The coming worldwide credit crunch

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05 Sep 2007 10:15 AM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message

Auntie Em


Yes never told the full story. Trixie was only one of four, three girls and one boy. The other dog you can see is Patch the only boy. We had no choice but to take them all on really, as they all needed looking after and feeding. When they were around 12 weeks old we managed to rehome Patch to a family we got to know down the road, he did very well as they ran a resturant and he used to get steak and chips. The three girls proved to be more of a problem and try as we might we couldn't find homes for them, not even Thai ones. To complicate matters I knew it was only a matter of time before they all fell pregnant, so I had to take them to the only vet a rescue charity on the island. Unfortunatley because the island is so small, they only had a visting vet come every now and then, so I had to take them all by ferry over to the neighbouring island Samui.

When they came back from the vet, within a few weeks they all fell sick and started dying on me! I took them back to the rescue centre, where fortunately there was a visiting vet and she told me they all had distemper. They must have caught it whilst being locked up in the dirty kennels. Anyway the vet told me they could not stay with her as the disease was too catching and she had no facilities. So once again I was sent home with the dogs with drips and antibiotics and a selection of syringes.

It turns out there is not much you can do for a dog with distemper, she said around 50% die anyway, but to give them best chance I had to keep them all on drips for rehydration and try to get fluids and food down them with the syringes.

You can picture the scene. My wife was pregnant at the time and didn't want to know, so I was left with the three dogs, none of which would eat. All they wanted to do was lie under the house and stay out of the way. The vet told me if I left them under the house in the heat, they would all be dead in a few days.

So I had to wiss up eggs and milk in the mixer and then try and get it down them one by one useing a small syringe. This went on for about a week and then finanly they started to recover and get their strength back. It was all made worse by the fact that we had planned to return to the UK to introduce the new baby, so I had to get them well before we went home.

When we got back to Thailand after our trip home, we discovered that one of the girls had died from the distemper, she must have fallen ill again and another (little blackbear) had been run over by a car. So only Trixie was left. That was around this time last year.

PPS - Thanks Morerosado



This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/5/2007.


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04 Sep 2007 6:14 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Yeah - I reckon its an age thing these hot flushes - although they do seem to be caused by ................................!? Not telling!!!

I can invest wisely for you AuntieEm - trust me, Im an agent!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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04 Sep 2007 5:23 PM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

TJ - what i want to know is why there is another doggie locked outside????

Rixxy - you know you can get something in the health food shop for those hot flushes and emotional outbursts ... cant remember what they call it .... personally i keep a paper fan bought at the market (2 for 1 Euro) for just such occasions

Morerosado ... you know i don't encourage Ken in THAT way .... he's a funny age and the excitement might kill him!

Now when are we going to get back to "what should i invest my millions in?" ... its getting mouldy here under the floorboards


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04 Sep 2007 3:27 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

OHHHH this is all tooooooooooooooooooo much - ice-cream, penetrating oil and (stop) cocks being wrenched! Not to mention spanky monkey wrenches!!!

You lot are soooo rude!

ps TJ - love the fluffy dog slippers - are they made in Thailand ?

btw - got no internet at the office so Ive missed all this! Hey ho back to work!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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04 Sep 2007 1:44 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Thanks for sharing Trixie with us, TJ.

BTW I PMd TJ & he said the thread drift was ok with him. He told me he didn't know how to post a photo of Trixie on a post so I showed him how.

TJ, I know all about penetrating oil  but muchos gracias. Plumber coming tonight to put us a new cock (ball) on. God, Em, I hope Ken was ok ..did you have to give him kiss of life or did you get away with just tea with lots of sugar in

This message was last edited by morerosado on 9/4/2007.


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04 Sep 2007 1:13 PM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message

This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/4/2007.

This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/4/2007.

This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/4/2007.

This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/4/2007.


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04 Sep 2007 1:08 PM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message

Ha ha ha haha hah ahhah ner ner

This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/4/2007.


