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28 Apr 2011 12:02 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

Ads,  that's a great result. I hope Vince Cable is able to exert some pressure on the Spanish as he is one member of the coalition that I have a little faith in.

Perhaps we should all  email him in his capacity as Secretary of State for business  and voice our concerns. Here's a link to his website  for further details.

Over the next six days we must all keep up the pressure on the Spanish Consulate ( and protest   strongly about the outragious insult we feel at the purpose of Snr Blanco's visit.








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28 Apr 2011 11:03 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

From The Telegraph - 28 April 2011

Expat anger as Spanish ministers seek new UK property investors

Spanish government ministers are heading to London to lure back British buyers at a roadshow, much to the disbelief of thousands of expats caught up in Spain's illegal property fiasco.

According to an announcement made by the office of Spain's visiting development minister José Blanco, next week's Spanish Homes Roadshow "will highlight the strengths of our economy, transparency and legal certainty of our planning legislation."

It is estimated that there are up to one million "illegal" properties in Spain - largely owned by Britons who bought property there in good faith only to fall victim to uncertain planning regulations and unscrupulous developers and officials.

The roadshow reflects growing alarm in Spain at the huge stock of newly-built homes - 400,000 of which are near the coast - that have remained vacant since the country’s economic crisis began.

Prices have fallen by up to 40 per cent as banks and developers desperately try to claw back their investments.

The UK is the first international destination for the roadshow because, according to the latest data, its citizens and investors in 2009 accounted for 31.5 per cent of foreign buyers of property in Spain.

Many potential buyers have however been recently put off by horror stories of planning permission being retrospectively revoked and other complications, and the number of British buyers has slumped.

Keith Rule of Bank Guarantees in Spain, one of the many campaign groups set up by expats who have been affected by Spanish planning abuse, said: "This is an insult to all those of us who stand to lose so much due to the corruption and negligence in the Spanish property sector.

"The Spanish property sector certainly does not have any transparency or legal certainty.

"It is a serious mess and Señor Blanco and the Spanish Government have nothing to put on a show about.

"Señor Blanco must, together with his government colleagues, rectify the serious injustices that have taken place over the past decade in their country."

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph in February, Beatriz Corredor, the Spanish housing secretary, who will be joining Mr Blanco in London next week, promised new planning laws to end the confusion.

She was reported as saying: “The British are our highest priority and are those about whom we are most concerned.

“It is true that there has been... an image problem. Now we want to reassure the British, and all foreigners, that we are doing everything possible to put the details clearly on the table.”

If someone buys a house with all the correct paperwork, Ms Corredor said, they could be assured of its legality.

“If there is not any mention of legal proceedings on the document, the person who buys the property through the correct channels will then know there is judicial support."

The roadshow, which will also take place in France, Germany, Holland, Sweden and Russia, is designed in two phases - the first phase dealing with large investors and brokers, the second phase open to private sector participation "with a selection of real estate products that meet the minimum standards of legality, planning and quality."

At a recent EU Petitions Committee hearing about the problem of illegal homes, Conservative MEP Roger Helmer spoke out in support of the British expats fighting for legalisation of their homes bought in good faith.

In a blog posted after the hearing he wrote: "A word of advice to anyone thinking of buying a property in Spain: don’t. And never, never, never buy off-plan (that is, a property not yet built). Don’t put down a deposit. Don’t even think about it."

His comments drew the attention of Stephen Hitchins, director of property company The Almanzora Group Ltd, who argued that it was unfair to tar all Spanish property owners with the same brush.

In defence of the expat property market in Spain, he said: "It is a legitimate desire of many people, especially it seems the British, to own second and retirement homes abroad, in better climes and in different environments.

"Spain has been and remains by far the most convenient and popular place for the realisation of that ambition within Europe.

"As a result there are hundreds of thousands of such homes in Spain owned by British people alone, quite apart from those owned by other nationalities; there are no issues whatsoever concerning the legality of all but the most minor percentage of these homes.

