The coming worldwide credit crunch

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08 Sep 2007 8:02 PM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Oh I understand this game now.  It's ok to hurl insults at others as long as they have logged in under a different guise!! Clever.



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08 Sep 2007 10:37 AM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

I have just read the whole thread through and was interested to see that the main contributer regarding the  coming world wide credit crunch has also posted 'doggie' pictures and made comments........'Thanks AuntieEm, glitter made my day' and 'Morerodado, brilliant, absolutely brilliant' and 'Thanks Morerosado, loved the picture'.

There is also a comprehensive discussion about ice cream on this important and serious site, again from a major contributer.

Back in August Smiley and Georgia said ' there is no need for personal attacks' and 'valuable contributers have been lost because of personal remarks of a negative nature'.

I am not disputing the importance of your thread,and have in fact, apologised three times for the seven posts which I contributed that obviously upset you and your post.

It seems that Freedom of speech applies only to a few and a sense of humour applies to even less.

Edited post only to correct spelling.....not content.

This message was last edited by Karensun on 9/8/2007.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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08 Sep 2007 10:34 AM by johnone Star rating in La Reserva de Marbel.... 233 posts Send private message

johnone´s avatar

Thanks everyone for your support on this,



Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.

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08 Sep 2007 12:47 AM by leema Star rating in Washington Tyne & We.... 655 posts Send private message

Don't you dare, we would be getting like the rest.


Maureen & Dennis

Coto Real

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08 Sep 2007 12:45 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

I'd just love to post a picture here showing a half full glass (or half empty depending on your point of view) surrounded by sparkly, glittering writing with a cute little pussy cat jumping out of the glass, but I daren't. 


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08 Sep 2007 12:24 AM by leema Star rating in Washington Tyne & We.... 655 posts Send private message

Good luck, looks like you may need it.

Look on the bright side, your glass is half full.


Maureen & Dennis

Coto Real

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08 Sep 2007 12:14 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Right, so back to the thread (and the first doggy picture or sparkly comment that comes up will be given short thrift), excellent article in todays Daily Telegraph explaining why the crunch has happened in the US and why we should be wary in the UK.  Apparently it was all to do with selling on bad loans by US banks to European banks (seems Banco Popular de Espana was particularly badly hit) under the guise of good business.  US had 1% interest rates on 110% mortgages (can you believe that?) and, when they put the rates up to 5.35% (in stages) that's what made so many default on the loans that had already been sold to European banks.  Two German banks had to be bailed out by the government to the tune of 8 billion and 17 billion euros respectively.

Interestingly, the article also talks about Spain's unemployment being increased by 60,000 since July, mainly in the property and construction market. 

Knowing my luck, the market will crash in about April next year when I will be selling my UK house in order to move over to Spain.  And, of course, prices in Spain will double, the pound will crash against the euro so the money I make on my house will be worth diddly squat.  Usually happens that way with me.  Every time I transfer money to Spain, the pound is worth about 1 euro 20 but when I do it the other way it's worth about 1.90.  Ah, me, take out a mortgage at 3% and the Bank of England sticks it up to 5.75% in the next 6 months.  They must see me coming.

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07 Sep 2007 11:50 PM by leema Star rating in Washington Tyne & We.... 655 posts Send private message

Thanks guys, just glad it wasn't  just me thinking this, looking forward to getting back on track.


Maureen & Dennis

Coto Real

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07 Sep 2007 11:09 PM by alanwspencer Star rating in Hertfordshire/Duques.... 340 posts Send private message

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Leema, Bobaol I'm with you. Nothing against the jokes and 'tinsel town' posts but there is a place for them. I was really interested in this thread initially, then I lost interest and took a look occasionally in the hopes that  it picked up again. So nothing personal, don't intend to upset anyone but let's get back on track.

