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16 Jun 2011 2:12 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Keith has just identified the following article


Tuesday, 14 June 2011

New consumer guide to property purchase falls short

Government advice fails to address key issues

By Emma Randle
IN THE wake of Spain's property "road show" across Europe the Spanish government has brought out a guide to consumers on buying a property in Spain.

As reported in this paper last week, the government is advocating investment in Spanish property, with, according to housing minister Beatriz Corredor, plenty of good quality housing available at low prices, especially on the coast.

The consumer guide, aimed at the English speaking market and entitled 'How to buy a home in Spain - step by step consumer safety in purchasing property' has been drafted by the association of property registrars and is available on the government website

It aims to take the potential buyer through the various stages of buying a property, including finding the right home, signing the agreement, paying taxes, registering the home at the Property Registry and settling the buying costs.

However, there appear to be two startling omissions. One is that whilst estate agents, administrative agents and notaries are mentioned, at no point does the guide advise buyers to instruct, or even recommend that they consider instructing, a solicitor.

The second is that the guide does not address the minefield of Spanish planning legislation.

It does not for example recommend that buyers check that whatever property they are buying has the relevant planning permissions and related licences.

The subject is briefly addressed in the section on buying a property off plan, but given the huge problems experienced by thousands of people who have ended up with illegal properties this topic is not fully explored in the government literature.

CBNews asked local solicitor and property expert Gerard Vazquez for his opinion on the guide. "It is all well and good, but the problem is the real estate system has apparently failed in practice, and perhaps less time should be spent on guides and more on seeking to resolve the defects which exist," he said.


Where is the mention of addressing the non implementation of existing laws and lack of ONGOING consumer protection, so long as successful judgements are not implemented?

This to me is the bottom line. Without a fair workable effective system of justice in place in Spain, then no-one is safe and no amount of guiding will prepare you, or protect you from the realities within the existing justice system in Spain if ever you are required to call upon protection from within the law.



This message was last edited by ads on 16/06/2011.

This message was last edited by ads on 16/06/2011.

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25 Jun 2011 9:20 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

I was in Spain last week and had interviews with some of the English language newspapers on the Costa Blanca.  This is the Press Release that was used as the basis for the interviews, Kind regards, Keith




As Phase One of the Spanish Government Property Road Show nears completion Keith Rule, coordinator of the Finca Parcs Action Group ( and organiser of the Bank Guarantees In Spain Petition ( which mainly consists of British victims of the Spanish Property Scandals, is challenging official figures recently quoted by Spanish Housing Minister, Sra. Beatriz Corredor.

On 4 May 2011 for over 6 hours Keith led a group of protestors outside the Spanish Embassy in London, while inside, to a group of specially invited corporate guests, Jose Blanco and Beatriz Corredor attempted to ‘Highlight the strengths of the Spanish Economy and the transparency and legal security of buying a property in Spain’.  The protestors were denied a meeting with Blanco or Corredor but were eventually granted a 45 minute discussion with two Government officials and an Embassy Representative during which they "asked questions, made notes and took paperwork" without guaranteeing they could resolve the problems.

However Keith feels it is clear from the attitude of the Government officials present at the meeting that they are in denial and are not prepared to accept the number of people affected by property scandals in Spain far exceeds their very conservative ‘official’ estimates.

In response to the protests Beatriz Corredor said "There are 850,000 Britons living in Spain and these problems apply to less than 1% of those".

So according to Corredor there are less than 8,500 Britons affected by all property issues in Spain including Land Grab, Ley de Costas, Illegal Properties, Demolition and Off-Plan Bank Guarantee Issues.

Keith is challenging those figures, he says “The many thousands, including myself, who paid their off-plan deposits in good faith and are now experiencing Bank Guarantee problems are totally unaccounted for and not included in any property register.  Therefore they cannot possibly be among Sra. Corredor’s figure of 850,000 Britons ‘Living in Spain’ as they were denied that opportunity due to the fact their properties were either not completed or in many cases not even started.  There are hundreds of half finished or abandoned developments all over Spain on which purchasers are at serious risk of losing their off-plan deposits due to Developers and Banks failing to issue or honour the legally required Bank Guarantees”.