"It is not right that leaders of opinion, no matter how concerned about the plight of those few caught in an illegal housing trap, give advice that quite unecessarily prejudices the legitimate interests of the majority of their nationals, who own completely legal property in Spain; it is hard enough for them to sell their properties in today’s market as it is."

The roadshow starts at the Spanish Embassy in London on May 4.

Telegraph Expat's Spanish Planning Scandal campaign is supporting the thousands of expats who have been affected by the illegal homes crisis in Spain. You can find all the latest news on the situation here.



LEY 57/1968


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29 Apr 2011 12:02 AM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar


They're still trying to paint us as just a handful of moaners intent on ruining them. When   it is they who have allowed this whole mess to happen.

They really are unbelievable and a disgrace to the European community. 

Many, many thanks to you for all your input and to  the Telegraph for the publicity.

Maybe one day...................................








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29 Apr 2011 12:20 AM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

I just found this link on the SPI website

It is the British Embassy in Madrids' website and has links to EOS and SPI (Congratulations to Justin and Mark)

The Embassy has produced a fairly comprehensive guide/warning to potential property purchasers in Spain.

 I wish it had existed in 2005!!!







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30 Apr 2011 8:44 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

 Not sure who originally made this but couldn't resist sharing it...

Cart before the horse in Spain


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30 Apr 2011 10:24 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

Justin, perfect for adapting for a leaflet/handout at the Roadshows.  Is there a copyright on it?



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30 Apr 2011 12:35 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Not sure ruth, someone posted it as a comment on a blog post but not sure who they are.

I am sure they would be happy for anyone to use it!!!



Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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30 Apr 2011 1:17 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

The cartoon is great. So good that I sent a copy to the Spanish Consul in London with the following message:-


Dear Consul General,

Please open the attachment where you will find realistic strategies to aid  Snr Blanco's
mission to encourage investment in Spain's ailing property market.

Nothing less will spur would be investors to part with their money. Your legal and consumer
protection systems have just too many pitfalls and fall far short of their UK counterparts.

The justice and protection that we  enjoy in the UK is not that which we expected in Spain as a member of the EU.
The truth is that, in practice, it does not exist in Spain.

Yours sincerely,







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30 Apr 2011 1:20 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar


I hope I haven't jumped the gun if you ARE planning a visit to the roadshow.

 I've sent you a PM.








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30 Apr 2011 2:18 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

Hi all,

I think that the cartoon is FANTASTIC and so apt!

I would very much like to use a modified version if the author does not object?

Does anyone know where it comes from?



Maura Hillen (AUAN) 


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03 May 2011 12:01 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Hi Marua

Not sure who did the picture but am sure you can use it.

A link to it was originally posted in a comment on this blog post.



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03 May 2011 1:22 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message





  Spanish Government to hold Road Shows around Europe to promote the ‘transparency and legal security’ of the Spanish Property Market

  This is an insult to the thousands of victims many of whom have lost or stand to lose their life savings as a result of the corruption and negligence present in the Spanish Property Market over the past decade

  Purchasers are often the innocent victims in a trail of lies, deception, negligence, lack of due diligence and complete lack of control within the real estate sector.

  Sr. José Blanco and the Spanish Government must act now to ensure the abuse and problems being suffered by innocent property purchasers in Spain are ended immediately and that they are never allowed to happen again.


Is Sr. Blanco really serious?

He says the Road Shows will “Highlight the strengths of our economy, transparency and legal certainty of our planning legislation”

This is an insult to all those of us who stand to lose so much due to the corruption and negligence in the Spanish Property Sector. The Spanish Property Sector certainly does not have any transparency or legal certainty!

Sr. Blanco said “It seems that I have become a real estate agent but my role is to ensure greater legal certainty to potential investors following many campaigns against the Spanish property sector”

Does Sr. Blanco not think that those campaigns against the Spanish property sector are fully justified? What has Sr. Blanco and the Spanish Government done to address those campaigns? Nothing!

