The Comments |
I have just spoken to PW customer services and my apartment will be handed over from 16th June (Jardine 13). I have to arrange flights and 2 days in Spain for the signing/NIE/snagging. The dates for J13 are between 16th June and 10th July. Am SOOOOOOOO excited.
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Good luck, now the fun begins.
Nice to see you have plenty of notice to arrange flights, nearly 3 months.
Is Jardin 13 the first to be handed over? The first ones will have to hurry and get them fitted out hopefully a bit of rental potential for those of us following on looking for somewhere to stay whilst we all go through the completion process.
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Hello All
We are in Jardin 12 and have a completion date of 2nd June - WOW!! Action stations now!! Luckily we are out in Spain then for a week's holiday so will be able to spend some time there!
Any one else?
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Here we go!!!!!!!! That's a great thread we have going now.....i've been waiting a while to see posts like that!! Did they phone you? Ok so that's Jardin 12 & 13 in June/July.........which one is next i wonder???!!!
Keep the good news coming folks!
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We have received a telephone call from PW today to say that the completion date for our apartments (Jardin 12 - originally Jardin 11) is the first week in June. They have asked us to arrange to go over for two days, preferrably week commencing the 2nd June but if not week commencing 9th June. The first day will be spent obtaining NIE numbers and visiting the property - the second day we will visit the Notary for the completion formalities and receive the keys. I asked whether we would be able to arrange to furnish the apartments straightaway but was told that we can only apply for the gas/electricity/water services to be connected once we have NIE numbers and have completed. Apparently PW can arrange this at no extra cost but only after completion - there is a 30 to 60 day waiting time for the services to be connected which means that we will probably have to go back over to Spain in July or August to deal with the furnishing etc. Getting really excited now - it has all happened much sooner than we anticipated!
Debbie and Paul 
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Its good to know that Polaris arrange the water and electric at no extra cost as I've seen elsewhere that it can cost 200-300 each in connection charges. Pity there's a month or so wait though before you can organise lighting or furniture or even camp out in the apartment.
Jan & Mike
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I think you will find PW will apply for the services for you at no cost but you will still have to pay the connection charges for electricity and water. Great news about the handover dates it seems that its only Jardin 12 & 13 at the moment. We were surprised to hear it was Jardin 12 as the show homes are on that one and thought that one might be last.
John & Val
John & Val
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Jontee, pity about the charges- was ever hopeful!
I wonder if they will open other show apartments elsewhere as the resort develops as it could be busy in Jardine 12 and it seems fairer to share some of that visiting about, although they did tell us they expected to have 12 show apartments by May
This message was last edited by JHMurcia on 3/26/2008.
Jan & Mike
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My In-Laws (Elderly Couple) have had the same phone call from PW requesting them to go over for handover - they are also in Garden 12, and have been given the same dates as you.
A couple of questions for the forum if any one can advise?
1. We assume that signing / Notary etc will be at HQ Balsicas & Torre Pacheo respectively, so they are focusing at La Torre as the place to stay - would this be fas good as any?
2. If there are snags found in the apartment, what is the situation with respect to signing and transfer of cash etc, as a return trip (so soon) is not wished for?
3. Once dates have been given to PW to go over, is this when PW send us the "Handover File" that we were told about at Balsicasis?
4. Does any one know of an Electrician to fit lighting?
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We thought the signing for completion is at your Solicitors- if anyone knows different please advise.
We think PW have about 30 days to rectify snags but you complete anyway the day after snagging. Then the improvements have to be snagged by you or your rep.
Fixtures and fittings have to wait until the water and electricity has been changed from developer to owner- again, anyone know different?
This message was last edited by JHMurcia on 3/27/2008.
Jan & Mike
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Have just had my call from Polaris so was given the following information:
I'm in Jardine 3 and the provisional handover dates for this block are July 20th till August 1st. This will happen after Jardine 1 & 2 are handed over which is confirmed as being mid June till mid July. They told me my date would be confirmed within 2 weeks but they don't expect it to change. If you are signing yourself i.e. no power of attorney, allow 3/4 days for the visit overall.
Was given the same info on the utilities - 30 to 60 labour days from initial request till completion depending on the service company. Polaris can request this for you on day of completion. Service company will probably need access to the apartment if the meters are being installed internally but Polaris can let them in on your behalf......not sure how as they should no longer have a key given they don't own the apartment any longer!!!!
For snagging - snag day before completion (or on same day if short of time) you and the company sign the snagging list and they have 30 labour days to resolve any issues. Not sure how I'm supposed to confirm this as I will have run out of holidays by this point!!
Can't believe it's so soon, I only signed my contract 4 months ago!
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We are in Jardines 4 and have just been told that we complete 18th June!!!
Just can't believe they are so far ahead!
We were suppose to complete December 08/January09?
Can anyone advise on a good Spanish Mortage lender?
We could have a mortage here but are thinking that the Euro is better at the moment in Spain and it will only be a short term mortgage of a couple of years
Is anyone having air conditioning AND radiators?
Don't know what to do for the best as we have been told that we have to let Polaris World know in the next week or so before the build is completed
Getting really excited!!!!
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Just been reading another forum site and there are a few on there in Jardin 5 who have been given dates between 16th June & 10th July. I'm waiting by the phone
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We are Jardin 4 and got THE call today aswell!!!! Completion date between 16th and 27th of June. Still can't believe it!!!
we were told they legally have 20 working days to complete any snag issues after completion. They will organise the electrics and water but it can take up to 30 days+
So much to do so little time.....never thought i'd be saying that!!
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We are also in Jardin 4 , I missed the phone call on Friday and they close the office at 12.30 so I wont know anything until Monday but I assume the info I get will be the same as you.
I did see some where that the snagging list has to be generated by you or your representative within 10 days of completion and has to be submitted in spanish, any info on this anyone?
I am also excited about the prospect of owning our own "Place in the sun" , the last time I purchased anything this big was when we bought our home in 1990
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Does any one know when the final payment is made ? is it after snagging or is it when signing the completion papers? I think I will have to check this out as so far we have used electronic transfer from our own bank in Ireland for the other payments.
By the way ,I have just checked the Cheap car hire prices with the link above, just under the FORUMS tab ,they seem very good!!!!!!!!
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