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hi there just thought id throw this out and see what people think.I put a deposit on a 2 bed penthouse on covera but i pulled out before paying the 15%.Heres why,i am in a golf club and we go on trips away (Algrave) last year the one thing we all agreed on was we liked to be able to go out at night for eates and drinks without driving.when i saw covera i liked the idea of this Championship or now competion course but if you step back and look around there is simply nothing outside the place for a group to do.Our club will be coming to the area soon but i would rather stay else where and travel to covera for a round and then go back to a base where you have a choice of bars and resturants.I think people will find it hard to get groups to stay up on a mountain with nowhere to go except an expensive hotel bar
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hI erinzac
although corvera is in the basin of a mountain range and appears to be in the middle of nowhere do not be fooled, Murcia city is a mere 10 minutes away by car, more than enough bars and restaurants to cater for your group of golfers, daily bus service runs from corvera to murcia already, bound to increase as the corvera development grows.
also do not forget the new airport which has been given the go ahead, people will be looking for short stays near the airport and quick and easy transfer times to and from the airport, finally you are forgetting corvera town itself, which i am sure will cash in and open up new bars etc to fasilitate the people of the corvera development.
i feel that corvera is in the ideal location, far better than being near busy urbanisations and all they offer, i hope you do not come to regret pulling out prematurely, only time will tell to see which one of us got it right.
regards dave
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Dave I couldn't agree more with what you said. I've said it before on this site and looks like I'm here saying it again. Corvera is an investment area. If it was surrounded by an established area with everything in place we'd all be paying double the price. Corvera has massive potential and I think we should all be excited about purchasing at this time. Also because of it's location it means it stands out as being unique and the area can't be over developed as it's a protected nature reserve. Corvera town will definitely grow as a result of what's happening in this area and it's a nice distance to walk... not too close for noise levels but a good stroll for a night out. Is it a British trait to always be so sceptical and negative about things??
_______________________ lisa mona
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Hi Erinzac, you say "nowhere to go except an expensive hotel bar", did you not read the resort details properly. The resort is to have a 'town centre' where there will be bars and restaurants, I am sure they will be pricier than others but there will be a choice and what better scenery could you want to enjoy your drink/meal in?? Rather negative points you made I think,
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Iam just going on past trips we have done as golfers we do have a mini bus to take us to and from our golf courses so at night we dont need a car in the algarve say wher you can walkto and from everything.Also i was talking to 2 property management firms while i was over last week and both have said the golf trippers is not a big market in murcia most trips are done through golf clubs and members have places already to rent from other members.this persons website is the second when searched on google.they advised me to buy nearer a beach so familys can be included in your market and this is why i chose roda instead ok the course is not going to be as long but id rather stay there and play covera as a day trip then be stuck up there .If you say there is say 1600 units on covera as well as a hotel all looking to get say 128 golfers a day (4 4 balls every hour allowing 15 min between each from 9 till 6 in evening)roughly there is a lot of people scraping for the business,because the family market will be to far from the beach unlike roda .Dont get me wrong iam just glad i went with roda when i see the course not ready till god only knows when i had a property on phase 1 that could not be rented
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Sorry Erinzak, I absolutely gree with Dave and Anita - what sold us on Corvera was the beauty of the location and the fact that it wasn't near the concrete jungles full of bars and discos - let's hope it stays that way - because that's what makes it unique and a cut above the rest. As the others have already pointed out there will be shuttle buses to Murcia and to the coast.
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Erinzak, I still find your posting negative. The beach from Corvera is only 25 minutes drive away. With the new roads being constructed this could well be reduced. Families also play golf. Being in Corvera you are half way between the City and the beach, much more appealing. Also a year round rental property, unlike the beach. With the PGA using Corvera as their European Golfing Academy, this will encourage inquisitive golfers. My brother who plays golf, just wants to know how far our apartment will be from the club house, not the beach. Horses for courses as they say, but perhaps those property management companies had personal motives for suggesting what they did. If it was going to be such a bad purchase, why would DeVere choose to run the hotel and golf club. I know it has not yet been confirmed, but I would imagine with the PGA getting themselves involved it would be more than an incentive. Watch this space I say.
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I had first planned to buy at Roda - but when I was introduced to Corvera I very quickly changed my mind as it is obvious the resort will be fantastic and unique, unlike Roda which for me is too similar to the other sites which are built on the main road and offer no natural surroundings. I think Erinzak is missing the point, Corvera is not only a Golf Club but a country club too offering other activities for families i.e horse riding, mountain biking etc all on site - this is why it is unique. If you are holidaying in Murcia you will rent a car and the beach then is no distance. As for the region not being an attraction for golf then look to La Manga - I have stayed and believe me the place is busy with families and golf parties all year round. You also have to stay on the resort for the nightlife and that doesn't seem to bother the golf parties who visit. I also do not think families will flock to Murcia for a beach holiday - they will visit the established Costas ,so for me Roda's beach theme is not an attraction
I am, like most frustrated with the delays and agree the first year or so will be tough on rentals until the resort and area develops. But I am confident that an investment on Corvera, especially phase 1 or 2 with the frontline view of the course and the backdrop of the mountains is a very sound investment.
Anyway thanks Erinzak as your posting has certainly livened up the message boards and am sure both resorts will be first class.