It appears that Sr. Blanco is trying to blame the campaigns for the lack of legal certainty in the Spanish Property Sector! Just like the rest of the Spanish Government he is passing the buck. These are the actions and words of a desperate man hoping that a miracle will happen and that all the campaigners will just ‘go away’.


Sr. Zapatero is leading a government who is failing to tackle the very serious problems in the Spanish Property Sector. Instead they are attempting to ignore the victims and move forward with a Road Show to promote transparency and legal certainty which are elements of the Spanish Property Sector that, in many cases, simply do not exist.

On 6 July 2010 in the European Parliament Sr. Zapatero said "We stand shoulder to shoulder with those people, who maybe have had the wool pulled over their eyes in the property sector”. That is easy for Sr. Zapatero to say, but what has he and his Government done to address the serious injustices and corruption?

In February 2011, when previewing the upcoming Road Shows the Spanish Housing Minister, Sra. Beatriz Corredor Sierra said: “Come here calmly and trust in the system that we have and the transparency we provide”

Sr. Zapatero, Sr. Blanco and Sra. Corredor need to understand that for thousands of victims of the Spanish Property Sector there was and still is no ‘transparency or legal certainty’.

Despite many empty words by Spanish Government officials there still remains little evidence of any ‘ongoing policy reforms’.


Many Estate Agents,
Lawyers & Banks were negligent and acted with a complete lack of professional due diligence.  The court system is overloaded which results in unacceptable delays clearly to the advantage of the corrupt developers and negligent Banks.  Judges are inconsistent and as a result real justice is still an expensive dream for many victims.

There remains a basic lack of understanding of LEY 57/68 (the law relating to off-plan Bank Guarantees) and in many cases the law is not applied correctly.

The Supervisor of the Spanish Banking System – the Banco de España is totally ineffective and has no real power. The result is the Banks & Savings Banks were allowed to ignore their obligations according to LEY 57/68, collude with the corrupt developers and fail to protect purchaser’s off-plan deposit funds.

Now of great concern is the situation whereby the Banks & Savings Banks that accepted vast sums in off-plan deposits and failed to issue or verify the existence of the legally required Bank Guarantees in accordance with Spanish Law, LEY 57/68, are now amongst Spain’s largest Real Estate Agents as a result of the fact they have repossessed so much property including many off-plan developments.

María de Castro, Director of the legal firm Costa Luz Lawyers who is representing the Finca Parcs Action Group in their legal action against the Savings Bank Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM) and Spanish developer Cleyton GES SL says: “The Banks & Savings Banks had a lesser financial exposure to the off-plan developments due to the fact they failed to secure all the off-plan deposit funds in the special accounts and with the legally required Bank Guarantees as required by Spanish Law, in particular, LEY 57/68”

María de Castro also has some words of advice for Sr. Blanco, “During the Road Shows Sr. Blanco should meet with the representatives of the victims and establish a plan for them to be refunded.  This may result in these people regaining confidence and wishing to buy in Spain again.  But most surely it will produce more respect for Spain and its politicians if there is real evidence that they are addressing the problems”.


Sr. Blanco and the Spanish Government are attempting to highlight the transparency and legal security they claim is present in the Spanish Housing Market. 

We have absolutely no evidence of this transparency or legal security.

We demand the Road Shows are also used to address the property issues of thousands of innocent victims many of whom have found absolutely no results despite suffering years of expensive and stressful legal action through the inadequate Spanish justice system.

We as innocent victims of the Spanish Housing Market demand action and recompense.

We are determined to force accountability, demand justice and ensure change for the future.  We must also warn potential future investors in the Spanish Property Sector of the very real dangers often encountered when purchasing a dream home in Spain.

is a very serious situation and Sr. Blanco and the Spanish Government have NOTHING to put on a show about. Before making more empty promises and embarking on a Road Show designed to entice other unsuspecting ‘victims’ into the shambles that is the Spanish Property Sector Sr. Blanco must, together with his government colleagues, address and then rectify the serious injustices that have taken place in their country over the past decade.


