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The Comments
13 Apr 2014 8:42 AM by merender Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

These days people are very quick to complain about the slightest thing,,,,I would like to change that publicly, and say a massive THANK YOU to Dave and Elaine Ayling (block 2) for their stirling work yesterday picking up all the dog mess from the grass outside block 2.  I know people have said on here that the wild dogs are responsible,  I beg to differ, those dogs would not be capable of 'passing' such a huge amount.  In my opinion the main culprits are irresponsible dog owners, who either live or holiday on the Village, and when confronted, take great pleasure in either ignoring you or being abusive.

If more people had the same community spirit as Dave and Elaine, then we would all benefit.

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13 Apr 2014 4:54 PM by Debs435 Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message

Well said!!! The sad thing is the offending dog owners will now be laughing, someone else is clearing up after their dogs. I contacted AEA about this and they said they were writing to all the owners - but what about long-term renters??? who is contacting them??

As a dog lover and previous owner I could never ever leave anything my dogs produced - some people have no shame


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14 Apr 2014 11:05 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Down on the coast I have seen signs that imply fines of between 500 to 5,000 Euros for leaving dog mess.

Can the community can adopt and impose similar sanctions somehow?  

Without there being a penalty there will be violators.  It only takes one large dog dropping turds twice a day for a unslightly and dangerous mess to accummulate over one week.  So we need every dog owner to comply.

Personally I would prefer to ban dogs completey as they  bark loudly from the balconies every time someone walks past. But I expect that is too draconian.

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Improving Visual Appearance - 2 posts
checking in - new "to be owners" - 3 posts
dog mess - 8 posts
Euro Cash Withdrawals from a Spanish ATM - 5 posts
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Cat found in block 7 - 0 posts
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over paying endesa bills question - 1 posts
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Paying Endesa Bill - 9 posts
contact aqualia - 1 posts
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Gib delays - 3 posts
Water Bills - 2 posts
TV Satellite Reception - 35 posts
Communication from AEA re community fees - 4 posts
Paddle Court Tree - 3 posts
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