To Dare Is To Do

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07 Sep 2007 10:32 PM by leema Star rating in Washington Tyne & We.... 655 posts Send private message

Thanks for backing us up, just felt it was getting very boring with all these bucket type people showing off, and was logging off when I saw the same ones again, sorry but glad morsado is on holiday and giving us a rest, now getting back to the real reason why we use this site and getting back on track.

Sorry again if I have offended anyone,  I used to love this site, but was getting really annoyed at all this rubbish.

Really hope I haven't upset anyone, but please stick to the title on the message board.

This message was last edited by leema on 9/8/2007.

This message was last edited by leema on 9/8/2007.


Maureen & Dennis

Coto Real

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07 Sep 2007 10:16 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Well said Johnone and Leema.  I'm afraid I look now and then go off somewhere else.  You'd think the "BUCKET" would keep them happy but it is very boring trying to get through the stupid pictures and "well, hi luvvy, aren't we great" type of chat when you're trying to find something.  The see last 20 posts is a bit of a joke when it's full of inane pictures of cats and look how sparkly I can make my words come out type of posts.

Now, of course, the site Mafia will come and say how everyone really enjoys it but I feel they are getting in the way of the raison d'etre of this site.  I'm sure a lot of people are being put off and not providing (or asking for) information that used to be the reason this site was so useful and informative.

Back to my little hidey hole now and may see you sometime.

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07 Sep 2007 8:04 PM by leema Star rating in Washington Tyne & We.... 655 posts Send private message

It really is off putting when you see the same one's on time after time , the threads just go off the boil and get  boring.

Sorry but that is how I feel and obviously others.


Maureen & Dennis

Coto Real

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07 Sep 2007 7:30 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar
I have already apologised for posting anything frivolous on your very important post and I resent being called selfish.

This message was last edited by Karensun on 9/7/2007.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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07 Sep 2007 7:24 PM by johnone Star rating in La Reserva de Marbel.... 233 posts Send private message

johnone´s avatar

I see the selfish thread pinchers have turned yet another important thread into a pointless joke page, as if they haven't started enough of their own, give us a break


Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.

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06 Sep 2007 4:26 PM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message

Hi AuntieEm

Have not forgotten you - will get back - v busy at the mo.



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05 Sep 2007 1:44 PM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

Goodness TJ... I almost wish i hadnt asked!  Im not good with sad stories ... so lets concentrate on the happy parts ... Trixie and Patch look lovely!

So ... back to my investments .... any ideas? 


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05 Sep 2007 11:38 AM by tyrills Star rating in bootle,merseyside/po.... 73 posts Send private message

tyrills´s avatar
they eat dogs in china

 jeff          &n...

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05 Sep 2007 11:11 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Sad stories about dogs have overrided the sad story about my leaks  AND QUITE RIGHT TOO.  What was this thread about ??

If anyone is interested  plumber turned water off from newly tarmacced path as stopcock in garage has seized (remember ???) put us a new ballcock in so that overflow sorted, whew but after he'd gone we saw water coming from water inlet pipe which he obviously fractured. So we currently have a container under that. Hubby got wrench on it & tightened it a fraction till it seems to have stopped but plumber is coming back tonight to replace a fibre washer. Just hope he doesn't mention the quote he gave us last night in a sealed envelope. We know now why it was sealed. Over double what other plumber quoted & we thought his was a lot.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 9/5/2007.


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05 Sep 2007 10:47 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

"Message board" size now. Better isn't it ?

I made this one cos those pups WERE much loved by TJ.


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05 Sep 2007 10:34 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Oh TJ, I'm wiping away the tears, what a story. Think we should have a Pets thread. Those of us who truly love animals seem to do literally anything to protect animals. The photo is really great as are you for doing so much for these little pups. You need a lesson in resizing pics though as screen now is so wide we all need to keep moving it to each side to read it.

Read my post  "Resizing pics"

04 Aug 2007 11:47 PM (Page 18 at the moment) Bucket club. Pop in & share your piccies with others.Anyone welcome to learn. JOIN US


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