On 29 April 2011, Mr Michael Cashman MEP wrote an open letter to Sr. José Blanco calling on him to “take advantage of the time at the Road Shows to address the property issues of tens of thousands of Europeans including British and Spanish property owners”.  Mr Cashman also poses the question to Sr. Blanco, “What about those that have already invested and who, faced with the uncompensated loss of their property, have found absolutely no results through the Spanish legal system?”  The letter concludes with the following words of caution: “I would not advise any investment in Spanish property until this problem is resolved.  I trust the outcome of your visit will bring a light of hope to all these victims”.


There are many affected groups who feel that due to the fact the Spanish Government has failed to address the injustices and corruption, the Road Shows should not be taking place at all.  To this end an internet based petition on the Go Petition website has just been launched which calls on David Lidington, the Minister for Europe, to stop the Road Shows from taking place.


Further details regarding the FINCA PARCS ACTION GROUP can be found at:

Details of the Petition related to Bank Guarantees in Spain directed to, among others, Don Miguel Angel Fernández Ordoñez - Governor of the Banco de España (The Banco de España is the national central bank and supervisor of the Spanish banking system), Don José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero - Prime Minister of Spain and José Manuel Barroso - President of the European Commission can be found on the BANK GUARANTEES IN SPAIN website at:


LEY 57/1968


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03 May 2011 1:59 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Legal tip 517. José Blanco: you can do it! 
03 May 2011 @ 13:55 


According to RightMove, "British interest in buying property overseas is

booming. Enquiries soared by 53 per cent last month, according to figures from

Rightmove Overseas and Moneycorp, with Spain continuing to top the league,

followed by France, the US and Australia"


Just ask Banks to acknowledge their liabilities under 1. segundo of Law 57/68 and you may find a good list of claimers wanting to turn into buyers of these bank´s real estate stocks:

Once the credit is recognised and Banks are open to sell at reasonable prices. It is still time. Just a bit of courage and the decency of calling things by their name is neeed.

Do not start by the end.....first things first.

These acknowledgments will turn frustration into new hopes about Spain.

Talk to Mr. Rule! You will be very happy after this. 




This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 03/05/2011.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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03 May 2011 4:08 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Claimants turning into buyers of real estate stocks should only be encouraged/exercised once the justice system is proven to be trustworthy, workable and accountable, with inbuilt fair timescale constraints in place to protect the consumer, otherwise those "new" buyers will remain at risk, and any exposed to any further legal complications will just add to the horrendous statistics of those being denied justice in Spain.

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03 May 2011 5:40 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Article in the Guardian today (thanks Ruth)

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04 May 2011 11:08 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

9.10am - Wed 4 May 2011

We have just been ejected from the Spanish Embassy in London.

We were very polite but the staff said to us:

"Todays event is private and by invitation only.  It is to promote the Spanish Property Market to specially invited corporate investment companies.  We are not here to discuss your issues.  You must go through the courts.  We must ask you to leave the building"

We did however leave some documentation with the staff and asked them to pass it to Sr. Blanco and Sra. Corredor.

The press conference is scheduled for 11am.

Will report more later.



LEY 57/1968


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04 May 2011 12:05 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Did you lose your invitation Keith?

What?  They didn't invite you? Really??

Anyway, what's the scene there?  Anyone else turn up to demonstrate in any way?

Great stuff mate.



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04 May 2011 12:28 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Nobody else here - just me and one other member of the Finca Parcs Action Group.

The Press Conference started at 11am.

We were at the main door just before the Press Conference handing out our Press Releases.

The press were very interested, especially the Spanish media and radio.

I was interviewd by El Mundo and a Spanish Radio Station.

We are doing more interviews when the Press Conference is finished.



LEY 57/1968


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04 May 2011 12:51 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I look forward to reading your comments in the press!!



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04 May 2011 1:27 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


Keep the battle up! You are a star! So much looking forward to reading your comments. You are a proffessional campaigner and will get extraordinary results, I am sure!




Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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