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Hi All i must post more often it seems the board has lit up since i posted the thought .Ido agree its horses for courses its just my family of 2 young kids would prefer the beach near and we will get that with roda and the shuttle bus to the marina .Ihave no doubt covera will be nice and good luck to you who have bought (you might need it waiting on the course) i lok forward to having a game when it is open
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Hi All,
I have never seen the message board so busy, it is good to hear all sides. One of the reasons I bought on Corvera instead of Roda was that there seems to be a big demand for inland resorts that offer physical activities for families like biking trails and horse riding in beautiful surroundings, you only have to look how popular Center Parcs is in the UK, and they don't even have a Golf course, correct me if I am wrong but most if not all are inland and are in surroundings like Corvera. I have to agree 25 min to the beach is nothing, I can't see it being a problem for the majority not everyone wants the beach on there doorstep, in my opinion they will have the best of both worlds.
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I must agree with the pro Corvera people, especially being a buyer myself.
We looked at everywhere before buying here, in particular other southern Spanish areas, the Algarve, Cape Verde and Montenegro. However, altho I believe Corvera will be a great investment, we bought as a holiday home that we intend to keep for as long as we are around. If it lets out well and pays for itself then all the better.
One of the main contenders we considered before buying Corvera was La Manga de Mar Menor, in particular one of the new (currently) being built blocks right on the strip. The price was roughly the same (€250,000) and the views over both sides of the strip were fantastic. However thank God we did our viewing in December. It opened our eyes. The entire place was completely dead. There would be absolutely nothing for either myself or my wife to do, let alone our 2 young children in the off season.
However, when we visited La Manga club and Roda (which was only just open), both were lively enough with lots out on the course and restaurants open. This made up our mind. Beach apartments are lovely, but they only come into use in the summer, when I presume most people want to let them. Whereas golf and country club resorts are all year round. And Corvera has so much going for it e.g. the views, the countryside, the amenities, the town next door, the new airport and train to Madrid, and of course the PGA golf course.
I could be wrong but I am confident I'm right, albeit probably a few months later than originally envisaged.
_______________________ Frank
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I hope Erinzak hasn't created a Corvera v Roda thread here, but for me it's a 'no brainer'. A cramped concrete jungle on the hard shoulder of a motorway, that's within easy reach of some run down bars selling Fosters and fish and chips........... Or, a spacious resort nestling peacefully at the foothills of the Sierra Del Carrascoy 10 minutes from a lively, historic city.
I also visited Los Alcazares in the winter and there's nothing there that would make you want to venture out from Roda. 
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For heaven's sake - I have heard it all now - my place is better than your place, nah, nah, nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Roda Golf - I like Los Alcazares - I like my apartment. I like Corvera and I like Spain.
This message was last edited by sandrab on 4/14/2007.
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Hi All,
My sentiments exactly,they are both going to be quality resorts.We have just booked to go out again,liverpool-murcia for a penny + tax June 21st,so be quick if these dates suite you.
Regards Lynda
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Hi all,
Just thought i'd add my 2d's worth as everyone seems to be very excited. I have properties on both Roda and Corvera. Both have a lot of potential and both will be fantastic developments when completed. the area around Roda was very quiet when i first bought there over 2 years ago and we were worried that there would be nothing to do. Now it's unrecognisable, I imagine Corvera will be the same. Corvera seems to be more like La Manga Club where we have another property with on site restraunts, shops etc. but Los Belones (the town beside the Club) has grown with the club to have all the amenities you would want. As for the delays on Corvera - welcome to Spain. Where else can you get 200% return on a £40000 deposit? as far as i'm concerned let the delays run on so I don't have to pay the full mortgage but get the capital appreciation on the full value of the property. If pushed I would say i'm more excited about Corvera - it's beside Murcia, It's so quiet and relaxing, the PGA course will be amazing, the build density is half that of Roda, no other big developments nearby. Don't get me wrong i love Roda too, but Corvera has something different,
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Hi AEC and Lyndy
Exactly - I understand that LA s having a lot of cash spent on it in respect of development of lots of different facilities and amenities in the town. Apparently there will also be a water bus which will call in at most of the small towns on the Mar Menor and the area that was currently the old barracks turned into a naval type theme park - so hopefully there won't be any Brits with "Full English Breakfast" type restaurants! What LA does need is perhaps a nice shopping area, although the area around the banks etc. is being upgraded.
I think that Roda and Corvera will complement one another and offer something for everyone.
I look forward to completion of both resorts - I think Murcia will have a lot to offer all of us for the future.
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Hi all have a property on both Roda and Corvera as well and visited both last week and was very impressed with both for the reasons that has been already stated but noticed that on Corvera there was an addition of lawn bowls which although at the beginning of the project was not even mentioned in the spec but has obviously been requested a number of times so shows that Calidona are listening to the buyers as long as there is a niche in the market. At one time Corvera was purely speculation and investment only but every time I visit I get excited by the concept and very seriously considering making Corvera my home with Roda as an investment (in time) and income vehicle.
Regards Trevor
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Hi teejay,
You say that you have been out to see Corvera last week and were very impressed. What exactly were you impressed with?
Have they started construction?
Have they started the Golf Course?
Please elaborate, as I am waiting to see some advancement in building before I visit this area again!
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