The Comments |
It has come to our attention that a certain member has been collecting details of buyers on this message boards in relation to furniture packages and air conditioning.
We have been informed that this member is doing this for his own commercial gain, i.e., he is getting commission on the back of all the sales. THIS BEHAVIOUR IS STRICTLY AGAINST THE FORUM RULES, even worse when they have not been upfront and honest to begin with.
We have removed the offending threads and ask members to ALWAYS use extreme caution when handing out personal details to people they don't know and have never met. We know of too many people who have lost money in similar ways so we take this sort of activity very seriously.
We remind everyone that these forums are not to be abused by people looking to make money out of our members.
EOS Team
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Yes we have been collecting information from forum members to obtain collective discounts for furniture and air-con NOT for commercial gain.
As I mentioned in my previous PM to you, it would have been nice for you to contact me and ask the facts before acting on information (from where?) on the situation.
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ailmnoty, we have MANY contacts in the industry and although it seems big it's actually very small and everyone talks. Two different trusted sources have passed me the same information so as the forum owners we have no option but to make people aware that you are not just doing this out of the goodness of your heart.
Our message boards have unfortunately been used for similar things in the past and has actually led to people losing money, so this is a very serious matter for us. Even if these are not your intentions I'm sure you will understand our need to make this information public.
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We appreciate what you have been doing for us and all the work that you have put in trying to source air conditioning at a reasonable price.
If it wasn't for people like yourself, we, like many others, would end up paying Polaris prices for air conditioning. Both myself and my husband are trying to keep our holidays for when we complete so we have very little time to come out and source materials.
You have our email address - keep in touch and keep up the good work!
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Hi ailmnoty
EOS are properly monitoring the forum which is in all our interests, however if as they say they have reliable information you should ask them to state in detail the evidence they have to show your wrongdoing. As far as I was concerned you have been providing us all quotations for the products and services we need but by being on the ground able to do the legwork for us all, I am not suggesting this is the case but if by providing us this service you have been able to negotiate yourselves a small commission or additional discount then I don’t see the problem with that, its reasonable you should gain some benefit for doing the work.
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We too also appreciate what you are doing and feel that its great to have someone 'on the ground' so to speak.
You have my email so you can contact us through that - thanks again
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At the end of the day Alan has abused this forum and the 5% fee per furniture package lead that he has negotiated for himself is quite a substantial revenue.
The rules of the forum are clear....NO COMMERCIAL POSTS. Alan hid the commercial part of his venture from everyone to get around the forum rules, and this is wrong. Everyone else has to abide by the rules and so should Alan. I'm sorry, but not being upfront with people is hardly the beginning of a good business.
Alan is nothing more than an "agent" spamming this forum for leads. We get it all the time, in fact we remove dozens every day. We work very hard to keep these message boards spam free and free of commercial posts. It would be a nightmare if these boards were just used by people fishing for business.
I'm sorry but Alan has been totally out of order here. If you think that spamming a forum is a good way for a respectable business to behave then so be it, but these practices are not welcome here and we will not tolerate them. There are too many desperate people in Spain unfortunately as it's tough to make a living here but I will not have EOS members taken advantage of. That's not what this site is for.
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Your imput and information you have supplied has been excellent and I watch with interest for your entries on the forum. .
For someone like me who has no idea at all about purchasing property in Spain and I am quite worried about everything any information available from people like yourselves is very gratefully received and please please don't let these people get you down as you are appreciated.
Kind Regards
This message was last edited by smivs on 3/10/2008.
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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I met up with Alan while there and my impressions are that he is giving up a lot of his time to help people like us to get going instead of us all starting from scratch. I for one appreciate what he is doing and at the end of the day it is our decision if we go with his contacts or not. If we decide to use his contacts then we will benefit from reduced prices we may not have got ourselves. If alan is getting somethig different (IF) then good luck to him. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ALAN, WE APPRECIATE YOUR HELP.
