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05 Oct 2011 11:21 PM by mike_congress Star rating. 31 posts Send private message


‘More than one Spanish bank sees the sharp-suited foreigners arriving at their doors as vultures trying to take advantage of a wider crisis in the eurozone to snatch away investments that will eventually turn good.’ – FT today – this is how Spanish banks perceive the very people they are begging to buy their glut of properties!
These banks have defrauded thousands of us of millions of euros, whilst their government sit back and watch. Many of us have been fighting for 5 or 6 years for the return of deposits which have been wrongfully retained by banks who fraudulently  refuse to honour guarantees or have taken our money and failed in their legal responsibility to arrange the obligatory guarantees.
There is an opportunity next week to confront some of these banks or the Spanish Housing Minister or representatives of the Spanish Ministry of Infrastructure or the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX). This is an opportunity not to be missed and one which will not be repeated. Please do not miss out!
We are asking a number of MP’s/MEP’s to attend the show and meet face to face with Spanish Ministers and question them as to why they allow the abuses to continue. Some of these will attend and are asking for as much support as possible from us, the victims. Please give them your support by registering and attending the show, and also registering for the Beatriz Corredor presentation on Thursday at 3:15pm.
You can find details and register for the show and seminar at:
We have waited a very long time for this opportunity – please be there and let the Spanish know how you feel!   Anyone who has a breached purchase contract and a failed bank guarantee please bring copies to show – those 2 documents speak volumes.

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06 Oct 2011 11:30 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

If I was in UK at the moment I would join you.

I have long said a more forceful approach is required and ranting on forums such as this is akin to preaching to the converted.

I would really encourage all those able to attend to do so and show a united and strong front.

This type of activity will hurt Spain as will negative newspaper and TV coverage.

Best of luck to all attending.

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06 Oct 2011 1:22 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

 It looks easy to register. Do we all  book for the Thursday 13th October session  which starts at 15.15pm?

Beatriz Corredor is speaking and the session is free.

I can get there that day. How early shall we get there?







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06 Oct 2011 1:32 PM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi Sandra,

I shall be getting there at around 1pm on the Thursday. It looks like Snra Corredor is only giving her saminar on just the one day. I have booked my seats.



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06 Oct 2011 1:52 PM by mike_congress Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

Hi Sandra - that's good you can attend.  I will aim to be there late morning - I suggest we liaise by mobile on the day and perhaps arrange to meet in Costa - just by main entrance.    If you are in contact with any others, please urge them to attend.  Many thanks,  Mike

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06 Oct 2011 3:10 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

So sorry but we are away on our hols next week so can't attend, but we wish you all the very best.

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06 Oct 2011 4:22 PM by trowell1 Star rating. 150 posts Send private message

 Hi Guys 

I cannot (I wish I could) make the seminar attended by the housing minister of Spain. If they are that worried about having 100's of thousands of properties that cannot be sold, there is an easy solution. Get the builders and their bankers to give us our money back from developments which have not even started (HDT Jumilla), I for one would get myself over to Spain and try and pick up a "built" bargain. Only the spanish could have one of the most desirable places to live in Europe and completely destroy what I'm sure is such a money spinner for them, short and long term.If after the seminar/q+a someone could put something on this forum it would much appreciated.


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06 Oct 2011 9:45 PM by fazarelli Star rating. 282 posts Send private message

Just out of interest, how many of those 680,000 unsold properties are actually built to an habitable state?

What i'm getting at is in my particular case, where the properties/development is partially finished (approx 50%), would these be included in that figure? And if so, where would that leave me (and many others, i would presume) if a developer at one of these roadshows were to try and snap the whole development up on the cheap and eventually complete the buildings? I'm of the understanding that i have cancelled the contract with the developer, so would i be entitled to the completed property that may arise from this?

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08 Oct 2011 4:28 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Here is a full list of the Spanish Government approved companies who will be exhibiting at OPP Live:

·         Banca Cívica

·         Bancaja Habitat

·         Banco Pastor – GTE

·         CatalunyaCaixa

·         Cimenta2

·         Live in Spain

·         Marina D´Or

·         NCG Grupo Inmobiliario

·         Restaura Inversions

·         Vallehermoso


LEY 57/1968


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08 Oct 2011 4:52 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Investment opportunities in the Spanish Real Estate Sector - A seminar by Beatriz Corredor - Spanish Secretary of State for Housing

There are no tickets left for this seminar.

30 mins
Investment opportunities in the Spanish Real Estate Sector
Beatriz Corredor Sierra - Spanish Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Development


A red circle with a white X symbol appearing beside a seminar title indicates that all seats available for online booking have been reserved. In these instances an additional allocation of seats will be made available for that session on the day it takes place.

