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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
03 May 2007 12:00 AM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

I have been on the Ammex website and downloaded the budget information for PM4 ( blocks 28 -32 ) to show as an example

It tells a story that demonstrates that we need to act fast and stop wasting a huge amount of money on cleaning stairs. Between the 5 blocks  on PM4  we are spending 25,0000 euro on cleaning stairs!!!!

It would appear thet we are spending approximately 30,000 euros on the gardens for PM4 ( not sure where this is going) . I expect this ratio is the same across all the communities. We need to get this changed immedaitely and channel the monies into the gardens .It is absolutely pointless having the stairs cleaned everyday when there is less than 10% occupancy on the site, thisbudget could be cut by 80% . We need to channel the money into the gardens . Please write to Ammex and demand that this is addressed for yuor community before another contract for cleaning is purchased .If Ammex can get out of gardening contract they may be able to get out of cleaning contracts early.   

Total  anticipated spend for PM4 add up to 152.873,95 € ( with 100 units on PM4 this represents 1520 euros per unit the max charges we should expect to be charged is therefore 1600 euro per annum . I paid 870 on completion to Ammex and therefore only expect to pay a balance of 730 for the next 6 months )    

PM4 cost for complete shared areas 

Other Repairs

2.000,00 €

Cleannes WC-Doorkeeper room

500,00 €


1.000,00 €

Jardineria Empresa

27.840,00 € translated means garden business !!!!


7.000,00 €  - translated means rescue workers ?????life guards mybe 


18.000,00 € - caretaker  - what caretaker ????

Swimming-pool productsd 

3.000,00 €

 Gardens Material

2.000,00 € umm interesting


8.064,00 € - What is this for ?????

I.V.A Honorarios/ VAT Honorary

1.290,24 €

Correspondence expenses,

500,00 €

Bank expenses

300,00 €


3.000,00 €


6.000,00 €  lets use it to water the gardens


1.000,00 €

Reserve Found

Total other exoenses \for PM4 85.568,95 € plus expenses for 5 blocks as shown below

4.074,71 €

BLOQUE 28 individual  block cost broken down this is the same for the 5 blocks on PM4

Other Repairs 28

500,00 €

Cleanness Stairs 28

Lift maintenance 28 2.900,00 €

Fire-extingueser D

150,00 €

Insurance Block D

1.800,00 €

 Electricity Block D

2.000,00 €

 Water Block D

Telephone D 250,00 €

250,00 €

Reserve Found 5 %

Please write individually to Ammex and ensure this gets on the forth coming AGM ag. stop the cleaning now and channel the money into the gardens!!!


656,50 €

5.280,00 €  wow .  what a waste this need to go on gardens.

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04 May 2007 3:51 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

I mentioned these details a while ago prior to me asking everyone to become 1 community ditch ammex and run it ourselves as the costs are outrageous and it is Ammex that have made up these figures.

I think that with a few like minded people who are willing to give up some time for this we could get the site going in the right direction but if we sit back and wait and just keep giving to Ammex they will keep taking..

they are clearly not interested in the site but filling their satchels with our Euros until something is done.

Some people like us have completed nearly 12 months and apart from the lights seem to on now we are getting bugger all in the way of service and improvements


kevin h 

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04 May 2007 5:51 PM by nicholas 1 Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Nobody knows of this web site how many more times must people be told only about 50 owners or so know of EOS there must be a way of getting in touch with other owners this is becoming a priority from what I could make out there were quite a few at the meeting on the 10th of April that had not signed the deeds to their apartment yet so for all the talk until they have its meaningless we all need to start helping each other and soon.

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05 May 2007 11:29 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Just a word of caution. If the walls of these apartments are as weak and permeable as seems to be the case, then it is essential to sweep all rainwater away before it percolates through into the "luxury" apartments, until such time as a proper solution is found.

This message was last edited by normansands on 5/5/2007.

N. Sands

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