He continues, “We know there are around 100 purchasers on the Finca Parcs development with Bank Guarantee issues and for example on the abandoned Grupo Trampolin developments in Murcia alone we hear figures of around 2000 buyers who paid deposits and now have Bank Guarantee issues.  As there is no official register of deposits paid by buyers of off-plan property it is difficult to gain an accurate figure of exactly the number of buyers at risk.  But one thing we know for sure is that they are all additional those 8,500 with problems as quoted by Sra. Corredor”.

According to Spanish Law, LEY 57/68, ‘The money paid in advance by buyers of off-plan purchases must be received though a Bank or Savings Bank and deposited in a Special Account separate from all other funds held by the developer’.  The second article of the Law states that ‘The Bank or Savings Bank that receives the off-plan deposit must, under its responsibility, demand the issuing of the corresponding Bank Guarantee’

However Keith says “Developers and banks failed to issue all the legally required Bank Guarantees and in many cases where they were issued the Banks are now refusing to honour them.  Much of the money paid in advance by purchasers is totally unaccounted for and in a ‘black hole’ as many Banks allowed developers to withdraw the off-plan deposits and use the funds for purposes other than the construction of the property which is contrary to LEY 57/68”.

Beatriz Corredor says Britons will only be refunded "if the courts order it".

In direct response Keith says “it is totally unacceptable for Sra. Corredor to force all those innocent victims of Bank Guarantee abuse into expensive legal action through the already congested Spanish Courts”.

His Finca Parcs Action Group has been forced into exactly this situation and had to instruct their litigation team at Costa Luz Lawyers to file a very expensive Lawsuit against Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM) and the developer Cleyton GES SL for their failure to issue the legally required Bank Guarantees on the abandoned Finca Parcs development.  The Lawsuit for the first 47 group members was submitted to the court earlier this year.  However, due to slow nature of the Spanish Legal system he estimates it may take 12-18 months for the group to receive a First Instance court decision.

Keith says “There are thousands of simple bank guarantee cases similar to ours where purchasers can prove their funds were paid to the Banks funding the developers, yet the Banks failed to protect the money in a Special Account and failed to issue the legally required Bank Guarantees.  There are also many other cases where purchasers did receive Bank Guarantees and the developer has ceased trading or failed to provide the property on time as per the purchase contract, yet the Bank still refuses to honour the Bank Guarantee.  Even these purchasers are then forced into expensive and lengthy legal action”.

He continues “Why is it necessary for these relatively simple Bank Guarantee cases to be subjected to the inadequate Spanish Legal System?  The Banco de España is the Supervisor of the Spanish Banking System - they stated in their 2008 Annual Report that some banks ‘had not acted with due diligence’ - yet the Banco de España does nothing to ensure these banks act in accordance with Spanish Law, LEY 57/68”.

In the UK relatively simple cases such as this would be dealt with by the Financial Ombudsman Service and only in the more complex cases would it be necessary for buyers to resort to the courts.

The Bank Guarantees In Spain Petition is calling on the Spanish Government to set up 'fast track courts' or an Ombudsman to deal with the thousands of outstanding Bank Guarantee cases.  It also calls for the Banco de España to be given powers, surprisingly lacking at present, to review cases and force the banks that it supervises to issue refunds.

Spanish President, Zapatero said on 6 July 2010 in the European Parliament:

"My country is based on the rule of law and it respects and ensures that laws are respected.  The courts are responsible for the application of law.  We stand shoulder to shoulder with those people who, maybe, have had the wool pulled over their eyes (deceived) in the Spanish Property Sector" – but Keith says, “What has he done to address the issues?”

Sra. Corredor - when previewing the current Property Road Shows said:  "Come here calmly and trust in the system that we have and the transparency we provide".

There are thousands of victims of corruption in the Spanish Property Sector for whom there was and still is no transparency.

The online Bank Guarantees In Spain Petition is gathering detailed evidence relating to corrupt Developers and negligent Estate Agents, Banks & Lawyers.  This evidence, together with the full text of the Petition will be presented to the Spanish Government and other official bodies in Spain and the UK later this year.  So if you are at risk of losing your Spanish Off-Plan Property deposit please go to and join the Petition.

Over 1200 innocent victims of the Spanish Housing Market many of whom have found absolutely no justice despite suffering years of expensive and stressful legal action through the inadequate Spanish Justice System have also recently signed Ruth Genda’s online ‘Stop The Spanish Property Road Show’ Petition which is designed as an open letter to UK MP, David Lidington, Minister for Europe.