So far it is the only 'sold out' seminar during the whole 3 day exhibition!!


LEY 57/1968


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10 Oct 2011 2:58 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

I've got my coach ticket,entrance ticket and seminar ticket.

See you all on Thursday!!







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10 Oct 2011 6:10 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 403 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Good luck to all who are attending on Thursday,and thank you all for doing all you have done. I am unable to do anythings to help. i have no excuses only that I am in Spain and  do thank you all again.


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10 Oct 2011 8:07 PM by Trowell1 Star rating. 150 posts Send private message

Hi Sandra

I know you will have lots to ask when you are with the minister, however bearing in mind a court has ruled in favour of someone with a generic bank guarantee (the bank is appealing), it would be nice to hear straight from the horses mouth what "the government" think.

Hope thursday goes well


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13 Oct 2011 9:46 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

Hi all

I'm planning on going Saturday.  Can anyone else make it and meet up for a coffee perhaps?

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14 Oct 2011 10:35 AM by trowell1 Star rating. 150 posts Send private message

 Hi Sandra

Sorry to be a pain so soon after the event. 

How did the day go on thursday?

Keen to know if, a) it was informative, constructive and all involved were understanding of our issues. b) it was a pr exercise with no real benefit to the likes of us.

can't wait for your report


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14 Oct 2011 11:12 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Written by Jack Troughton    - ROUND TOWN NEWS

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Minister on board

MINISTER FOR Europe David Lidington has pledged his support in seeking solutions to Spanish property abuses after meeting a deputation of British victims.

The talks were held at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London and it was an opportunity for the politician to learn first hand of the problems, frustrations and anguish suffered by some British purchasers.

Central to the one-off meeting with Mr Lidington was the controversial Spanish property road show – starting its second phase in the UK yesterday (Thursday) as RTN went to press – and the failure to honour legally required bank guarantees for off-plan property purchasers.

And meeting the Minister to demand action was Keith Rule, organiser of the Bank Guarantee in Spain Petition, Ruth Genda, responsible for the ‘Stop the Spanish Roadshow Petition’, together with Mike Kerr and Kafo Genda.

The on-line petitions were signed by thousands of people and outlined the anger and frustration of the victims.

Mr Lidington emphasised the Government was concerned about the impact problems were having on British citizens and said Ministers and the Ambassador would continue to raise property issues with Spain’s government.
He stressed the best advice he could give prospective purchasers was that they should do their research and seek appropriate legal advice.


But the minister underlined that the Government could not prevent Spain from encouraging investment in its property market.

Mr Lidington said: “I advise anyone considering buying a property abroad to do your research, learn about what documentation you must have in hand, and make sure you seek independent legal advice from a lawyer who is experienced in property law.”

Afterwards Ruth Genda commented: “The Minister and his team seemed genuinely surprised when Keith brandished the dossier of evidence gathered on behalf of the Finca Parcs Action Group.  This dossier was shown to the Minister as an example of the terrible situation that can occur when both the developer and the bank fail to act in accordance with Spanish law relating to bank guarantees for off-plan purchases.”

The minister was given a 200-page file containing hard evidence of the failure of banks and institutions, along with the Spanish government and the European Parliament.
Ruth added: “These are necessary pieces of evidence to help the Minister see through the smoke-and-mirrors fabrications of the Spanish government and enable him to get at the truth and reality of these dreadful situations in which we find ourselves”.


“If he and his team are not able to help us after reading through this dossier then we know exactly where we stand.”

Keith Rule’s action group was formed by 64 buyers of homes on the Finca Parcs development near Hellin, Spain, and is made up of 64 buyers who paid deposits but were never issued with legally required guarantees – the project was abandoned with only 36 of 617 houses completed.

After meeting Mr Lidington, Keith said: “It was a positive step forward and we now have some valuable contacts within the foreign Office, the Overseas Property Office in London and the British Embassy in Madrid.
Mr Lidington seemed keen to assist us in his role as Minister for Europe and only time will tell if he is able to deliver on his promises.”

Undertakings given by the Minister included raising the issue of bank guarantees with the Spanish government at every opportunity and the possibility of organising a meeting between the Bank Guarantees Action Group and the Bank of Spain.

He also promised he would advise UK MEPs to create a formal cross-party working group to examine property issues in Spain, and said he would talk with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg who might be able to assist through his personal knowledge and experience of Spain.

