The Comments |
Said today that Cypriot president Nikos Anastasiades "Warned" friends about the banking crisis....before it happened, some £4billion is supposed to have left the banks the week before they started to shut down.
So if any other country does intend to do the same.....their you go.
jwhite- re the bank guarantee- because the money being taken from accounts was cleverly called a levy, they could get away with it!
I wouldn't blame anyone who disposes of their assests in any way to keep the thieving governments/bankers hands off it, the wealthy have been using tax efficient means to reduce their exposure for years now it's time everyone did it. Do I think tax avoidance is immoral? Well once upon a time I would have said yes but not any more, the way taxpayers money is wasted by incomeptent and corrupt governements and organizations is an outrage and totally immoral (and in my opinion criminal) so anyone who says 'but it's the law' what does it take for you to stand up and be counted and say enough is enough?,
This message was last edited by Poppyseed on 23/03/2013.
I wouldn't blame anyone who disposes of their assests in any way to keep the thieving governments/bankers hands off it, the wealthy have been using tax efficient means to reduce their exposure for years now it's time everyone did it. Do I think tax avoidance is immoral? Well once upon a time I would have said yes but not any more, the way taxpayers money is wasted by incomeptent and corrupt governements and organizations is an outrage and totally immoral (and in my opinion criminal) so anyone who says 'but it's the law' what does it take for you to stand up and be counted and say enough is enough?,
Well done.
And if anyone would like to disagree with you then try and watch the edition of Breakfast TV ( ITV 7am) on the day the Chancellor was on, think it was on last wednesday morning, day after the budget, then see how they feel about giving hard earned money and taxes to the fat slob who was on this show. Not only is the government stealing from us.
hi foxilady - However, with all the issues around German gold at the moment it may not be as safe an investment as it has been traditionally
as long as you weren't going to let the ny fed "look after it" for you, what bearing do german gold issues have on gold being a safe investment?
Baz -
I saw that and felt physically sick, it sums up the "I am entitled" attitude of so many in the UK. They got used to thinking it was their wages rather than taxpayer's money and when she was asked how she felt about taxpayers who would be angry about her using the money on booze and ciggies, she said "so what !", "it's up to them", as if we all had the same opportunity of sitting on our bums and live off the state. If we did where would the money have come from I would like to know. Anyway she is just one who has been allowed to get away with sucking the taxpayers dry and the politicians are more interested in how much foreign aid they can give away and their image on the world stage, than worrying about what affects people and what they need and want, otherwise we would not be in this mess now. Another example is that parasite who wants her £2.5m social house (you have to laugh otherwise you would cry) back in Belgravia at £2000 per week. Having 4 kids, being still single but still managing to get pregnant with the 5th to all intent and purposes (according to her reporting to the state) with no partner (another immaculate conception), the partner also conveniently having a string of shops but she is dependant on the state and needs the benefits so she says ! If you believe that you will believe anything. Our government are a load of incompetents.
Anyway as Poppy said once upon a time I would have said no to tax avoidance, now after seeing how many parasites get kept in this country and how both our little private pensions are taxed and continue to be taxed more every time we have a 2% rise in state pensions plus seeing what the politicians get away with, I am all for tax avoidance if at all possible.
My parents were the most honest people alive and brought me up to be the same and I feel ashamed to say it, BUT if I have the opportunity to spend all my money and throw myself on the state in old age I will do so without any guilty conscience. There is no way they are going to get £72,000 out of me for state care when they continue to fund millions of parasites in this country out of our hard earned taxes.
The other worse bit was the fact that the chancellor was on the same show and maybe in the same studio and had to have watched it,.........So far nothing reported.....Nothing said in the media....Must have been a relation of his then.
Like you i was brought up by honest parents and have worked hard to get to where i am today, but i have to wonder why, because am more penalised now then ever with rules, regulations, taxes and lousy layabout Brits thinking "It's alright for you". I meet her sort everyday.....How many times in a day can you be sick?
Baz -
I know what you mean, then again politicians are completely blinkered when it comes to the general public, where they live and how they live. I live close to Birmingham and worked in the Public Sector for about 7 yrs and what I saw of fraud on benefits I could write a book about, especially during the Labour years when people were positively encouraged to go on the state to ensure their future votes. Now the government, although cutting benefits now, refuse to limit things like child benefit to 2 kids, in case they don't get the Labour voters to vote for them, which is a waste of time because even now, life long Labour voters are all panting at the bit for Labour to get back in, thinking that they will get their benefits back ! That would be a laugh, considering the coffers are dry but most Labour voters are too naive to think about where the money comes from to pay their benefits and think the tooth fairy provides it all 
Anyone trying to hang onto savings for old age would be advised to spend, spend, spend just like Labour do, they provide a great example ! It might wipe the smile off their faces also when the money runs out to fund their socialist dream of "spending until other people's money runs out" ! 
I don't blame people per se. People will just do what they can get away with and that particularly includes politicians. Labour voters are the opposite of turkeys voting for christmas. They will vote for whoever gives them the easiest life and the most benefits. Liberal lefties have taken away our rights and don't allow us morals. The Greek people are a great people but we dished them loads of dosh when they joined the EU and nobody cared what they did with it. We're back to the turkeys again. It's easy to give people regular money , but it's nigh on impossible to take it off them. I don't know what the cure is but it's going to painful. And there is no one on the horizon that can sort it out.