The only way Spain can rebuild confidence in its battered Property Sector is if the Spanish Government takes notice of the Petitions and Protests and begins to address the serious injustices that have occurred over the past 10 years and puts measures in place to ensure Banks, Developers, Agents and Lawyers can never be allowed to have such a blatant disregard for Spanish Law ever again.


Additional Information

Bank Guarantees In Spain Petition

Stop The Spanish Property Road Show Petition

Finca Parcs Action Group

Notes to Editors:

The Las Higuericas Finca Parcs development is in Agramon, near Hellín.

Off-Plan deposits were first accepted in 2005 and 5 years later in 2009 it was abandoned by the developer, Cleyton GES SL with only 36 of the 617 houses completed.  However even those 36 properties do not have First Occupation Licences.

The Finca Parcs Action Group is made up of a total of 64 buyers who paid their off-plan deposits to the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo accounts of the developer Cleyton GES SL.  The developer and CAM failed to issue the legally required Bank Guarantees for the deposits.

A Lawsuit against CAM and Cleyton GES SL was submitted to the court in February 2011 for the first 47 group members.

A second Lawsuit is currently being prepared for the remaining group members.

Finca Parcs Action Group is legally represented by María Luisa de Castro, Director of Costa Luz Lawyers in Algeciras.


LEY 57/1968


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26 Jun 2011 1:09 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message


Spain’s Housing Minister Beatriz Corredor led a delegation to Stockholm last Tuesday on the final stop of the ‘Road Show’ to attract foreign investors to the Spanish Housing Market, which also visited Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt, Paris and Moscow.

The Road Show visited the six European countries whose citizens purchase the largest number of second homes in Spain, led by the UK, in an attempt to shift the country’s surplus housing stock, showcase the huge price reductions available and to promote the


LEY 57/1968


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26 Jun 2011 1:30 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message


The Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing opened in London, on May the 4th, the International Real Estate Road Show to inform about the situation, strengths and opportunities of the Spanish Housing Sector.

After visiting London, Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt, and Moscow, last stop was Stockholm, June the 14th.

This is an optimum moment to attempt this intiative, because potential foreign investment markets are recovering. Proof of this is that foreign vacational housing demand in Spain grew over 20% in 2010 with respect to 2009, revealing that price signals are already working.

Indeed, the average price decrease in coast provinces has been over 26% form the peak in 2008, reaching 40% disccounts in certain municipalities, such as Ciutadella de Menorca, Marbella or San Roque.

There has been several variables taken into account to select the Road Show destinations, such as: recent housing demand, investment in Spain, economic growth forecasts, and investment potential in secondary housing.

This Road Show has two stages:

  • Institutional Stage, in which the ministry of Public Works will inform with total transparency about the current situation of the Spanish Real estate sector: its adjustment in prices, stock and transactions, and legal reforms under way.
  • Comercial Stage, in which the Ministry will accompany a number of private firms that will show a quality product selection of spanish housing stock. This selection will accomplish strictly the most important legal, quality and service requirements.


LEY 57/1968


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26 Jun 2011 1:33 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Well done Keith and thanks for keeping us updated.

Forget not the indefinite delays that follow first instance decisions when the appeal process kicks in (common practice).


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26 Jun 2011 3:41 AM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi Keith,

Good job done, yet again, well done.

Even though I live in Tenerife I would be interested to know the date of Phase ll of the Road Show. I am considering coming along and giving you some support. There may also be others who might be willing to come as well. But in my case I would need some advance notice in order to get airline tickets and book accommodation. Surely this information is available but I've not seen it anywhere.



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26 Jun 2011 10:25 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Hi Rambi

I have been trying for a while to get details of the second phase of the Road Shows.  I am sure that as the second phase is a commercial venture aimed at the end consumer then they will have to do some advance advertising.  But so far they are keeping very tight lipped about their plans.

As soon as I hear anything I will post it here.  Maybe if anyone else gets the info first then they could also post it in this thread.  It would be good to keep everything to do with the Road Shows in this thread.

Great work on collecting the estimated figures from the various developments Rambi.

