Community fees on Phase 1 in year 1 were in the region of 1,400 - 1,800 euros per year for an apartment but vary depending on how many square metres you own, communal areas in your block and vary depending on the type of property ie townhouses and villas are all different. In Year 2 Phase 1 community fees will be in the region of 1,000 - 1,500 euro according to views expressed at the AGM and the budget presented at that meeting. The Community fees have to be paid in two tranches in advance ie first six months has to be paid in March/April/May (depends on the date of the AGM) and remaining tranche in September/October. I checked with the administrators and there is a hold up on Phase 1 invoices as there was a problem with the co-efficients of the properties and when this is resolved the invoices will be sent out probably in the next month or so.