Well, here I go advertising my age again!!
During the second world war, as a child, I was very grateful for horsemeat steaks, sheeps brains, sweetbreads, stuffed hearts, etc., etc.
Some years later, in the Philippines, I unwittingly ate dog. Smelled and tasted like lamb. Could not speak Tagalo! Also a duck egg, again unwittingly eaten, although I did notice, it was at the point of birth. Considered a great delicacy there!
I think we are indoctrinated by seeing meat products attractively packaged with clingfilm, not realising, or maybe not wanting to realise what went into to its production?
Because we all have similar looking appendages, etc., does not mean we all enjoy similar customs. What may seem ghastly to some people, may be perfectly acceptable to others.
One thing does concern me, regarding horsemeat, is that allegedly, the animals are injected with something that allegedly could have an effect on health?