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06 Aug 2007 12:00 AM by deband Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone advise

a) when the community fees are taken out of one's account
b) how much we pay

I've had various payments taken out of my bank at various stages of the year and am struggling to sort this into a pattern.


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06 Aug 2007 12:55 PM by Lynn Carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

I struggle to understand the bank statements. There always seem to be different amounts but not from community fees I think.. However when we completed in March somebody from AEA was at the notary office. We paid them 300Euros then and a list with what each apartment pays in community charges was given to us. A payment from my bank account taken out early in July tallied exactly with the amount on the sheet. I assume they will take this amount every quarter. If anybody would like a copy of the sheet I would send it or I am coming to Spain on 9th August and would bring it with me.

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06 Aug 2007 1:24 PM by deband Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message


Can you send me a copy please.


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06 Aug 2007 3:05 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message


Would it be worth posting a photocopy of the sheet onto DV construction photos for other owners to review?



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06 Aug 2007 6:18 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

JC1´s avatar


does it include all blocks and phases_  i had one last year but just phase 1








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06 Aug 2007 7:48 PM by mimmie Star rating. 145 forum posts Send private message

Hi we are in the throws of purchasing - block 11 and would be pleased to recieve a copy of the charges - so we know what we letting ourselves in for!!!


Regards M

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06 Aug 2007 8:02 PM by Lynn Carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

When I looked at the document I realised that it only refered to bloque9. I will post it on with photos as it will then give others a guide as to community charges. We have a 3 bedroom and the charges are in the region of 500E per quarter.

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06 Aug 2007 8:05 PM by Lynn Carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Was not able to upload as not a jpeg. But if anybody wants a copy I will email it.

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