anyone noticed any damage anywhere as a result of the minor earthquake that has just been reported?

Thanks in advance


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28 Nov 2013 7:58 PM by Debs435 Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message

For us it was over before it began - seriously doubt any damage has been caused, it was a teeny baby one - we wondered if we'd imagined it and alot of people felt nothing.

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29 Nov 2013 8:20 PM by Daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

Daniela´s avatar

Yes unlikely, it was over in 3 or 4 seconds and only a 3.1. Maybe some of the hairline cracks would be worse but not heard anything from anyone to say that is the case.


Daniela & Lee

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02 Dec 2013 12:07 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

JC1´s avatar

Steve,  I will try and avoid the obvious joke about  'earth moving' but to say we repaired recently a crack in our lounge, we are back again on Thursday and I bet it's reappeared!!!







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Health problems from main pool - 0 posts
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Marble Floors - 3 posts
Chaos at the pool! - 1 posts
Painting - 26 posts
Service charge increase - 13 posts
Cleaning of swimming pools? - 3 posts
Long Term rental Wanted - 1 posts
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Urgent Rental enquiry - 1 week from Friday 9th August - 3 posts
Loud music? - 1 posts
Block 19 or nearby availability for September - 3 posts
safe - 3 posts
Iberbanda - 5 posts
Shutter Repair - 2 posts
ENDESA - 0 posts
Dog mess by the pool - 3 posts
CDAD Prop direct debit - 6 posts
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