Anyone out there at Fuentemar, Vera Playa

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05 Jul 2007 12:00 AM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Does anyone else have a problem with the lifts.  Our lift in Bloque 10 has only worked for us on 3 occasions.  When we were in DV last week, the lift was worked on by the maintenance engineer and although it was working when he left, it stopped again almost immediately.  We arrived late at night and had to carry our suitcases up 3 flights of stairs.  The lift was TEMPORARILY repaired and was working one morning so we went and bought soil and plants to do the window planters, but when we arrived back later in the day, the lift was NOT WORKING AGAIN, so we had to resort to stairs again.  Rosa at AEA has been very helpful and keeps informing the lift engineers, but they don't seem able to fix the problem.  The lift now smells of oil and is making a grinding noise.  I'm really worried about going in it and concerned that it will break down with someone in it.  AEA have informed me that they have had problems with these type of lifts before, but in other developments where the OTIS lift is fitted, there are no problems.  Our lift is not made by OTIS and I wish it was.  I've even asked for a new lift and copied in Ros y Falcon!!!!   As far as I know, no heavy furniture has been put in the lift.   I was first told by the AEA Office in Duquesa Port that the lifts were breaking down because people were putting heavy furniture in them.  I'm now being told that it's because they are not being used enough!!!!   Difficult to use something that's not working!!!  This seems to be a major problem which needs to be addressed.  My daughter is in our apartment this week and the lift is not working yet again!!!!  I don't think anyone will be able to let their apartments if the lifts are constantly 'out of order'!!!  There also seems to be another problem with the water being turned off without notice.  We arrived late at night and there was no water and it 'disappeared' last night!!!!  What's going on?   I'm still waiting for a reply to my latest email.  I first replied to the Bloque 8 lift thread, but I am so concerned about the failure to get this lift PERMANENTLY REPAIRED, that I felt the need for this problem to have a thread of it's own.

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05 Jul 2007 5:33 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message

Could there be legal implications here re health & safety? Presumably you need reassurances that they are safe...... What make are the lifts if not Otis? Perhaps if the problems continue it might be worth posting a notice on EOS in the general forum to forewarn others, and who knows the company might just be sufficiently concerned re bad publicity to correct the problem. Also if Otis have a better track record, then would it not make sense for them to be fitted in the phase 3 blocks, or is it too late for that now?



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05 Jul 2007 7:14 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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I would certainly question, if not before then at the AGM scheduled for early August, who is responsible here.  I would think it is still RyF - as it would seem there are still many apartments which have not completed and are still in the developers' name.  Even if that is not the case, there must be some sort of warranty regarding the installation of the lifts and are most certainly not the responsibility of the community.  As they are communal, where does the liability lie?  Especially as it is not known what percentage of owners have completed and what percentage is still  retained by RyF?!

The lift in our entrance, 10-37, only worked on a couple of occasions when we were there in early April this year, although we are on the ground floor so it wasn't a big deal for us personally - but that doesn't exclude the fact that the service should be operational!

Personally, I foresee that, as a community, we have major problems to deal with, especially as we are such a large community.    I believe it is going to be extremely difficult to elect (when we are legally able to) a new President, who should be resident and Spanish speaking, who is able to deal with AEA or any other company who are appointed as administrators for the community.  I recall reading somewhere that it was suggested that there be several "Presidents" representing different phases/or sectors in the community, but cannot quite see how that will work. 

I think we have a long haul before getting the perfect recipe together!!

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06 Jul 2007 6:57 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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The lifts in phase1 were not working until last September , I think, because they were not allowed to be in operation until the telephone lines , and thus emergancy system , could be installed.

I know from visting a friend in block 11 that the lifts in that block are not the same lifts as in my block 4 and 3 so I think they have changed them after phase 1 . I have not known of any problems in phase 1 so that could be a reason!!

I think the development constitution calls for each block to elect its own president who will assist the President of the community...or words to that effect.







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06 Jul 2007 10:10 AM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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The lift in your block obviously has a serious fault then Jan because it broke down when we were there too.  We used it to take the pushchair down to the garage but towards the end of our trip it was stuck with the doors open.  There must surely be a warranty and as you say there are uncomleted apts (and possibly unsold apts as I believe some sales have fallen through) so the developer must have a responsibility.

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06 Jul 2007 7:30 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message


Does all this mean that they've fitted 'cheaper' lifts in Phase 2.  Apparently our lifts are Tyssen and the lift was working this morning but I don't know if it is still working.  I haven't had any further response from Rosa at AEA and I would have thought that the lifts were the responsibility of RYF as they are only just 'operational' or not as we are finding out!!!!!  So far, we've been lucky and nobody has been 'stuck' in the broken lifts.  I wonder how quick the response would be if the alarms were sounded.  In fact, do they even work we haven't tested it!!!   Also, I'm being told that the water keeps being turned off for a while without notice and is then turned back on.  This happened again today.

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06 Jul 2007 8:26 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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Yes, we experienced the water problem too.  It was off for a few hours one afternoon and a man came from the waterboard and said they were having a real problem finding out what was wrong.  It came back on but it did go off in the night a couple of times over the next 2 days.

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06 Jul 2007 10:51 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar
John, you wroter

"I think the development constitution calls for each block to elect its own president who will assist the President of the community...or words to that effect."

That's interesting.. and it makes good sense.

Is there an english version of this constitution somewhere?

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07 Jul 2007 9:18 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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We seem to have drifted off the lift topic, but with regard to the Constitution document, you should all have received a Spanish & English version in your RyF/AEA pack.

Article 39 states that a Board of Directors will be formed by the representatives of each block and that it shall meet at least every two months

Just how this will be possible in practice with the majority of the development unsold (and likely to be for a year or more) I do not know.

The constitution runs to some 16 pages and if I have a spare moment I will try and scan it and post it as an attachment.



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07 Jul 2007 10:11 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Again

I know we're 'off the thread' regarding the lift problem, but we never received an Ryf/AEA pack!!!!

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16 Jul 2007 12:22 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Have just received from AEA the accounts up to 31st December 2006.

They show that they have spent € 11,133 on lift maintenance.

Why is the community paying for this as surely there must be a period of manufacturers or developers guarantee covering this.

I suggest it is put on the agenda for the AGM


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16 Jul 2007 1:00 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message


I agree, as they are obviously unable to keep our lift running!!!

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16 Jul 2007 3:22 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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