It will be difficult to get a truly accurate figure, but certainly it will provide a very good estimate of the huge amount of money stolen by developers and banks.

The big problem as I said in my recent Press Release is that off-plan purchasers who have not completed their purchases are not recorded in any register.  The Banks certainly do not have an accurate record, most of the developers and agents have gone bust or disappeared, Lawyers are distancing themselves from purchasers with serious problems, some buyers never used Lawyers and finally the Government do not have any register of those who paid off-plan deposits.

So it is true we are not included in any 'official' figures and our money has disappeared in a massive 'black hole of corruption'!

A small percentage of the deposit money will still be held/frozen in developers Bank Accounts pending Administration Proceedings etc, but the vast majority of the money will have been illegally released to the developers and spent on any number of things!

So if Judges begin interpreting LEY 57/68 correctly and banks are made liable under actions according to LEY 57/68 then where does the huge amount of money come from to issue refunds?  Many Savings Banks are close to insolvency - CAM etc.

Will there be political influence on the Judges to avoid ruling against Banks & Savings Banks?  This could ultimately be the biggest problem we all face.

Ultimately the huge 'debt' owed to off-plan purchasers, which is currently unaccounted for, will have to be underwritten by the Banco de España and/or the Spanish Government.  The statement below is included in the text of our BG's Petition:

"The Spanish Government and Banco de España must immediately set up a fund to underwrite the refunds on all Bank Guarantee cases where the Bank or Savings Bank has failed to comply with their obligations imposed on them by LEY 57/1968.  If for any reason the Bank or Savings Bank fail to comply with their obligations under LEY 57/68 or a court judgment to issue a refund to the purchaser then due to the negligence of the Banco de España and Spanish Government the purchaser must be refunded immediately from the fund".

So we had already considered the liquidity of the Banks when writing the Petition text last year.

Or maybe if the Spanish Government are successful in their compensation claim from the EU regarding the Cucumber E-Coli issue then the EU should freeze the compensation awarded to Spain and redirect it to a fund for Purchasers of Off-Plan Spanish Property who have had their money stolen..........Just a thought.............

Kind regards



LEY 57/1968


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26 Jun 2011 1:33 PM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi Keith,

I'm surprised the Road Show dates are not yet announced because as you say they are going to need some advance publicity

Obviously they are not advertising in Tenerife or I would imagine in mainland Spain. Hence my question.



Thanks for your encouragement regarding my quest to find the 'Missing Millions' of Euro's lost. I consider the fact there are no official figures as being one of our strengths.If anyone wants to argue with my figures, let them produce their own. I would be very keen to know what their sources are.

I agree that this thread should be kept free for the Road show so I'll say no more. But anyone interested in joining my quest should read the thread I started '185,000,000 € in off plan deposits lost on just five developments. Wan't to add youes?'

The figure is now fast approaching 200,000,000 

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30 Jun 2011 9:41 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Written by Jack Troughton , ROUND TOWN NEWS - NORTH & SOUTH EDITIONS - 1-7 JULY 2011  

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Empty promises

ANGRY EXPATS are attacking Spain’s attempts to kick-start its housing market by attracting overseas investment with the promise it is a safe place to invest.
They maintain Madrid is in denial over the number of innocent victims affected by problems in the property sector and are directly challenging figures quoted by Spanish Ministers.

And a petition is being raised calling for King Juan Carlos I, the Governor of the Bank of Spain, and Premiers Zapatero of Spain and Cameron of Great Britain, amongst others, to intervene and fast track complaints through the courts.

It is organised on behalf of thousands of people who began to purchase off plan homes and saw homes in the sun half-finished or never started as builders went bust in the recession.

Some were never given the legally required bank guarantees or those issued with the certificates found banks refused to honour them.
The first stage of the Spanish government’s promotion ended earlier this month after a presentation across Northern Europe to the institutional market – the road show will return to pitch to the commercial sector, although dates have yet to be set.

Ministers Jose Blanco and Beatriz Corredor attempted to highlight the strengths of the economy and promote the country for its “transparency and legal security of buying a property in Spain.”