Jardines One, and happy.
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People like Alan make me sick. They prey on vulnerable people like us for what is really their own benefit. He's not doing it for us. His discount was just an incentive to get us to sign up with him.
I'm disgusted at the lack of honesty and will certainly not be passing my details to him.
_______________________ Happily living in Spain
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I was unaware of this forum and only just found it as I admit i am not very good on computers, I have however been viewing other forums and was getting a little frustrated with one in particular when every question I asked was being edited by the administrator and made to feel stupid as the question had been asked in some dim and distant past but I had not found it on the forum. I was hoping this forum was different and your first reply to me is not the way it will continue????????????? What a nice welcome.......
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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Barbarah -
How can you comment? Do you know Alan? Have you ever met him? Has he ripped you off in some way?
We met up with Alan and his wife last October, not long after he moved out to Spain and certainly a long time before the consortium idea came on the scene. He has spent alot of his own time in sourcing out suppliers, visiting & meeting up with them trying to help alot of us out.
We are not paying Alan for his time or handing over cash to him. He is giving us options as to which way we can go. If we want to go with suppliers he has obtained prices off then we can. If we don't like what he is doing then we don't have to. At the end of the day it's our own choice.
I understand that they are alot of people out there who are just out to rip people off, but you can't go out and slander individuals who you don't know.
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Whatever, but he's not exactly been upfront and honest here. If he's got similar response to the air con one, which I read somewhere was about 70 people, if people spend average 10,000 euros on a furniture package he stands to make a tidy 35,000 euros!
For 35K I'll be everyones friend too. I would be happy to HELP you all for that sort of money.
I won't be taken for a mug by anyone. Helping a**e.
Open your eyes people. Spain is full of people always looking to get one up on eachother. I should know, I've lived here for 6 years and seen it all too often.
And Jackie websites like these are here so that we can help eachother out, not be taken advantage of.
_______________________ Happily living in Spain
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sorry but I dont think I am being taken for a mug by anyone. I am not stupid and would not be handing money over to just anyone without checking things out - but I am sitting here in Ireland and Alan is doing a lot of the leg work that will save me time when I eventually get over to Spain. If he makes a few bob out of it so be it - as in eveything I am told in life - I take it all with a pinch of salt until hard facts are presented. We would need furniture and air con anyway.
Spain is not the only country in the world where people can get taken advantage of - it happens everywhere, but please dont treat me as stupid
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From my own point of view I have found Alan to be of great benefit in helping us on many many aspects of the our purchase. His detailed reports, photographs, mini surveys, furniture/air con pricing and his general guidance and advice are very welcome and appreciated. Any questions or queries about Condado or building progress of the Jardines or any general queries, have all been honestly answered and have helped people who are unable to visit themselves! And how much has all of this cost us? Exactly. I find it invaluable to get all of this info.
With regard to Furniture and Air Con consortium, i personally think it is a great idea. At the end of the day i am interested in kitting out my property at the best price available. If Alan is prepared to do the leg work and source various suppliers and provide the details to us, well happy days for me!! I am more than capable of sounding out these suppliers myself to confirm that the details i receive are correct. If i can get discounts thrown into the equation well happy days again!! The bottom line is it is saving ME money. Nobody has asked me to hand over any cash or forced me into doing something against my will....
We would all be foolish to think that maybe Alan isn't maybe getting a higher discount or a bit of a kick back from the suppliers and what of it?? if Alan makes a few bob well i say fair play to him. It is not as if he is scamming me out of my hard earned cash. Quite the opposite, he is saving me some of my hard earned cash!!
At the end of the day i am getting updates and advice i wouldn't ordinarily be getting, the best on the Condado forum by a stretch!, as well as the opportunity to make discount purchases...that is of course if i decide to take up the option, as i say nobody is forcing my hand.............we're all big boys and girls!
Keep up the good work Alan. It is appreciated...... by me anyway
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