dog mess

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08 Mar 2014 9:16 AM by merender Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Note to all dog owners,,,can you please make sure you 'pick up' after your dog, as the mess around Block 2 is getting worse.  This seems to be a popular destination for a lot of dog owners.


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19 Mar 2014 10:25 AM by Michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Most of the dog mess is from the wild dogs (at least 7 of them now) that are gaining accessthrough the netting next to block 2.

So far AEA have ignored requests to do something about this so could all subscribers visit their offices and complain. Then maybe they might take some notice


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19 Mar 2014 12:40 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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When I was in DV last at the end of February I noticed a number of wild dogs were congregating and had set up home just behind the fence on the bit of land beside the road between DV and Duquesa Fairways.  Does anyone know the procedure for reporting this?

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25 Mar 2014 7:38 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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I am these for next two weeks.  I can see the road below block 2 from my balcony and have new posh camera with zoom lense.  Will give it a test for snapping miscreant dog owners.

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30 Mar 2014 3:15 PM by Debs435 Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message

Seems the main culprits are the feral dogs, some of which were seen this morning running past block 7 - one had a litter of puppies a couple of months ago and another is now pregnant, I have e-mailed AEA today, as not only is the dog mess a problem, several of them have mange, probably worms and goodness knows what else so pose a serious health risk to humans and owned dogs and cats. None of the animal rescue agencies are able to round them up - they are all full to capacity.

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31 Mar 2014 10:04 AM by dave tweedie Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

I do not want to become the "expert" on dog mess but the mess left around by the pool and Block 2 is from a larger dog than the wild ones. I have reported the owner/renter to AEA and spoken to the dog owner. But they do not seem bothered. Need pressure from all at DV.

If I recall correctly dogs must be on a lead at all times and are not allowed on the grass areas at all. There were signs that have either been taken of faded in the sun.

The wild dogs are are problem and must be solved but do not be fooled into they are the only issue

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31 Mar 2014 3:50 PM by Debs435 Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message

In relation to the feral dogs, I messaged the AEA and here is the reply I got today, so hopefully that part of the problem will soon be sorted, and as for people who live here not picking up after their dogs, keep on at AEA naming the offender(s) - if they keep getting messages they will hopefully write to them and take action??

We are receiving various mail concerning this matter, which we have addressed and reported this to the Town hall, precisely this morning I have contacted and spoken with the environment dept. and they have explained that they are in contact with a dog shelter company. This company have been trying for some time now to catch these dogs unfortunately with no luck.
I am expecting a report from the environment department detailing the actions they have and keep taking in order to catch these dogs. Once I receive this I will forward it to you as a witness of the efforts made by all parties to end up this situation, as there are other complexes that have and suffers of the same problem.


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02 Apr 2014 2:53 PM by Debs435 Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message

Further to any action from AEA re irresponsible dog owners on DV, and the broken fence where the feral dogs are getting in, this is their latest response back:

I will keep on contacting the town Hall environment dept. for them to endeavor in taking the wild dogs away. About the dog mess and the irresponsible pet owners, I know it is a great problem not only in DV. We are going to send out a notice via the community web page to remind them all about their obligation to clean after their pet; however it is a hard task and an arduous battle against poor or lack of neighborliness.
In regards to the fence, I have asked the maintenance to send out a picture of the broken areas to claims its reparation to the golf club as the fence is owned by the golf.
It is no bother at all, anything we can assist and help with we will do


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04 Apr 2014 6:07 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message


AEA have sent out the notice to owners (above) but what about communication to those who rent apartments?

It may be renters who are contributory to the problem.  Might they put notices up in those places where dog mess tends to be left and perhaps stress the consequences of breaching the request ? Without the threat of a financial penalty will the die-hard, non-compliant dog owner take any notice of polite requests?

As regarding the stray dogs that hang about just outside the estate my partner contacted a dog rescue chartity about these dogs ( ADANA - Association for rights of abandoned animals) who responded that they did not have capacity and they suggested contacting "the local police" as the most effective course of action.  We've not done this because we suppect they will be immediately 'put down'.


This message was last edited by PMillsom on 04/04/2014.

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