Since reading this thread today I have researched a little and am reminded of some very popular authors writing on this subject.
Who really rules the world, is the general theme of things.......
Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval - The Master Game.
Michael Tellinger - Wake up Humanity (and several more from him)
David Wilcock - Divine Cosmos and this....
So it is nothing new that those in power have been squeezing the pips out of us for generations.
I guess most of us are just lucky to have achieved what we have, without being ripped off by the men in power.
But now the message is being put about and things will surely have to toughen up and the fan will become clogged.
This message was last edited by leoleon on 23/03/2013.
I dont agree with the idea that people will necessarily get away with what they can, take what they can get or scrounge and cheat as a way of life.
There are many of us who by basic rule of life, work to provide, take pride in achievement and pay for what they have.
This may be basic upbringing or it may be that todays spunger is just that because they have never found pride or personal achievement in anything.
We need to look into ourselves and ask, have we and do we actually encourage this situation by our own disinterest.
We could start to say NO...............
This thread like many seems to have lost its way!
The subject matter is the what's happening in Cyprus and the 'potential' for it to be taken up by other Euro countries.
What the hell UK benefits have to do with this important matter beats me - then I'm a Canadian on extended holiday in Spain.
Threads like conversations can digress a little (or sometimes a lot) and unless you want to rigorously police them to ensure they only keep to the original subject this is what will/can happen, and like conversations they usually return to the original topic.
I always remember a young guest speaker (at my Oxford Public school) in the 1970's: buy the best lawyer and accountant you can afford. He was asked how do I know if I am getting value for money? His reply: when the shit hits the fan, if you come out smelling of roses you know your money was well spent! If you go to jail you know you did not buy the best! This guy is now running the country but I did take his advise on board.
Shiny happy people - where?
Rossetti -
The reason that the subject appears to you to have been hijacked is because at the end of the day what is happening in Cyprus, as in Greece and every other country where bailouts have and will be needed comes down to the same thing - people wanting more out of their country than they are willing to put into it and I am sorry to say that Spain has followed along on the same guidelines. Public servants and the rest of the working population deciding it is too hot to work after 2pm or whatever (I am not saying it isn't too hot, just that the idea that you can work half a day and be paid for a whole day and give a public service is a joke) after all people function for most of the day and problems crop up at all times, and this is the reason now the piper is calling for his money.
In the UK people are working more and more hours now (they have always worked at least 37 hrs and many have done overtime for no pay), just to struggle to pay their bills, so actually if we hadn't had Labour for much of the last 20 years I am still of the opinion that we would be in a much better financial position, especially if Labour hadn't driven home the idea that millions could be kept on the state free of charge even when they should have been working, notwithstanding political decisions to allow our manufacturing companies to be taken out of national ownership which in itself has killed thousands of jobs stone dead.
The EU project was doomed to failure as it tries to shoe-horn countries with very differing cultures and working conditions/rules/financial regulations, what ever you like to call it, into one single size. People kick off big time when their previous cosy livelihood and style of living is compromised and they are asked to put more into the pot than they are getting out - Greece taking more than they have put in but still refuse to change their way of life, likewise Cyprus, Germany putting far more in than they are getting out which can be mirrored by many other countries in the EU who have a very different working culture but which obviously eventually people start to kick off against.
Answer - there is none, unless all countries are allowed to leave and let the dominoes fall where they may and let countries go back to their own currencies, sink or swim let them be allowed to do what comes naturally but in future not expect the rest of the world to bail them out of their problems. We all have a sense of entitlement but some of us are willing to work for it, some aren't and therein lies the problem. Until we all learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch, all countries will have to deal with the consequences of their financial regulations or lack of it.
Well said I couldn't agree more! Nothing more to be said, now close the thread.
Shiny happy people - where?
Spot on - 100% correct.
_______________________ If lucky, there is another day.
Thank You for putting like that JW Spot on. What can be said after that. I think Nothing. Thanks again JW.
I lived in Cyprus for 5 years during the Mils currency years. They were far better off than they are today.
We all can only look forward.
I have been a non resident owner in Spain for the last 12 years. I am lovin it.
I Pay my way in UK and in Spain
Viva Espania
_______________________ JB
Dear All,
a little off topic I suppose but with a father working as a steam engine driver on shift work we had our own home.
he worked all hours as we children were expected to, he maintained two allotments, one of which he claimed was necessary just to keep me in potatoes, I was lean and hungry then.
the allotments were some distance away from home all downhill except for the last half mile so he was able to lope up the last part with his empty barrow, returning was a different story.
his barrow was a substantial construction, he had friends in the railway wagon shop so off-cut planks were no problem.
however half way up the final hill with full barrow there was a convenient pub, the "top harp", so a rest could be taken and even a break.
the children were expected to meet him there not for refreshment, though sometimes if overtime had been generous we might get lemonade and a bag of crisps, we the had to assist with pushing the barrow up the hill one on each side.
I now see the taxis down at the supermarket collecting the benefit claimants with their shopping including washed and bagged potatoes and wonder what has happened to the world.
Muttering, as the elderly are prone to do, to my nephew the other day.
I suggested he should have not one but three jobs, as I and the wife had for all our working lives. I insisted that it was essential if he wished to get on, he needed a day job, an evening job and a weekend job.
He just smiled.
_______________________ N. Sands