In short the message was that now was the perfect time to snap up a bargain with prices at a record low after the boom years of construction.
And in response to protests from victims, Ms Corredor said there were around 850,000 Brits living in Spain and problems applied to less than 1% of them.
Keith Rule is the organiser of the ‘Bank Guarantees In Spain Petition’ and takes exception to the figures – he claims according to the Minister there were less than 8,500 Britons affected by the notorious problems of Land Grab; the Law of the Coasts; illegal properties; demolition orders and the abuse of bank guarantees.
“The many thousands, including myself, who paid their off-plan deposits in good faith and are now experiencing bank guarantee problems, are totally unaccounted for and not included in any property register,” he said.

“Therefore they cannot possibly be among Sra. Corredor’s figure of 850,000 Britons ‘living in Spain’ as they were denied that opportunity due to the fact their properties were either not completed or in many cases not even started.”

And he added: “There are hundreds of half-finished or abandoned developments all over Spain on which purchasers are at serious risk of losing their off-plan deposits dues to developers and banks failing to issue or honour the legally required guarantees.”
Keith heads the La Figuerinas Finca Parcs Action Group in Agramon near Hellin, where only 36 of a projected 617 homes were built. He said there were 100 purchasers there with bank guarantee issues.

He said in abandoned Murcia projects by one developer alone there were some 2,000 people who had paid deposits and had guarantee issues, and last week Keith was assessing the situation in Orihuela.

He alleges much of the money advanced by people seeking a home in the sun had vanished into “a black hole”  as banks had allowed developers to withdraw funds and put the money to use other than the construction of the properties.

And Keith said it was totally unacceptable for the Spanish government to force victims into expensive legal action.
He said the Bank of Spain supervised the banking sector and had done nothing despite finding some banks “had not acted with due diligence.”

He said Mr Zapatero told the European Parliament in July last year that Spain insured laws were upheld and respected, the politician adding the courts were responsible to apply the law and: “ We stand shoulder to shoulder with those people, who perhaps have had the wool pulled over their eyes in the Spanish Property market.”

But Keith said Mr Zapatero had failed to address the issues – while the petition would gather detailed evidence “relating to corrupt developers and negligent estate agents, banks and lawyers” and be presented to the authorities in Spain and the UK later this year.

The petition and more information can be found at and a petition calling for UK Minister for Europe David Lidington to halt the Spanish road show is at


LEY 57/1968


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01 Jul 2011 2:30 PM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 posts Send private message

Great piece of publicity Keith. well done. The more we shout the more we shall be heard. so,


Everyone in Europe should be signing this petition

But I guess on here we're preaching to the converted.



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13 Jul 2011 3:50 PM by johnmfranci5 Star rating. 107 posts Send private message

from 30 September to 2nd Ocotber.

Previous exhibitor list:

You will notice Aifos amongst the list !

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14 Jul 2011 11:23 AM by mega Star rating. 73 posts Send private message


        I dont known if you saw the itv Homes from Hell last night,would it not be an idea to contact them at home at itv  to see if our collective problems of off plan lost deposits of many thousands of us would be worth them producing one of their new programes,i know they are looking for information to highlight this type of systematic fraud and deception.The fact that the spainish government are unwilling or just not interested may add to their interest.The person to taik to is Laura Stevens she is assistant producer you can contact her on her email address shown on itv homes at itv. you never know. I  your  await comments.                                   

regards Mega

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14 Jul 2011 12:49 PM by johnmfranci5 Star rating. 107 posts Send private message

I just found this started by Laura Stevens.

is the right person to contact from ITV's homes from hell.

Perhaps Keith might be the right person to do this given his superb work on the Bank Guarantees issue ?

HAving said that thers no harm getting in touch with Laura and just double checking she is fully aware of the issues All her

material can easily be found on EOS !

I think it is high time a tv programme was made again about these issues.


I have PM'd keith to ask.





This message was last edited by johnmfranci5 on 14/07/2011.

This message was last edited by johnmfranci5 on 14/07/2011.

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14 Jul 2011 1:03 PM by mega Star rating. 73 posts Send private message

Hi again,

                 I know they are looking now,Laura is definatly the person to contact,good luck,    


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17 Jul 2011 6:02 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Since many posters have complained on EOS about AIFOS being allowed to exhibit at Place in the Sun exhibition, it might be of benefit if all those affected wrote a letter of complaint to The Place in the Sun Company (see address below), to register your complaints. The address is as follows:

A Place in the Sun - APITS Ltd

Address: 2nd Floor Rear West Office, 16 Winchester Walk, London, SE1 9AQ, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)203 207 2920

(AIPP Status: Associate Member)

AIPP (Association of International Property Professionals)  identify on their website that before contacting them with any complaint that you should first raise the complaint directly to the company in writing, and then if not satisfied with the outcome, to contact them (see address below).