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04 Sep 2007 1:02 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
 TJ try again


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04 Sep 2007 12:58 PM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message


This message was last edited by TJ222 on 9/4/2007.


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04 Sep 2007 10:08 AM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

 Morerosado, don't let your halo slip !!

Apologies too for interupting serious thread.

This message was last edited by Karensun on 9/4/2007.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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04 Sep 2007 10:03 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Sorry TJ, I tried to get certain members ages ago not to deviate from the more serious topics & they rebelled at my efforts so now I join in. I won't abuse your thread again.


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04 Sep 2007 8:51 AM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message

Hi Justin


Very envious about your track day. I did one a while back in the uk and it was a dissaponitment. The circuit and cars were great, Porsche 911 and Ferrari 340, Elise and Imprezza WRX. Ruined by having no ride without the instructor, he kept telling me to slow down and wrecked it. Perhaps it was because I never got the Ferrari out of 3rd gear

When I'm around would be well up for a day - sounds much more like it!!!!



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04 Sep 2007 8:33 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
Serious threads don't seem to remain serious for very long here! 

Good luck with your packing TJ.



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04 Sep 2007 6:21 AM by TJ222 Star rating. 317 posts Send private message

Hola Guys

I turn my back for one minute and look what happens to the thread. it goes from serious important subjects like credit crunches et al and suddenly descends into the murky regions of plumbing and what people do with Ice cream at the w/e.

Sorry Auntie Em, but I was just making the important point that you have to be careful where you put your stick here in thailand.

Smiley - you are right about Chunky Monkey, all I know is that the other half gets it and it usually costs what the cinema ticket does and comes in a pot the size of a very small person's thimble.

Rixxy - glad you had a good w/e - sounds wonderful - hope I shall be doing the same next year. I love nothing more that lying in the sun, you can't do it here its do damn hot!

Morerosado - good luck wit the plumbing, if i was close by I would come around and fix it myself, can't bear paying plumbers - however did they get to be so well paid! A tip for future -- if you go to a hardware store you can buy this stuff called penetrating oil, you put a small bit around the joints of the tap, valve etc and let soak in. Then take a monkey wrench and cover the tap etc in a cloth and use the wrench to gently untighten. Usually works...

Now back to packing and trying to squeeze the contents of one house into two small suitcases





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03 Sep 2007 7:29 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

I'm wetting myself here with you lot.  

Good news anyway re water. Plumber turned up tonight 7pm instead of tomorrow 5pm, must've heard us cry out for help. He's looked at various things, seen probs we have, looked at access to stop cock in path at end of drive, under rubble at the mo.  Will come tomorrow with quote for bathroom refit & will put us a stop cock for toliet under end of bath so we can turn water off when we go to Spain Friday. There IS A God.


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03 Sep 2007 6:59 PM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

Oh dear Rixxy ... it appears to be having the opposite effect ... more flake like i imagine!  Maybe its the brand you chose .... tooooooo suggestive for us old dears


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03 Sep 2007 6:54 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar
AuntiEm - The ice-cream is to STOP any heat!!!........................


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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03 Sep 2007 6:47 PM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

"It just goes to show turn your cocks regularly or they'll seize up."

Morerosado!!! I have just had to pick my poor husband up off the floor after reading that one! You know he has a bad heart and should not have any nasty shocks!  TJ ... i hold you personally responsible with your talk of brothels and viruses ... you are leading Morerosado astray!  And Rixxy ... your ice-cream talk is getting her all hot under the collar ... I have only one thing to say to you all ....


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03 Sep 2007 6:28 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Just wish I could understand what he was singing - lost me after the first few bars - heard jack Horner sitting in the corner mentioned but other than that .......................................... think he should be crocodile bait - in any even t are we worried that marmalade is going to get shorted on the world markets and be involved in the worldwide credit crunch - hmm only if its Old English Cut I guess.


Smiley -

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03 Sep 2007 6:21 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
For Smiley.........  


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