Elevator Block 20

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31 Mar 2014 4:14 PM by tjhbrown Star rating in Northern Ireland,New.... 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone,

My name is Terry Brown and I have owned my apartment 20.81.11. since its conception in 2006 . It has been an excellent bolthole for me for many years and extremely enjoyable. In all of that time the lift has never worked and I have been happy enough to use the stairs. However, I have now become partially disabled and can no longer manage the stairs. I have asked through the usual channels if the elevator could be operational. (It still does not work and has never worked.)

When I was given the keys to the apartment I was told it was complete . This was obviously a lie . I was then told the lift would be working in a few weeks. So , like a fool, I completed the sale and fully complied. I have now reached the stage of seeking legal advice and have already been informed the original sales agreement is not worth the paper it was written on as the elevetor was not and has never been operational.

Can anyone out there help me as I would really enjoy a holiday in my apartment very soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Terry Brown.



This message was last edited by tjhbrown on 31/03/2014.

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01 Apr 2014 2:07 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I'm no expert but this sounds like a matter for the community to me.

There is an AGM comming up, maybe this issue could be raised there; along with a question about how many other lifts are not operational and what can be / is going to be done about it.


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01 Apr 2014 5:16 PM by tjhbrown Star rating in Northern Ireland,New.... 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your kind comments.I have asked Daniela who has my proxy vote to do exactly that.

Kind Regards,

Terry Bro


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07 Apr 2014 11:49 PM by hardy2012 Star rating in Scotland UK. 14 forum posts Send private message


When we were at our apartment in block 21 in January, there was a lift engineer working on the lift. He told me the lift needed a lot of work to get it running, this involved changing parts and commissioning. So I am hoping when we go back in June the lift will be working!

We bought the apartment for my elderly parents and were assured the lift would be working by the time we completed the sale in December 2012. Like you we were let down and my parents have only been to the apartment once because they can't manage the stairs.


This message was last edited by hardy2012 on 07/04/2014.

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25 Apr 2014 12:30 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Hi, Just received this from AEA . . . . . . . .

093- Duquesa Village

 Dear Steve Lacey

Good morning

We inform you that following the review of the state & conditions of the elevators conducted by qualified technicians (commissioning works OCA) these lifts are being serviced, in compliance to the current and actual legislation,

BLOQUE 16 Esc.61 ; Esc.62 ; Esc.63

BLOQUE 20 Esc.78 ; Esc.79 ; Esc.80 ; Esc.81

BLOQUE 21 Esc.83 ; Esc.84 : Esc.85

BLOQUE 22 Esc.87 ; Esc.88

BLOQUE 23 Esc.92

This is a mandatory request to ensure the safe use of the lifts





Original Message
Buenos días

Le informamos que tras la revisión del estado de los ascensores, llevada a cabo por tecnicos cualificas (OCA), se está procediendo la puesta en marcha de los ascensores cumpliendo y de acuerdo a la legislacion vigente,

BLOQUE 16 Esc.61 ; Esc.62 ; Esc.63

BLOQUE 20 Esc.78 ; Esc.79 ; Esc.80 ; Esc.81

BLOQUE 21 Esc.83 ; Esc.84 : Esc.85

BLOQUE 22 Esc.87 ; Esc.88

BLOQUE 23 Esc.92

El resto de ascensores en dichos bloques deberán ser reparados ya qus suponen un alto riesgo para la seguridad de los usuarios.


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24 Sep 2014 6:01 PM by djgrind Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone,

I just bought an appartment on block 20 as well, and at the time of my coming (end of August 14), the elevator was still not working...any news ?

Thanks, and happy to see such a helpful community in place already!



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