Additional Information: Bank Guarantees in Spain Petition -

Stop The Spanish Property Road Show Petition

Finca Parcs Action Group -




LEY 57/1968


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14 Oct 2011 1:39 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message




Spain shows in London a selection of real estate products

The British are the main foreign buyers of property in Spain.

• A group of companies involved in property development attend a technical conference in the United Kingdom

• Secretary of State for Housing notes that "the objective is to recover marketing channels with major markets in the residential sector interested in Spain."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A delegation of a dozen real estate development companies and divisions of Spanish financial institutions are in London today presenting a sample of homes they have in stock, in a technical seminar on real estate in the United Kingdom.

The conference, organized by the Ministry of Development in collaboration with the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX), is held as part of the Property Investor Show & OPP Live 2011, a major real estate event in the UK.

Secretary of State for Housing, Beatriz Corredor, who accompanied the Spanish businessmen who participated in the day and explained the situation of the housing market in Spain, the evolution of prices, the housing stock available and legislative reforms implemented by the Government of Spain.


The aim of the day was to introduce the Spanish companies with industry professionals in the UK and allow collective presence of the Spanish offer. The purpose, explained Corredor "is to restore the channels of communication and distribution, which were lost during the crisis, with the main markets that have an interest in the Spanish real estate sector, mainly in the leisure & holiday segment, which represents one third of the total housing stock in Spain ".

Housing prices in Spain have fallen by 17% on average and 22% in real terms from their peak levels, but in some areas, especially in the most popular for holiday homes, the falls have exceeded 30%, reducing in some cases by 50% The stock of housing available, which in 2010 began to decline, is 687,000 units, 61% of which is on the Mediterranean coast and the archipelagos.

In addition, the Government of Spain has approved a tax rebate for the purchase of new housing up to December 31, 2011 which will be taxed at a rate of 4% instead of 8%.  Also, recently, the Government of Spain has adopted new measures to enhance transparency, guarantees and legal security in the Spanish property sector.

Thus, Corredor has stressed that there is now increased information about the state of housing available in the Land Registry for public and universal access.  Furthermore, that information can be obtained, since last July, in English, thanks to an agreement between the Ministry of Development and the Association of Registrars.

"This, coupled with the competitive advantages that have characterized Spain as a secure destination, geographic proximity, good weather, quality of life, universal public services and a high quality transport network fully renovated makes Spain an ideal destination for investment," she assured.

According to recent data, British citizens are the main foreign buyers of property in Spain with 23.4% of all purchases made by foreigners in 2010 and around one million Britons living in Spain for all or part of the year. In addition 9.47 million British tourists visited Spain in the first eight months of 2011, 8.8% more than the same period in 2010.


Housing characteristics

In London Spanish companies and institutions have presented a sample of dwellings which were subject to an evaluation process in accordance with international valuation standards. Most of these vacation homes are used and are distributed throughout Spain, especially in the most popular destinations for foreign buyers, such as the Canary and Balearic Islands and the Spanish coast. They have also presented a selection of housing for first residence in large towns.

The type of housing made available ranges from apartment block houses to terraced houses. They are located both in serviced residential areas and within their own towns.



LEY 57/1968


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14 Oct 2011 5:19 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Criticism for property service run by Spanish government

When the Spanish government unveiled a new property register in English designed to simplify the buying process and clarify whether properties were legal and safe to buy, it was supposed to encourage British buyers to dip a toe back into the Spanish property market.

Despite the hype, Spain's online Land Registry service has been criticised as unreliable and out-of-date Photo: Frans Lemmens / Alamy

3:17PM BST 14 Oct 2011

That was until users began to complain that the service provides what they say is misleading documentation in indecipheral English.

In exchange for €23 euros, prospective British buyers can search for a property online, carry out their own due diligence and, should they wish to buy one, receive a Land Registry Certificate that proves they bought their property in good faith. In theory completing this process guarantes them judicial support.

However, a check on a 5,000 square-metre property bought by Colin and Sandra Byrne in 2006 correctly states the size and description of the property in Albanilla, even down to the sloping ceilings and the fact that "the main front faces the mid day" [sic].

What it fails to mention is that the €275,000 property with a €25,000 landscaped garden is subject to a land grab by a developer, who plans to use half of the Byrnes' land as part of an urbanisation project that will include 47 car parking spaces, two houses and a public space.

Colin Byrne said: "The first thing that struck me was it looked as if someone had taken the information in Spanish from the records and 'googled' it into English.

"They described my plot, which is full of olive and almond trees, as 'a piece of dry land for cultivation of cereals with an area of 48 areas 80 centiares'.

