900 euro speeding fine

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05 Mar 2011 12:00 AM by mariadentoom Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

I have found out via my digital signature on the trafico website that I have 2 fines on my car from Nov and Dec 2010 of 900 euros each. I have not received a letter and presume a letter has been sent to an old address. I drive from Benahavis to Gibraltar a lot on the motorway but not at huge speeds (maybe 140kmh -150kmh at the most) so if there was to be a fine for those speeds I would imagine it maybe 100 euros or so. Has anybody heard of such a huge fine? Also, recently I had my bank account embargoed and 3 more fines of 372 euros each taken, fines I had no knowledge of until the money was taken. And this was done at 1.30pm on Christmas eve! Has anybody else had similar experiences or had fines of the same amounts?

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05 Mar 2011 2:50 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

Fast lady, hey?  I gotcaught last week while driving from Granada to Cordoba. I had not slowed down at one of those 60 limits where a track joined the main road I was driving along. One could see for miles that there was nothing on the track, although that's no excuse. A whole bunch of us were caught - 500m further along the road. The cop said I was doing 95...I should have asked to see the photo, if that's possible, as I don't think I was doing more than 80...but I didn't argue,  he showed me a card with a table....95 in a 60 area was 300 fine reduced to 150 if paid speedily. I had the cash, he gave me a receipt, grinned at my weak joke "Todo por dinero, si?" and I was on my way, gritting my teeth. Of course, I childishly took it out on my wife by sulking for the rest of the day and telling her we couldn't now afford a menu del dia in Cordoba.

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05 Mar 2011 8:13 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

I dont think it is funny making jokes about speeding

You both got what you deserved

The number of accidents and deaths caused by idiots who think they can drive 

faster than conditions allow  are evident all along the Costa.

Grow up 



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05 Mar 2011 8:14 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

I dont think it is funny making jokes about speeding

You both got what you deserved

The number of accidents and deaths caused by idiots who think they can drive 

faster than conditions allow  are evident all along the Costa.

Grow up 



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05 Mar 2011 9:29 PM by Pete201 Star rating. 37 posts Send private message

They should have speed limits on roundabouts.  The Spainish go through roundabout like lunatics.

My partner was nearly killed when last in Spain cycling at a roundabout.  I know its a generaliation but they all take roundabouts

without any care or cautions.  Total nutcases.

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06 Mar 2011 12:43 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Well pete 201 and peteha... it looks like you are going to get your way if Snr Rubalcaba continues in office.

Already he has dropped the National limit to 110kph, and speeds through towns down to 30kph. These are the lowest limits in Europe and yet the 'no speed limit' autobahns in Germany are statistically the safest roads in Europe.

Is that slow enough for you or should we also get the unemployment figures down by employing red flag men too?

Please bear in mind that the antics of the Audi, Merc and BMW drivers are the same the world over and that traffic on the Costas particularly the AP-7 and its derivatives is up to 30% non-Spanish. The younger 'hot hatch generation with hoodies and back to front baseball caps also are not confined to Spain.

Maybe some drivers, local and visitors, do have a problem with roundabouts; but to quote the UK motoring organisations 'Expect the Unexpected.'

In my experience of driving all over Europe I have to say that Spanish drivers generally are are somewhat tame when compared with the French, German , Italian and former Yugoslavia or Brit drivers for that matter.

Such as it is anyway, here's a list of point deductions and fines under the new law introduced mid 2010 in Spain..


This message was last edited by foxbat on 06/03/2011.




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06 Mar 2011 1:09 AM by mariadentoom Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Peteha you have totally missed the point. I have been driving for 38 years and on average drive 30,000 miles per year. II have NEVER had an accident and find your comment offensive. I was in no way making a joke about speeding, I was asking if anyone has had a similar experience - could a fine of this amount be a mistake? I totally agree with setting low speed limits within residential areas, I also believe that many people drive far too close to the vehicle in front without sufficient braking distance, particularly on motorways. To conclude, I can only imagine that the spanish government have decided to increase fines in order to gain extra revenue. I do not consider that driving at 150 kph on a clear motorway is worthy of such a ridiculously high fine.

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06 Mar 2011 1:45 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar


Not sure if they operate the same system here as in the UK but it is possible in theory to accumulate huge fines and points deductions on a single run.

On the M27 in Hampshire UK there are several speed cameras plus the time interval between passing adjacent speed cameras is also monitored. So on the run from one end of the motorway to the other, one can get points deducted at each camera and a fine imposed by the time interval cameras not to mention the on the spot, momentary speed measurements. It is very easy to completely use up all of your allocated 12 points between Southampton and Portsmouth and its only 25 miles. During the same run its also possible to rack up fines in excess of £1000.

As a long haul commuter (65,000 miles per year) before I retired, this was something always at the front of my mind.

Looking at the table it is highly likely that the figures you quote are cumulative fines, probably 'acquired' on a single run, on two separate occasions.

If this is the case then its quite possible that your points score is also going down pretty damn quick too.

This link to dgt.es may through a bit of light on the subject of fines...