I was wondering if the reason Place in the Sun might still be allowing AIFOS to attend might be because they have not received any complaints in writing! It begs many questions as to why AIPP (as overseers) do not have sufficient prior knowledge to request that A Place in the Sun exclude them from their exhibition anyway, but nevertheless it may be useful to follow the procedures so they have no excuse!

To repeat, write to Place in the Sun first, and then if no joy, write to AIPP.

AIPP’s Complaints procedures can be found here

AIPP’s contact details as follows:

Tel: +44 (0)20 3207 9095

Fax: +44 (0)20 3207 9182

Email: (industry) & (consumer)                                        


Head Office: St Clements House, 27-28 Clements Lane, London, EC4N 7AE, UK

UK Company Number: 5677417

VAT Registration Number: 109041744


Hope this helps a little.

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18 Jul 2011 11:52 AM by belucky358 Star rating in North Yorkshire. 197 posts Send private message

Hi Ads,

I have just put down the phone from speaking to a Mr. Mark Gardener and a Mr. Andy Bridge, on  0203 207 2920, ( A Place in the Sun ), and they each tell me that they do NOT have AIFOS  as one of their property sellers.  

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18 Jul 2011 12:32 PM by mike_congress Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

If Aifos are on the exhibitor list then let them come.  It is an opportunity to alert the press and get them to ask as many embarassing questions as possible.  I have already alerted the ITV and the 'Homes from Hell' team and they may be prepared to confront some of the offenders at the show.

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18 Jul 2011 1:06 PM by mike_congress Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

Mega - Re the 'Homes from Hell' suggestion - I spent many hours with a researcher and a director from the 'Homes from Hell team towards the end of last year.  They came with me to Brussels and filmed an interview between myself and Marta Andreasen MEP, at her office in European Parliament.  They also visited me in Spain and we spent a day and a half filming at Santa Maria Greenhills.  They interviewed my Lawyer and conducted further interviews with myself in a local restaurant.

The series is now being broadcast, but unfortunately it has been cut from 8 to 5 episodes and my case is one of those they are cutting out.  There will be a small coverage of a couple of other Spanish cases in the last episode but that is all.

Unless there is a follow up series, then it is too late to get coverage in the current one.

When the roadshow starts in September it would be good to contact all media and try to get as much coverage as possible.

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18 Jul 2011 2:38 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message


Thanks for the update. Did they explain why AIFOS were on their list of exhibitors in March then and were they actually excluded from exhibiting? Did they give you the impression that they regulate who is allowed to exhibit?


Well done for all your efforts and for the update, but so sorry to hear that your case was cut from the final program. I wonder what the criteria was for the final decision of which episodes warranted inclusion? Did they feedback on this at all? Did you learn anything new from Marta Andreasen in terms of what the EU is currently planning to ensure citizens are protected, given the problems encountered with the systemic failure of actual law enforcement in terms of recompense?


This message was last edited by ads on 18/07/2011.

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18 Jul 2011 3:15 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message


What television companies seem to want is a story with a dramatic human interest. The Bank Guarantee problems that people have encountered usually don’t provide them with that. They are more often than not ‘problems on paper’. And as such they can be easily cast aside or disregarded.
This is why those of us with a BG problem – either we weren’t given one, or we were and it hasn’t been honoured by the bank as required under the law, or we have had it rejected in the courts (as Mike and I have through the whole Spanish judicial system including the Constitutional Court – a 6 year process start to finish and expensive to boot) – need to make as much noise about it in other ways.  
I’m pretty sure that most EOS readers will now be aware of this petition and will have signed and added useful information. But, just in case … I am reminding you of it now.
You can also help by telling others buying in your off-plan development, who may not be EOS readers, about it. 
  • Do you know of other would-be purchasers? 
  • If not, can you find out who they are? 
  • Is your development on Justin’s list? 
  • Have you posted on there to ask? 
There are many ways to skin a cat so all ideas and suggestions welcome! Your support is crucial.



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