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My point exactly, if you walk past a human being dying of starvation your not even at a reasonable level of for the plant dying from something else? No it wasn't as it was my scenario so I knew exactly what the plant was dying of. I hate those DOH! Moments too
Absolutely shocking. I couldn't bring myself to eat horse meat. Poor animals. Why would you eat horse meat? That's what the soldiers ate during the war when they had no choice and were starving. They would take the dead horses from the battle field and use them for food. But given the choice, horse meat would certainly not be one of them, I don't care how tasty some people say it is, in a civilised world there a some things one shouldn't eat and horses are one of them.
_______________________ Living the life I've always dreamed of!!
If I was aware it was horse meat I definitely WOULD NOT eat it! These animals are far to beautiful to be killed for their meat.
Wonder how many who wouldn't eat horse meat have seen a baby lamb? At least the horse had had more than a few weeks of life.
As an ad-on to my previous post on horses. Few horses are actually breed for meat although some are, but most are poor things that shouldn't have been bred in the first place. These types are either not wanted, broken down and some have been very badly treated. It takes between 4-6 years before a horses is mature and therefore not worth farming. I know how much it takes to feed a horse. Lambs go for meat at about 6 months old, at that age they are almost mature, they don't look how you picture them when they are first born. I used to breed a few to keep my grazing down. Beef cows are about 12-18 months old. The main thing is how they are kept and then transported for slaughter. Horsres, sheep and cattle have small brains, they don't reason as we do, they react to situtions and do get scared. When they are loaded onto transporters as many horses are, they then travel for 100's of miles to the continent, with no food or water. So it doesn't take much to understand what kind of condition they would be in after that. Lambs and cows are usually slaughtered in the uk and since the last outbreak of foot and mouth, strict controls are in place, but these don't cover horses as defra doesn't consider horses to be agricultural. I repeat, value what you eat if you value yourself, it's your healthe after all. Better food and smaller amounts, most of us are overweight away, so would improve our healthe by eating less.
Looks like everyone is eating horse meat nowadays, whether you like it or not!
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
It has certainly been an eye opener on the whole food industry especially the processed meats and ready meals. Don't eat much red meat anyway and even less of these but wont be buying any ever again.
i would happily show down on a horse.
that dosent bother me.
its the fact that i have always questioned budget food and in my own way, gone on and on about you never know whats in it.
and once again i have been proven right
you never do
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
It's not just meat it happening everywhere. Not so long ago a business was taken down selling phoney extra virgin olive oil, this wasn't your average scam though. They had scoured Europe buying up out-of-date mayonaise. They then extracted the oil from it, deodorised it to leave it neutral and added a dash of real olive oil for colour and a bit of smell.
So Mungry you are absolutley right, sometimes you never know what you are getting!
honey from china badged as honey from a `country that sells expensive honey` can be added to the list.
whenever i go into aldi for my conos (awesome corn based snacks)
and i run up and down the isles going `dondie estas le coño`s`
i always pick up the wooden stuff and elecrical equipement in the middle isle.
i can tell its garbage because i can see the quality of wood and the quality and the quality of the electrical stuff.
but i just cant tell the quality of meats
we eat some crap.
problem is the chemicals in it so those bargain meat dishes could cost a fortune in the long run
i swear by my `i cant afford to buy cheap` mentality
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
Strange that people strap a tightly bound saddle on a horse, shove a bar of metal in it's mouth, race it around a field tugging on this bar of metal to make it go left/right/stop, connect a 3 ton loaded cart to it, blinker it, stab in it's sides with spurs, whack it with a whip, bang metal nails and shoes into and on it's feet, force it to jump high obstacles with a 20 stone lump of lard on it's back...then tell all....what! eat... " My pet "... never..... none of this is a natural thing for a horse, or to be ridden...well not from the horse's point of view anyway.
The "Mane" argument here is the fact that horse's are injected with drugs that disagrees with us humans, and we got conned into eating dobbin instead of beef, and of course it wasn't on the label.
We here in England ate horse and whale meat during the Second World War, and for many years after, we can now buy to eat everything from Kangaroo to Crocodiles in some of these flashy restaurants...and family in pyjama's. Tinned rattlesnake is common in Canada, and also kept as pets in some weird places.
Would i eat it?......If Frankie Dettori got of one for long enough, and it was dished up, and i was told it was on the menu and i wanted's meat on legs.
It all tastes like chicken to me........
no problem at all eating horse but my eyes were opened with camels in Morocco. Some are specially bred for eats....they look sleek and delicious.........but the ones bred for draft animals don't look at all appetising.
so good quality eating horse....yes
donkey like nags might be a bit stringy
On the TV last week a item showed a team of footballer who were offered Beef Burgers and Horse Burgers at the end of the match. What was most popular.... the Horse burgers of course.
Must by terrible for the millions of Horsey People to see whats going on and to know that it could be the well loved pet ending up in a Findus Pie.
Its down to animals being badly treated for massive profit by gangsters and I guess at least its been exposed now.
Fomer member revisiting r.
Another popular dish in Spain and Greece is goat, which a lot of english people feel is also repulsive, but again is only meat.
If you are a meat eater, what is the problem? Even farmers say dont get attached to any of your animal stock, as one day it will have to be killed...................
cabra is good eats to.......I'd marinade it first mind you...even the chops..a bit like lamb but with a gamier taste
It,s not the horse in yoiur burger you have to worry about, it's what went into that horse thats in your burger.
This has been going on for years and years. How can people think that a value sasuage that costs them 12 cents has good meat in it. The industry definition of meat is not what people think of as being meat. My father in law was a commercial butcher and he has said that this has been going on for over 25 years that he knows of. Don't eat processed food, go to a butcher, most of them in Spain have a "origin" lable on their meat showing where ot came from, then prepare and cook your own food. it's far healthier and in the long run much cheaper.
Air Conditioning, Energy Assessor+Technical Services,
Any meat in the EU has a point of origin label that gives the country of origin, its a number in an oval shape, it also has some numbers on it to identify the supplier, also within the oval. This is not peculiar to Spain its an EU regulation. The thing is if you have suppliers trying to hide something, the labelling means nothing, as it doesnt relate to what has been supplied, and is deception.Personally i think the retailer should take random checks on meat supplied to see the ingredients are what has been declared on the label, and should be held responsible for mis labelling if they dont carry out such verifiable checks due to their negligence, after all its what the customer pays for.
Apart from that i dont mind the taste of horse, but i would be happier if i was eating what i asked for!
A few months ago it was reported that the manure they spread on fields had traces of the mad cow disease in it, and the root crops were showing signs of getting this via the water washing it into them.