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06 Mar 2011 2:06 PM by fpegman Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 441 posts Send private message

fpegman´s avatar


If you had obeyed the speed limit you would not have incurred the fine you break the law whether you exceed it by 1kph or 100kph so the answer is not to do it

If you break the law you pay the price tough!!!!



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06 Mar 2011 2:43 PM by mariadentoom Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Thank you Foxbat for this information - this intelligent reply is very useful  - Many Thanks

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08 Mar 2011 7:25 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

Sorry we do live in Spain so you cant compare laws,

After driving for so many years and so many miles it’s finally caught up with you be it only a small amount if you have been doing  this for sometime with out getting caught

Of course now by your own admission on this forum should you have a accident or god forbid kill somebody  with this reckless driving  and counsel  for the prosecution obtain this evidence from this statement on here,  that you are a  menace on  road you deserve everything you get

Pay your fine for this criminal act you have committed


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08 Mar 2011 7:57 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Please respect forum rules **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 08/03/2011.

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08 Mar 2011 8:04 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I think people are being quite harsh towards Maria here!

A Spanish friend of mine got done recently for doing 84 in an 80 zone.  That is ridiculous.  Most speedometers don't even have that level of accuracy to be able to easily know you are 4kph over the limit.

He is one of the slowest and safest drivers I have ever met.  He wouldn't even drive fast to get his pregnant wife to the hospital.

The motorways around us here are normally very empty.  You will often see many cars doing up to 200 kph along them.  Although that is way too much, and I certainly don't recommend it, the worst offenders are actually the ones who are driving slowly who can't keep lane position, totally oblivious to anything going on around them.  I call them "drifters".  They frighten the hell out of me.

We all drive over the speed limit at times and anyone who can honestly say they haven't broken a speed limit by just 4kph is telling porkies.

I noticed yesterday on the mortorway that even though the limit is now just 110, which is ridiculous on empty motorways, people were still speeding along it.  They weren't the ones I was worried about, it was actually the "head in the clouds" drifters that worried me the most.

Drive carefully everyone.



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08 Mar 2011 8:10 PM by delza Star rating. 77 posts Send private message

Personally as a BMW driver I find peteha's comments offensive, out of order and generally uncalled for.


This message was last edited by delza on 08/03/2011.

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08 Mar 2011 8:52 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

When the speed limit is set at 80,this means you can only drive up to 80 and not at 80 as most of you that complain about the set laws seem to think, try driving under the limit.

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08 Mar 2011 9:28 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message


My comment was not offensive but a joke.

Your love of Fi motor racing is well known to regular readers.

Speed is best kept for the motor racing circuit by drivers who have the ability to drive at these speeds.

The pretend boy racers we see driving around Spain are a menace

to all other drivers.

You should not censor this forum if it offends your personal taste.

A typical Top Gear enthusiast




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08 Mar 2011 9:54 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message


What a sensitive soul.

Not so shy when driving behind other drivers with a meter to spare.

Or weaving in and out of traffic causing danger to all around them.

Not you?




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08 Mar 2011 10:10 PM by El Alamillo Star rating in Nottingham & El Alam.... 221 posts Send private message

Speed cameras

Following the Freedom of Information act you can now get access to ALL speed camera offences  inc Europe in the last 12 months.

Every time your car goes past a speed camera, even 1kph over the set limit, it is registered and put on a database. You only get a ticket if you are way over the limit or, (this is the bit that I didn't know) if you receive over 10 near misses, you will be classed as a serial offender and get a ticket the next time you go just over the limit.

This is why you hear of people being done for 44 kph in a 40 kph limit area, whilst others doing 49 do not. You can check what has been registered against your vehicle at the following web address: www.i-database.co.uk

Just enter your car registration. If there is any data on your vehicle you can click on the camera window to see a copy of the photograph.


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08 Mar 2011 10:26 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
"You should not censor this forum if it offends your personal taste.

A typical Top Gear enthusiast."

Hahaha - there's a contradition in terms if ever I read one! :)

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08 Mar 2011 10:29 PM by bigchesterboy Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

some interesting comments here, and a lot of sanctimonius drivel from some posters, namely peteha, nitram and fpegman. EOS team and foxbat make useful and articulate points.

my take is this - speeding alone does not cause accidents, bad driving does. bad driving consists of many factors, tailgating, inappropiate speed (bad weather, bad car, bad weather etc) poor lane discipline, lack of awareness, poor judgement, taking risks and general lack of commen sense. anyone who says they never break a speed limit is telling a porky. and if I am wrong on this point then they are a supremely bad driver as they spend more time looking at the speedo than the road. i believe people who drive fast in residential areas, near schools and in towns are idiots, i believe we should have 30kmh speed limits in these areas. but to say that 140kmh on an empty motorway, in perfect conditions in a good car is dangerous to you and others is simply wrong. When ridculous fines of 900€ are levied on people driving on empty motorways it smacks of only one thing - revenue ahead of safety. try putting a camera near a school instead and make a real contribution towards road safety.

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