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28 Nov 2007 12:00 AM by arnoldnedith Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

This is going on right next door to the resort. VERY VERY noisy at night as sounds carry along way in the stillness of the night. But how can they allow this cruelty to carry on. I am not happy that this is happenning so close to my new holiday home.


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28 Nov 2007 6:35 PM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

Any animal cruelty is wrong and should be stopped.

However, I can see no reason for this post to appear on the Forum.

The alledged cruelty is in no way connected to PW with no evidence they are even aware of its existence.

PW cannot control things that happen off land it owns and this is over 1km away.

A "dangerous" post which in my opinion should be discouraged on this forum. which is for potential owners to exchange views and advice on the resort.

Iam sure there must be other forum sites which are more appropriate for this type of posting.

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29 Nov 2007 1:34 PM by arnoldnedith Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

Yes I agree the cruelty is a bad thing but I think you missed my point. You have obviously not been out to site at night when the traffic has died down and all is still. We were parked up on the other side of the road opposite the resort towards the north side on a moonlight evening to get a feel of what it is like in the evening. Yes this is approx 1 km from where the pound is and even here we could hear them barking their heads off, this in turn set off some dogs at a farm DIRECTLY OPPOSITE the resort which in turn set off some dogs from another place about  1/2 km south from there which I'd say was at the south end of the resort.( I understand there is another farm next to the edge of the southern part of the resort who prob have dogs too) This is FORTY dogs we are talking about here. Do you get the point now. It is so quiet there at night and when one group of dogs kick off it has a domino effect and sets off all the other dogs in the area which I am worried wil spoil the ambience and tranquility of it all. not including having to sleep with the windows shut at night  as I cannot sleep with with dogs barking on and off. Have you been down to the Camposol resort in the evening and listened to the cacophony of dogs barking their heads off at night. Is this what we will look forward to, I hope not. I am sorry if you do not feel this is a warranted issue to bring up but I have experienced persistant dog barking problems in the UK, which ended up with us having to move house as we couldn't stand the noise, and we are worried about this noise issue.
I don't understand why you called my posting dangerous, this seems like a veiled threat when all I am doing is highlighting issues that buyers / potential buyers are interested in. Do you have a hidden agenda ?, i.e. are you an estate agent working for PW as that is the only reason why I can think of that you wouldn't want other buyers to be aware of this problem !!!!!

And if PW are not aware of this problem then they should be, or will it be like Camposol where people were not told their property would end up opposite a working pig farm which masa said they were then going to buy and get rid of and never did ?

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01 Dec 2007 11:10 AM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

Migde´s avatar

I know I'm interested in hearing anything regards my new holiday home and the surrounding area. I love to hear all the positive comments but if I had any negative issues I wouldn't be slow in discussing them.

This sounds like the type of issue that although not directly related to PW, it may be something that reduces sales. That might encourage PW to do something about it.

It may be something that we have to deal with when we get the keys. If it is as big an issue as you think, the more noise we make about it the more chance there is of getting it sorted.


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