"But more importantly for a prospective buyer, I would think, is the fact that my property is subject to a 'land grab', which went unmentioned on the document that cost me €23.

"A builder is planning an urbanisation and I and three of my neighbours stand to lose over 50 per cent of our gardens. The plans have been in Abanilla Town Hall since June 2007 and we had the official notification in 2010."

It is not just the translated documents that are giving cause for concern. The service seems to be equally flawed in Spanish.

A check on a house bought by Len and Helen Prior in 2003 reveals its location in Almeria and the fact it had a "rectangular pool with semicircular stair access", but doesn't disclose the fact it was deemed to be illegal. It was demolished in January 2008.

A search for details on a further two properties deemed illegal three years ago in Albox and subjected to demolition orders that were later suspended pending a retrial, returns no information relating to the properties' legal history.

The property service in English was rolled out shortly after Spain's housing secretary Beatriz Corredor came to London with the Spanish Property Roadshow in April this year.

Prior to her arival, she was reported in a Sunday Telegraph interview as saying: “Come here calmly, and trust in the system that we have and the transparency we provide.

“If there is not any mention of legal proceedings on the document, the person who buys the property through the correct channels will then know there is judicial support."

The online service was part of a package of reforms steered through the Spanish parliament in a bid to improve Spain's tarnished real estate reputation and boost its withered economy by encouraging investment.

A spokesman for the Spanish government said: “Last July, the Spanish government approved a new regulation that, amongst other measures, obliges town councils to inform the Association of Spanish Property and Commercial Registrars about any urban development regarding properties. As every regulation in democracy, it doesn’t have retroactively [sic]."

There are estimated to be 700,000 unsold holiday homes in Spain, the majority of which are located along the southern coastlines, where property prices have dropped by as much as 60 per cent in certain regions.

The second leg of the Spanish property roadshow is currently in London, providing a platform for developers to sell their properties to UK buyers.



LEY 57/1968


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14 Oct 2011 7:44 PM by trowell1 Star rating. 150 posts Send private message


see my response at bottom of publication

I Tackle Spanish Housing Minister on Land Grab

October 14, 2011 4:41 pm - Posted by Marta in Behind the scenes

Spanish Housing Minister Beatriz Corredor

Yesterday I went to an International Property Exhibition in the Excel Centre in the Docklands, London. This event had been brought to my attention by two of my constituents, Mike Kerr and Keith Rule who have had to suffer their Spanish investment backfiring.

Obviously, they were not attending to purchase more Spanish property, to the contrary – they’d advise others not to invest in Spain. We were there to listen to the Spanish Minister for Housing, Beatriz Corredor. She had flown over from Spain with around ten Spanish property developers hoping to attract British buyers.

The British are amongst the highest proportion of foreign property purchasers, but the bad reputation Spain has earned itself has seen the level of interest in Spanish property plummet. This so-called ‘roadshow’ was to address that with the aiming of portraying that everything is fixed and the Brits can start spending their money again. How wrong this is.

Regional Governments pick fights with Local Governments, Mayors and politicans take bribes, then get prosecuted for corruption – it really is difficult for any British person to trust anyone throughout the home buying process. Regular readers of my blog and newsletter will know that I’ve been fighting for victims of Spanish property related injustice since my election.

Yesterday was the perfect opportunity for me to fight those who have suffered such ordeals.

After Mrs Corredor’s speech, there was a drinks reception where the Minister would be present. But Mike and Keith couldn’t attend that because a cleverly-timed meeting with some of Mrs Corredor’s staff had been arranged. However, that meeting didn’t involve me, so I went to the drinks reception.

It didn’t take me long to introduce myself to the Minister and have a conversation with her. I shall describe it as ‘frank and passionate’, with the conversation both in English and Spanish attracting attention from many around.

Mrs Corredor quite clearly lives on another planet. She refused to acknowledge the problems there have been and continue to be with people who have invested in Spain. Through her denial, she is unwilling to help those who have suffered and I question whether she even cares given there’s an election in Spain in a few weeks time.

Not surprisingly, Mrs Corredor fled her own drinks reception leaving me to talk to many who attended, not in fact to buy property or invest in Spain – but to share their Spanish horror stories. Interestingly, the developers who were there were also frustrated with the Government. They agreed with me that the problems have not been dealt with and while that remains the case, they will be unable to sell any properties.

The Spanish Government is a Government which is failing British expats and failing British people who live in the UK but have made investments in Spain. The Government is even failing it’s own people in the property sector. I question whether the new Government will be any better.

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14 Oct 2011 9:40 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

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