Paying Endesa Bill

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20 Jan 2014 5:00 PM by spainconfused Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

I have a private property in Ibiza. I have an Endesa On-Line account. Paying bills through this website is set up poorly. Regardless, the site sends you to thier choice bank web which is 'La Caixa' this page does not accept any credit cards that are not resgistered with them (La Caixa) or issued from them. Conclusion ..Cant pay with Endesa On-Line. I am not a Spanish resident and I dont want a Spanish bank account. So I would like to wire (bank to bank) Endesa money with my bill from my foreign account. I NEED THE IBAN and SWIFT CODE/BIC of ANY bank that Endesa uses..preferably La Caixa. My spanish is not good enough to get this over the phone although i got it possible that no one out there has recently wired Endesa money for an electric bill....SOON IT WILL BE SHUT OFF.. Help


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20 Jan 2014 5:52 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message


Found this informative link for you. Hope it helps

Also other user Comments for you.


1) Sevillana is a part of the old name for Sevillana-Endesa.

2) Payment of Endesa accounts is by Direcr Debit or online through; it is necessary to open an online account to use this facility. These are the only two payment options.

3) If you wait long enough you will get a registered letter from Endesa whereby the only payment option is via Correos. This normally occurs when they are about to cut off power to your home or have already done so. It will not however detail the bank account number. This information is private, just as yours is.

At no point in time will any company disclose its bank account details as a matter of course. If you were running a business would you? It's just too liable to hacking.

This is not just a Spanish thing it applies equally in the UK. Even UK D/D payments do not disclose the bank account number of the recipient unless the recipient chooses to reveal the information."

Good Luck





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21 Jan 2014 1:54 PM by spainconfused Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message


I hasve seen the youtube presentation before (which is infact very helpful) however the persdon is most probably using a credit card issued from a spanish bank account. You would think any credit card would do. ive tried 5 or 6.

Bank IBAN codes maybe protected but you would think they were included in the endesa online account since it is mine

and i am the client. I will need to start from the begining and calling in the hopes of an english speaking customer server at any endesa office.

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21 Jan 2014 2:18 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message

Hi Again

Maybe this will help you.

 See Website below for contact details.There is another company which sorts out Electricity problems but charge for their services.Website below.




Good Luck





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01 Feb 2014 4:30 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Has anyone living in the UK actually managed to sign up for online access to Endesa.

First of all they seem to want to Telefonia phone number.  I got around that by using my renting agents.

Next they want the DNI/NIF.  I have that and its also on the paper bill to. When I enter into the form on

their website it rejects it as invalid !!!  I;ve entered it in fullm  without the X pre-fix and without the E suffix but its always rejected yet they have this same number on their bills !!!  Its crazy.

I tried using my passport number which seemed to be an alternative but that was rejected too.

Drives one bonkers -  these poorly designed web sites.

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01 Feb 2014 5:37 PM by spainconfused Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi...i had the same problem with the NIF code part. Couldnt get it done until I returned to spain at an endesa office.

I thought she used my passport or national ID to assign me a number but the truth is I dont know what she did.

The problem seems to be rooted in being a non resident. The direct  chat forum is very helpful but i think you have to have on line account..maybe not....even having the account i still cant pay on line..had to do a bank wire from the states. the endesa chat on line was able to give me all IBAN codes. very helpful.

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01 Feb 2014 9:28 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Thanks.  I entered a form for on-line help with registration and am now waiting for a reply  by email.

If that does not work I'll visit their office as you suggest.

I pay by direct debit but I've not seen an invoice for years.  So it would be good to see what I am paying for at some point.


This message was last edited by PMillsom on 01/02/2014.

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11 Mar 2014 8:27 PM by susanellam Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

I've managed to set up an on-line account using Passport number and Spanish address. I can't remember what telephone number I gave but may have been a Spanish one. With the on-line account you can see and print all your bills (except you can't view older paper ones, only see them listed)  and they should send you an email whenever you get a new bill. The on-line chat is not helpful.

You can pay the bills on-line by going to the Endesa online website, then go to OnLine payments and follow the U-tube video which is really helpful.I paid with a Spanish credit card and it must be in the name of the person registered on the account. If you have a paper bill you can enter the bar code number (rather long!) but if the bill is electronic you can enter the CPR number right at the bottom of the bill.

It's taken weeks to achieve all this - the website is extremely confusing.  Our electricity has been turned off because a direct debit was refused (our fault!) so now the challenge is to get it switched on  again. Any hints welcome!

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11 Mar 2014 10:38 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message

Hi Susanellam

It may require a visit to your Local Endesa Office in Manilva or Estepona taking the latest copy of your Bill with you.Contact addresses should be on the Endesaonline website. You must get there early in the Morning to take a ticket and wait your turn with the consultants. Alternatively contact the Company below to assist you.

Good Luck








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17 Feb 2025 8:35 AM by ednashade Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

@ slope game

Thanks for your answer. This is what I'm looking for.


This message was last edited by ednashade on 2/17/2025.

- Edna -

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